Explore boasts more than 30 Default Reports, which you access from the landing page. You can download, send, and even schedule the periodic delivery of each report, allowing you to efficiently manage the time you focus on analyzing data.

When you access a report’s main page, the past 1 day or up to 500 lines of data are presented to you, except in the Activity Report, which shows data for the past 7 days.
You can increase or decrease this range by applying the appropriate filters when you send or schedule a report.

This article will give you a brief overview of each report and list the filters you can apply in each one. If you require more detailed information on filtering reports or the data in each report, please refer to the article Filtering Dashboards and Reports and our Data Dictionary, respectively.
We’ve grouped the reports into ten categories.
Call Activity
Agents and Ring Groups
Phone Numbers
Account Breakdown
Performance Management
Quality Management
Audit Logs
Custom Fields
Call Activity
Activity Report
Includes a summary of the activity for the last 7 days and compares the most relevant call metrics for inbound calls (calls answered, calls missed, calls abandoned, abandon rate, average waiting time, time to abandon, waiting time, holding time, and inbound duration, longest waiting time, total duration and longest), outbound calls and service level.
These are the available filters in the Activity Report:
- Call Ring Group.
- Phone Number.
- Dedicated Line.
- Timezone.
Calls Report
Includes all calls that have been made/received during a period of time, as well as detailed information about each one: time, duration, type, agent, call disposition and nested disposition, description, recording, waiting times, etc.
These are the available filters in the Calls Report:
- Agent.
- Call Ring Group.
- Date.
- Phone Number.
- Dedicated Line.
- Timezone.
- Call Disposition.
- Calls Interaction ID.
For more information regarding the Calls Report, please refer to our Data Dictionary.
Contacts Report
In this report, you can find all the granular information that the New Data Model has to offer without the need of customizing a new contacts’ report.

This report contains all dimensions available for this new model, and the filtering in the pre-visualization will fuel a quick consultation without the need of exporting the data.
You have these filters available:
- Contacts Ring Group
- Finish Timestamp
- Start Timestamp
- Timezone
- Contact ID
- Contact Type
- Inside Business Hours (Yes/No)
- Interaction ID
- Team Name
- User Name
For more detailed information on this report, please consult here.
Ring Attempts
The second new default report is Ring Attempts, which provides a detailed analysis of agents' performance by tracking contacts that agents answered, rejected, or ignored. This report offers a granular, ring attempt by ring attempt breakdown of agent interactions, revealing which agents were reached and the outcome of each ring attempt.

