Automation Designer enables you to design the conversational experience of an Autopilot.
When you access the Automation Designer tab, a blank canvas will be displayed, where you can start designing a conversation flow:
Article Index
- Designer Canvas
- Adding a New Canvas
- Components
Configuration Sidebar
- Saving and Publishing
- Searching by a Component Name
Designer Canvas
Learn how to navigate through the canvas by following the steps below.
1. When the Automation Designer’s window is opened, a blank “Canvas 1” will be automatically displayed. If you wish to change the canvas’ name, double-click on its original name to rename it [1] or click on the more options button, followed by the Rename option [2].
Adding a New Canvas
1. If you wish to create a new conversation flow, click on the (+) sign [1]. A new blank canvas will be instantly displayed on your screen.
2. To switch between canvases, simply click on the canvas you wish to open.
3. If you wish to reposition any of the canvases, select the desired canvas and drag it to its new position.
Use the components on the left-hand side of the screen to build your conversation flow. Please visit this page to find out more about each of these components.
Configuration Sidebar
On the right side of the canvas, you’ll find a flow configuration sidebar, with the following three features.
Conversation Defaults
In this section, you can define the Autopilot’s basic elements of conversation, such as welcome or fallback messages and their triggers.
Welcome messages will be displayed to your customers any time a conversation starts, while fallback messages will be presented when the Autopilot is unable to recognize a statement.
Conversation defaults can be configured by following the steps below:
1. Click on Conversation defaults [1] and then on the Welcome, Fallback, or Inactivity sections [2], depending on the type of message you're looking to configure.
2. Add the message you wish to convey to your customers [3].
3. Add as many conversation default alternatives as needed, by clicking on the Add alternative button [4].
4. If you wish to delete any of the alternatives, simply click on the trash can icon next to it [5].
5. Select the conversation flow from where the message will be triggered on the dropdown menu [6]. The process of configuring the conversation default will be finished.
Knowledge Management
In this section, you can enable or disable querying Knowledge Management to find answers before following the conversation default fallback.
In this section, you will be able to see, add and modify custom or system variables.
Intents and Entities
Intents represent the intention conveyed in the client’s message. Regardless of how the client expresses the intent, Autopilot is in charge of understanding the underlying message.
Entities, on the other hand, represent the object or context of an action. Examples of entities include locations, dates, brands, or company names, among others.
Both intents and entities are configured in Automation Designer and passed on to the Autopilot so that the conversation is as smooth and natural as possible.
1. Click on Intents and Entities [1] and then navigate between the Intents or Entities sections [2] according to your preference.
2. In these sections, you can perform the following actions:
- Searching for an existing intent/entity using the search bar [3].
- Adding an intent/entity [4].
- Editing an intent/entity [5].
- Deleting an intent/entity [6].
In this section, you can test an Autopilot's behavior and simulate flows of a conversation between a human user and the Autopilot without leaving Automation Designer. Please visit this page to find out more about the Automation Designer Simulator. Note that to use this feature, you have to publish a flow.
Note: Simulator runs the last published conversational flow.
Saving and Publishing
When you have finished creating your conversation flow, click on Save [1] in the top-right corner of the page. If the flow does not present any errors, it will show as “Validated” [2] and the Publish [3] button will be made available. Once you have published the flow, if you wish, you can Test [4] it.
If the flow presents errors, a warning message will be displayed on the page and the errors will be listed and highlighted in red when the view all button is clicked.
Make sure to correct the errors and proceed to save and publish the conversation flow to finalize the process.
Note: Talkdesk uses default Service Quotas to make sure an Autopilot and the components it contains work in an expected way.
Searching by a Component Name
You can search for a specific component of your automation by name. To perform your search, simply use the “Search” icon [1], located at the top of the component list.
Then, type the component name that you are searching for into the search box that will appear [2]. A list with components that match the search term will be shown [3].
Select the component that you are looking for and Automation Designer will show the component in the center of the canvas [4].
Note: The search requires entering a minimum of 3 digits.