Best Practices: Internet Connection


A solid network connection is crucial to connect with callers, while maintaining the best possible conversation quality. As additional traffic on the same network can impact audio quality, here are some suggestions you should follow:

  • When possible, use a wired network connection (Ethernet), rather than a Wi-Fi connection. This will generally provide a more consistent and better-quality network connection. See below for more details.
  • Avoid running network-intensive applications on your computer, such as internet radio or  video.
  • Avoid running significant uploads or downloads that might compete with your audio.
  • Close unused desktop apps that might also hoard CPU %.


Why we Recommend using Ethernet

In order to boost call quality, make sure you connect your computer using an ethernet cable instead of Wi-Fi. While Wi-Fi offers convenience, it can lack reliability for voice communications.

This FAQ explain the technical details of why, we recommend using Ethernet and not Wi-Fi


  • If you don’t have an Ethernet cable that is long enough, or work in the same room as your router, check our article on Alternatives to Wi-Fi when Working From Home.
  • When using the Talkdesk Conversations Mobile App application, we recommend Wi-Fi speeds upwards of 1 Mbps for voice calls or a network connection with a minimum 4G data signal.
  • You can maximize your chance of a better Wi-Fi connection by using a 5GHz router, as this is less congested. However, it’s still subject to the same basic limitations. Keep in mind that voice call quality is heavily affected by latency, packet loss, and jitter. 


What is “Voice over IP”?

When you speak, the microphone picks up your voice, and your computer then converts this analog information into a digital stream. This stream is chopped up into packets of data. These packets then head out to travel across the internet. If those packets arrive quickly, and in the right sequence, then you’ll have great call quality. 

What happens to those data packets? 

Ordinary internet traffic uses TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). This includes error correction and requests for retransmission if packets are missing or incomplete. Audio packets are transmitted using UDP (User Datagram Protocol), instead of TCP. UDP does not guarantee delivery, sequence, or protection for duplicate packets, so a good connection is important.

Why is Wi-Fi not optimal for Voice Calls?

  • Wi-Fi was not designed for voice: It uses an unlicensed radio spectrum, avoiding the need to apply for a usage license. Unfortunately, other household electronic devices that operate on the same frequency can interfere.
  • Most routers still operate at 2.4GHz: This only has 11 channels available for a standard Wi-Fi connection. When searching for available Wi-Fi networks, you will almost certainly encounter several networks, apart from yours. All of these networks are interfering and overlapping with each other, which can result in lost packets and heavy error correction and retransmission of data.
  • Wi-Fi latency may be too high for voice calls: This issue introduces call delays, or even individual packets getting lost. There is also the problem of packets that arrive out of sequence (known as jitter).

For more information on how to configure and optimize your network, please review the article on Talkdesk hardware, software, and network requirements.You can also run a network test to assess the quality of your connection. 

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