Learn how to set up users and teams in Talkdesk.
Users tab
The Users tab is the area where users can add, remove, and manage all Talkdesk users.
To access the Users tab follow these instructions:
- Click on the Admin app [1].
- Click on the Users tab [2].
On the Users tab, you have two areas:
- The Users table: This table contains all Talkdesk users as well as a search and filter bar. Each user's details can be accessed by clicking on the username.
- Actions area: This area contains action buttons with the most used actions:
- Bulk management.
- Bulk import.
- Create agent.
Users list
On the Users tab, a users table is available, containing all Talkdesk users with the following information:
- Name (the username) [1].
- Role (the user role) [2].
- Ring groups (the user ring group list) [3].
- Client integration (If an integration was used the integration name will appear here) [4].
- Email (the user email) [5].
- Activation (the user activation status) [6].
A pagination, depending on the number of users may be presented below the table rows. There is also a search and filter bar available:
It is possible to filter users by:
- Activation [1].
- Role [2].
- Ring group [3].
Click on the Apply button [4] to apply the filter or Clear [5] to discard the filtering.
Create User
To create a user, follow these instructions:
- Click on the Create user button in the Actions area [1].
- A modal with an interactive form will be launched. Fulfill the following fields:
- First name [2].
- Last name [3].
- Email [4].
- Role [5].
- Activation [6].
- Click on Create [7] to create the user or Cancel [8] to dismiss and close the modal.
- You can select a user role from the available roles. To learn more about roles, please visit the Roles and Permissions documentation.
- If there are available base edition seats, and a user is created/activated, a seat will be automatically assigned to that user and can be managed from the Seat Manager. Conversely, when a user is deactivated/deleted, the seat will automatically unassigned from that user and will be no longer available in the Seat Manager.
User Details
Each user is composed of profile information and specific settings. To access any user details, click on the intended user name in the user's table. You’ll be presented with the following screen:
The user details area is composed of:
- Profile tab [1]: On this tab, you can find user-specific information such as name, email, role, and team, among others. There’s also a button to Edit the profile, check the ”Edit user” section [2].
- Classic Settings tab [3]: This tab contains detailed settings for each user. To know more about each field, please check this resource.
- Delete user button [4]: This button is used to delete a user. Check the “Delete user” section to learn more about this feature.
Edit User
Profile Tab
To edit a user profile, navigate to the Profile tab under the User details screen, click on the Edit button, and follow these instructions:
On the edit screen, it’s possible to edit the following field:
- First name [1].
- Last name [2].
- Role [3].
- Activation [4].
- Email [5].
After editing the user profile information, click on the Save button [6] to update the profile or the Cancel button [7] to discard changes and go back to the user profile screen.
- When assigning Ring Groups to an user, if the scope is one of Team, Child Teams, Team + Child Teams, the Ring Groups must first be assigned to the user’s team.
- Some additional fields like "External ID" and "Team" are present, but are read-only. It’s possible to change the team on the Teams app.
- Deactivating agents from a license makes that license available for a different agent to be added but does not affect the total number of contracted licenses, as these are billed according to your contract. For more information, please read the article Agents and Licenses.
Delete User
To delete a user navigate to the User details screen and follow these instructions:
- Click on the Delete user button [1].
- A confirmation modal will be launched. To confirm the user deletion, please acknowledge the warning message by clicking on the Delete button [2] or the Cancel button [3] to cancel the deletion and close the modal.
Warning: All data relating to the deleted user across all Talkdesk products will be permanently deleted. You can't undo this action.
Bulk Import
It’s possible to bulk import users via CSV upload. To bulk import users, follow these instructions:
On the Users tab, click on the Bulk import button [1]. An upload modal will appear with the following fields:
1. Bulk operation [2]. Choose between create, update, or delete.
a. The create option will import the users as new users.
b. The update option will replace existing users.
c. The delete option will delete users from the user list.
2. File upload. Drag and drop the CSV file in the dash area [3] or click the Choose a CSV file to upload button [4]. A system window will appear. Select the CSV file and confirm the upload.
Note: A CSV template can be downloaded by clicking on the Download template link [5].
CSV instructions for creating users:
- The CSV file must be a text file in a comma-separated format.
- The first line of the CSV file must be exactly the same as the last version available in the template.
- The bulk import is case-sensitive.
- All the mandatory fields should be filled in.
Tip: Here you can find an example of a CSV file with the information for one agent.