An important feature of this report is that it will show all ring attempts for using the Exhaust assignment strategy and Multiple devices. This means the report captures the complete sequence of call routing attempts across different device configurations, providing a holistic view of contact distribution and agent accessibility.
The report supports comprehensive filtering to help contact center administrators and managers drill down into specific interaction data:
- Date
- Timezone
- Attempt Type
- Contact ID
- Interaction ID
- Team Name
- Name
For full details on Ring Attempts, consult the Data Dictionary.
Agents and Ring Groups
Note: In the metrics related to the time spent in a status, you may notice a slight difference in the figures, between Explore and the Agents tab (plus scheduled reports). For example, in a timeframe of 24 hours, there may be a difference of a few seconds. This is due to improvements in the data granularity brought by Explore.
Agents Report
Compares the performance of agents in terms of calls, speed to answer, dial attempts and pickup rate per agent, call duration, and availability.
These are the available filters in the Agents Report:
- Agent
- Agent Ring Group
- Call Ring Group
- Date
- Dedicated Line
- Timezone
Agents Breakdown Report
Compares the performance of agents in terms of the number of calls handled and availability, in intervals of 1 hour. If you send or schedule the report, this can be adjusted down to 30 or 10 minutes in the filters.
These are the available filters in the Agents Report:
- Agent
- Agent Ring Group
- Call Ring Group
- Date
- Dedicated Line
- Interval
Agents Status Report
Lists the duration (including start and end time) that agents have been in each status.
These are the available filters in the Agents Status Report:
- Agent
- Agent Ring Group
- Call Ring Group
- Date
- Dedicated Line
- Timezone
- Active Agent
Tags Breakdown Report (Ring Groups Report)
This report displays metrics per tag/ring group in intervals of 1 hour. The report includes a summary of ring group activity and compares their most relevant metrics, including calls offered, answered, missed, and abandoned per ring group, average duration, speed of answer, service level, and maximum delay per ring group (the maximum time a customer waited in the waiting queue before the call was answered by an agent). This report also includes Missed calls Within Service Level.
These are the available filters in the Tags Breakdown Report:
- Call Ring Group
- Date
- Dedicated Line
- Interval
- Timezone
Note: Outbound tags (ring groups) for legacy are calculated as follows:
- Intersection of IVR Tags with Agent ring groups for Legacy IVR Ring groups.
- If the previous is not considered, then follows the intersection of phone ring groups with Agent ring groups.
- If the second is not considered, then the report uses the Phone Number ring groups.
Phone Numbers
Numbers Report
Compares the call volume, call classification (outbound, inbound, answered, missed, abandoned, voicemails) as well as average call durations, waiting times, abandon, and hold time per phone number, for your chosen period of time.
These are the available filters in the Numbers Report:
- Call Ring Group
- Date
- Number Ring Group.
- Phone Number
- Dedicated Line
- Timezone
Numbers Breakdown Report
Compares the call volume, classification, and duration per telephone line, in intervals of 1 hour. This can be adjusted down to 30 or 10 minutes in the filters if you send or schedule the report.
These are the available filters in the Numbers Breakdown Report:
- Call Ring Group
- Date
- Number Ring Group
- Phone Number
- Dedicated Line
- Interval
- Timezone
Dispositions are used to identify a call outcome. Here are the reports we provide in order for Administrators to have an overview of the distribution of calls per outcome.
Numbers Inbound Dispositions Report
This report details how many times each of your Inbound Dispositions were selected per number during the period of time you specify.
These are the available filters in the Numbers Inbound Dispositions Report:
- Call Ring Group
- Date
- Number Ring Group
- Phone Number
- Dedicated Line
- Timezone
- Inbound Disposition
Numbers Outbound Dispositions Report
Report detailing the amount of times each Outbound Disposition has been used per phone number during your selected period of time.
These are the available filters in the Numbers Outbound Dispositions Report:
- Call Ring Group
- Date
- Number Ring Group
- Phone Number
- Dedicated Line
- Timezone
- Outbound Disposition
Agents Inbound Dispositions Report
Details the inbound dispositions selection per agent.
These are the available filters in the Agents Inbound Dispositions Report:
- Agent
- Agent Ring Group
- Call Ring Group
- Date
- Dedicated Line
- Timezone
- Inbound Disposition
Agents Outbound Dispositions Report
Details the outbound dispositions selection per agent.
These are the available filters in the Agents Outbound Dispositions Report:
- Agent
- Agent Ring Group
- Call Ring Group
- Date
- Dedicated Line
- Timezone
- Outbound Disposition
Inbound Dispositions Report
Total volume and percentage of calls per inbound disposition.
These are the available filters in the Inbound Disposition Report:
- Call Ring Group
- Date
- Phone Number
- Dedicated Line
- Timezone
- Inbound Disposition
Outbound Dispositions Report
Total volume and percentage of calls per outbound disposition.
These are the available filters in the Outbound Disposition Report:
- Call Ring Group
- Date
- Phone Number
- Dedicated Line
- Timezone
- Outbound Disposition
Account Breakdown
Accounts Breakdown Report
Includes a summary of the whole account activity broken down by 30 minutes (which can be adjusted down to 10 minutes or up to 1 hour if you send or schedule a report), and compares the most relevant call metrics (calls answered, calls missed, calls abandoned, abandon rate, average waiting time, time to abandon, waiting time, holding time and inbound duration, longest waiting time, total duration and longest), outbound calls and service level.
These are the available filters in the Accounts Breakdown Report:
- Call Ring Group
- Date
- Dedicated Line
- Interval
- Timezone
Studio Flow Execution Report
Includes all inbound calls that are received during a period of time using a Studio flow, with detailed information on the flow execution, including each step of the flow and corresponding exit.
- The Studio Flow Execution Report will only return data if at least one published flow is assigned to at least one phone number.
- The Studio Flow Execution Report will only return data from August 25th, 2019 onwards.
These are the available filters in the Studio Flow Execution Report:
- Date
- Timezone
- Component Title
- Executed Step Name
- Flow Definition Flow Definition ID
- Flow Execution Name
- Flow Definition Call_SID
- Flow Execution Destination Number
- Flow Definition Interaction ID
- Flow Execution Origin Number
New Data Model
For more information regarding the New Data Model, please visit:
Performance Management
Performance Management Results Analysis
Customers with the Performance Management application enabled can access this default report with predefined fields available. This report shows agent performance data including measure results, goals, and averages.
These are the available filters in this report:
- Date
- Agent Name
- Queue Names
- Team Name
- Interval Type
- Measure Name
For more detailed information on this report, please consult here.
Performance Management Results Trend
Customers with the Performance Management application enabled can access this default report with predefined fields available. This report helps understand employee performance over time, offering data such as individual agent improvement month over month, goals, goal achievement, and volume comparisons month over month.
These are the available filters in this report:
- Date
- Interval Type
- Measure Name
- Queue Type
- Month Comparison
- Agent Name
For more detailed information on this report, please consult here.
Performance Management Improvement and Attainment
Customers with the Talkdesk Performance Management application enabled can access this default report with predefined fields available. This report helps understand improvement for overall Measures results over time, offering data such as counts and percentages of agents improving and counts and percentages of agents meeting goals.
These are the available filters in this report:
- Date
- Interval Type
- Measure Name
- Queue Type
- Month Comparison
For more detailed information on this report, please consult here.
Quality Management
QM Evaluation Analysis
Customers with the Talkdesk Quality Management application enabled can access this default report with predefined fields available. Creating this report gives external APIs access to QM data, allowing them to extract it programmatically at a frequency defined by the user.
These are the available filters in this report:
- Date
- Agent Name
- Evaluator Name
- Form Name
- Ring Group Names
- Team Name
Audit Logs
Audit Logs Report
Audit logs report, accessible only to administrators, includes all essential fields for detecting unauthorized data usage and responding to data breach vulnerabilities. Audit logs are generated by each product team and consolidated within Talkdesk's data platform. To learn more about audit logs, click here.
The GDPR Status Report lists the GDPR requests and their current status.
Requests performed using the Forget Contact feature will be displayed in this report.