CSV instructions for updating users:
- The “Current Email” field is mandatory because the system will use that value to match users on Talkdesk.
- If the “Current Email” and “Email” have different values, the user Email will be updated to the value on the “Email”.
- In case there’s an attribute that you don’t want to update, leave the corresponding column empty.
- It’s not possible to set a value as empty/default using the Bulk Import.
- Values are not cumulative, e.g., to add a ring group, all ring groups assigned to the user should be included on the CSV, in addition to the new one(s).
CSV instructions for deleting users:
- The “Email” field is mandatory because the system will use that value to match users on Talkdesk.
CSV File Template Table
Column name | Mandatory | Supported values | Default value | Notes |
Current Email |
Yes (Updated) |
N/A |
Mandatory to update users' operations |
Full Name |
Yes (Create) |
string |
N/A |
N/A |
Yes (Create, Delete) |
N/A |
Won't accept an email that already exists in the Account when creating. Mandatory for creating or deleting user’s operations. |
Ring Groups |
No |
N/A |
agent |
If it doesn’t exist in the account, it will be created. Ring groups should be separated by commas, without spaces, at the beginning and end. Example: agent,sales,support |
Agent Activation |
No |
integer |
N/A |
When enabled, this is the internal extension that callers use to reach this agent. The setting may not apply when a Flow is assigned to a number. |
External Phone Number |
No |
string |
N/A |
This is the number that calls are routed to when forward-to-phone is enabled. The setting may not apply when a Flow is assigned to a number. |
Agent IVR |
No |
true and false |
false |
N/A |
Role |
No |
string |
agent |
Must be an existing Role in the Account |
Inbound Dispositions |
No |
true and false |
false |
N/A |
Outbound Dispositions |
No |
true and false |
false |
N/A |
Enable Outbound Caller ID |
No |
true and false |
N/A |
When the setting is different from the Account Settings, it will override it |
Set Outbound Caller ID |
No |
string |
N/A |
Number to be used for outbound calls. If no number is provided, API will use the Account default Number. |
Client Integration |
No |
string |
talkdesk_main |
If you are using the Default Talkdesk client integration, please do not fill in this field.
External ID |
No |
string |
N/A |
Agent identifier on an external system. This is necessary, for example, for some Talkdesk Healthcare Experience Cloud features. |
Inbound Wrap-up Stage Enabled |
No |
true and false |
false |
Indicates whether the wrap-up stage is or isn't enabled for incoming calls. |
Inbound Wrap-up Timeout |
No |
datetime |
1 min |
Defines the duration in which a user will remain in ACW status after an inbound call. |
Inbound Wrap-Up Form Enabled |
No |
true and false |
false |
Used to configure whether the wrap-up form will be displayed after an inbound call ends. |
Inbound Disable Dismiss Wrap-Up Form |
No |
true and false |
false |
Configuration to hide the dismiss button during the wrap-up stage after an inbound call. |
Inbound End Stage After Terminating Form |
No |
true and false |
false |
Defines whether the ACW status ends after submitting the wrap-up form, in the context of an outbound call. |
Outbound Wrap-Up Stage Enabled |
No |
true and false |
false |
Indicates whether the wrap-up stage is or isn't enabled for outbound calls. |
Outbound Wrap-Up Timeout |
No |
datetime |
false |
Defines the duration in which the user will remain in ACW status after an outbound call. |
Outbound Wrap-Up Form Enabled |
No |
true and false |
false |
Used to configure whether the wrap-up form will be displayed after an outbound call ends. |
Outbound Disable Dismiss Wrap-Up Form |
No |
true and false |
false |
Configuration to hide the dismiss button during the wrap-up stage after an outbound call. |
Outbound End Stage After Terminating Form |
No |
true and false |
false |
Defines whether the ACW status ends after submitting the wrap-up form, in the context of an outbound call. |
Transfer Wrap-Up Stage Enabled |
No |
true and false |
false |
Indicates whether the wrap-up stage is or isn't enabled after a transfer. |
Transfer Wrap-Up Timeout |
No |
datetime |
1 min |
Defines the duration in which the user will remain in ACW status after a transfer. |
Conversations Access |
No |
“Web”, “Desktop” or “Web, Desktop” |
“Web, Desktop” |
Configure the devices allowed to run the Conversations app. |
After selecting the bulk operation and choosing the CSV file, click on the Upload button [6] to upload and process the CSV or the Cancel button [7] to discard changes and go back to the user's screen.