Here is what you can find on the GDPR Status Report:
- The unique Event ID for the GDPR request.
The User ID, which identifies the user within the specific tenant that triggered the GDPR request.
The Agent Name, corresponding to the name of the user within the specific tenant that triggered the GDPR request.
The Agent Email within the particular tenant that triggered the GDPR request.
The GDPR Request Type (the automation only supports forget_contact at this moment, new request types can be added in the future).
The Talkdesk System, which represents a specific system/service where the GDPR request is supposed to act on.
The GDPR status contains information about the current state of the GDPR request. It can be success, failure, or pending.
An optional Comment attribute, which allows providing quick information about a GDPR request status, if needed.
The Request Date, which is the time at which the GDPR request was submitted at Talkdesk.
The Due Date, which is the time at which the GDPR request shall be completed successfully.
The Completed Date, which is the time at which the GDPR request was effectively completed for a given Talkdesk system.
- The Identifiers are the attributes that identify the data the GDPR request should act on. These identifiers are masked to protect PII.
Custom Fields
Interaction Custom Fields Report
Interaction Custom Fields Report, by default accessible only to administrators, shows the custom data (internal or external) inserted and related to an interaction id.
These are the available filters in the Interaction Custom Fields Report:
Interactions Id
Updated (Yes/No)

To learn more about the Custom Fields feature, click here.
To learn more about the Custom Field report, click here.
To learn more about the Reporting Custom Field API, click here.