The CSV will be processed, and the users will be inserted/updated. To check the CSV status please check the “Bulk Management” section.
Bulk Management
Bulk management allows the progress tracking of imports as well as the import history.
The bulk management side panel can be accessed through the Users tab. Follow these instructions to access it:
- Click on the Admin app [1].
- Click on the Users tab [2].
- Click on the Bulk management button [3]. A side panel will appear containing two tabs, Active and History. Please check the next sections to learn more about those tabs.
Bulk Management Active tab
The Bulk Management Active tab tracks all queued and current processes.
The history table is composed of bulk processes, each one containing:
- The file name [1].
- The operation type (create or update) [2].
- The uploaded timestamp and deletion date [3].
- The status of the process [4]. It can be one of the following:
- Successful: The CSV was successfully processed, and the users were created/updated.
- Failed: The CSV failed to be processed, and no users were created/updated.
- Completed with errors: The CSV was processed, but some user's items were not created/uploaded. In this case, access the upload details for actions.
- Canceled: The queued CSV was canceled. This action is only available via API call and can only be executed on queued items. Check the developer documentation for more information.
Bulk Management History tab
The Bulk Management History tab is a log of all bulk CSV processes.
The history table is composed of bulk processes, each one containing:
- The file name [1].
- The operation type (create or update) [2].
- The uploaded timestamp and deletion date [3].
- The status of the process [4]. It can be one of the following:
- Successful: The CSV was successfully processed, and the users were created/updated.
- Failed: The CSV failed to be processed, and no users were created/updated.
- Completed with errors: The CSV was processed, but some user's items were not created/uploaded. In this case, access the upload details for actions.
- Canceled: The queued CSV was canceled. This action is only available via API call and can only be executed on queued items. Check the developer documentation for more information.
For more information on each process, click on the file name [1]. A Detail screen will be presented.
The detail screen contains:
- The user name who uploaded and started the import process [1].
- The upload timestamp [2].
- The status [3].
If the status was not successful, it also presents:
- Detailed information on the processing error [4].
- Download CSV button [5].
The CSV available to download contains the uploaded and processed CSV with only the user items that had errors, along with some extra columns (the first and last columns):
- The current email column: It’s fulfilled when the operation type is updated and contains the current email of the user;
- Errors column: This column contains two types of information:
- Agent created: Can be true or false, depending on if the user was created/updated.
- Errors: Detailed information on the error(s) that have occurred.
Bulk Actions
There are several bulk actions you can operate within Users, they are as follows:
- Activation settings
- Device settings
- Add queues
- Remove queues
- Privacy settings
- Wrap-up settings
- Mobile agent settings (formerly Mobile Agent App in Agents)
- Caller ID (formerly Outbound caller ID Settings in Agents)
- Interaction quality (formerly Call Quality Feedback Settings in Agen
- Update role (formerly Assign role in Agents)
- Default CTI integration
- Conversations access
Deleting Queues
To remove a queue, follow these steps:
- Go to admin on your Talkdesk account on Workspace.
- Choose Users [1].
- Select the users from the queue you want to remove.
- Then, click on the Bulk Actions drop-down menu [2].
- On the new pop-up, go to Remove queues [3].
- A new window will pop up showing all currently assigned queues. Select the queues you want to remove from the selected users, and click Save.
Conversations Access
To configure the appropriate device in which the agents are running the Conversations app, follow these steps:
1. Go to Admin on your Talkdesk account on Workspace.
2. Choose Users [1].
3. Select the users that will have the device updated.
4. Then, click on the Bulk Actions drop-down menu [2].
5. On the new pop-up, go to Conversations access [3].
6. A new window will pop up showing the current access. Select the appropriate device in which agents can run the Conversations app, by selecting Web browser [4], Desktop app [5], or both.
- At least one option should be selected. If both are empty, an error message is shown and it will not be possible to save the changes.
- If both options are selected, the users on the list can access the Conversations app via web browser and desktop app.
- If only the web browser is selected, the users on the list cannot access the Conversations app in the desktop app but can access via the web browser.
- If only the desktop app is selected, the users on the list cannot access the Conversations app in the web browser but can access via the desktop app.
7. Click Save [6].
Note: Agents using Conversations or Workspace embedded on an external application need to have the option ‘web browser’ selected. Otherwise, the embedded applications won’t work.