
The Contacts app, an Agent Productivity app part of Agent Workspace, is where you can access all contacts lists available for your account in one single app. In the Contacts app, you can find your business account’s contacts, your colleague's contacts, and a list of your account’s favorite external numbers.

Please use the index below to learn more about:

Business Account List

Favorites List

Colleagues List

Additional Resources


Business Account List

The business account list is where you can access and manage business contacts, as well as search through their information and activity. 


Accessing your Business Account List

Access it first by clicking on the “Contacts” icon [1] and the “Business contacts” tab will be selected by default.

In this list, you can check the number of existing contacts [2] in the top-left corner of the page. In the top-right corner is a search box [3], where you will be able to search for contacts by their name, number, email address, or company name. Next to the search, you can find the “Filters” menu [4], where you will be able to filter by tags.

By clicking on the “Click-to-Call” [4] button next to each contact, you will be able to call that number instantly and with no extra steps or delays.

The bottom-left corner of the screen displays the number of pages [5] existing in your contact list. You can go through them one by one, or choose to jump to a specific page number [6].



  • The number of contacts displayed on each page is 10.
  • Due to a technical limitation, the maximum number of results that can be returned by search or filtering is 10.000. By default, when no filters are applied, the first 10.000 contact records are returned, ordered alphabetically by name. This does not mean that the account has 10.000 contacts, instead it signifies the number of contacts that are being listed. To refine the search, use filters or the search box


Using Search in the Business Account List

Using the search box may help you find a specific contact. To search for a contact, go to the search box and type your input. Below is the contact search logic:

  • Supported Parameters:Search by name, phone number, email address, fax number and company;
  • Exact Prefix Match Search: The search keyword matches the characters at the beginning of the target string precisely, with no additional characters before. 
      • E.g. in a search for "Johnson," the search will return results containing exactly "Johnson", eliminating near matches like "Johnston" or  "Johansson".
      • E.g. in a search for "," the search will return results containing exactly "", eliminating near matches like “” or "". Note: Special characters dot (.) and underscore (_) are treated as normal characters.
      • Limitation: The exact match considers only the first 20 characters of each individual word in the input. For example, if the input is "Search Contact-With-Very-Long-Name" (the second word's length is 27 characters) the system will recognize the terms "Search" and "Contact-With-Very-Lo."
  • Relevance-Based Ordering: Search results are presented in order of relevance to the search query when containing special characters such as space ‘ ‘, hyphen (-) at (@), hashtag (#), and others. All parameters have the same “weight” except the“name”, which has a higher weight associated. 
      • E.g. in a search for "Johnson Smith" the search will return results containing “Johnson Smith” at top, following relevance matches like "Johnson Moore" or  "Johanson Ramos" or “Smith Lee”.
      •  E.g. in a search for "" the search will return results containing “” at top, following relevance matches like "" or "" or “”.

Note: Due to technical limitations, currently it is not possible to combine filters with a search.


Using Filters in the Business Account List

Using filters can help you find sets of contacts. To open the Filters menu, press the Filters icon [1] on the far right of the screen, which will open a right-side panel with the following option:

  • “Tags” [2]: search by the tags associated with contacts.

After making your choices, you will need to press one of the choices at the bottom:

  • Apply [3] - The filters will only take effect once you click this button.
  • Clear [4] - Click to reset all filters chosen.

By applying the filters, you will be directed back to the Business Account list, where you will be able to see a purple badge filter indicator [5], over the "Filters" icon. This badge indicates how many filters are currently applied in your search.

The “Active Filters” bar [6] is now displayed as well, beneath the number of total contacts they have matched. This bar displays which filters are currently applied. You can remove each filter individually, by clicking the “X” icon [7] next to each name.

The Clear all [8] button at the far right of the bar will remove all filters from the search you have submitted.


Note: Due to a technical limitation, currently it is not possible to combine filters with a search.


Viewing the Contact’s Details

To find more details on each contact’s information, on the initial Contacts screen, press the contact’s Name/Number [1], at the far left of the contact’s row. 

This opens up the Contact details page containing all the information regarding the contact, which has the following organization:

  • Summary section with the main contact’s information [2]: This section is located on the left side of the screen of both Profile and Activity tabs and presents the following information:
        • Contact’s name.
        • Contact’s job title and company.
        • Contact’s tags and option to add/edit tags [3]
        • Contact pop to external integration actions (when available) [4]
        • Click-to-outbound actions (Click-to-Call, Click-to-SMS and Click-to-Email, when available) [5]
  • Profile tab [6]: this tab is open by default and contains information about:
        • contact’s information [7]: with the contact touchpoint’s information. The option for Click-to-Call [8] is always available, as well as the ability to copy some elements by using the “Clipboard” icon [9]
        • other details [10]: with more specific information about the contact, including custom fields and Tenant definition [11] (if configured by the admin).
  • Activity tab [12]: contains all the contact’s activity history

Note: Data from the clipboard can be pasted/copied into a document or program by using the "Paste" command.


Viewing the Contact Details on an Integration

If you have Talkdesk integrated with a CRM, an action to pop the contact’s profile in that external CRM may be available in the contact summary section [1]. Clicking in that action will display the contact’s profile in the selected external integration, similar to what happens in Conversations

To see these actions, Admins must first configure an integration and sync contacts to Talkdesk. It is possible to configure several integrations for the account, as well as configure default integrations per Agent (for detailed information, please refer to “Assigning a default Client Integrations per Agent”). 

The default integration is generally the one that Admins and agents use most in their day-to-day work. 

When agents have an open tab from the default CRM integration and click on the corresponding contact pop icon, that open tab refreshes and will display the selected contact. For any other integration (or in case the default integration is not open), clicking on the contact pop icon will open a new tab.

In the contact summary section, the default integration is the first icon on the left (after the click-to-outbound action) and is distinguishable from the other non-default integrations through the tooltip (default integration indication).


Note: Talkdesk offers custom integration support for customers on selected plans. This support may include your homegrown CRMs as long as they have contact sync options. 


Starting a new outbound from Contacts 


If a contact has touchpoints configured, click-to-outbound actions may be available in the contact summary section:

  • Click-to-Call [1]: With this action, agents can start a new call to the contact. By default, it starts a new call in Conversations. If the Agent does not have Conversations installed, it starts a new call in the default app defined in the device for calls. This action is only available if at least one phone number is configured for the contact;
  • Click-to-SMS [2]: With this action, agents can start a new SMS to the contact, in Conversations only. This action is only available if at least one phone number is configured for the contact and if the Agent has Conversations and SMS channels installed;
  • Click-to-Email [3]: With this action, agents can start a new email to the contact. By default, it starts a new email in Conversations (only if the email channel is installed). If the agent does not have the Email channel configured, it starts a new email in the default app defined in the device for emails. This action is only available if at least one email is configured for the contact;


  • For more information about how to configure SMS Channel, please refer to this article
  • For more information about how to configure Email Channel, please refer to this article


 Viewing the Contact’s Activity

On the initial “Contacts” screen, press the contact’s Name/Number [1], at the far left of the contact’s row. In the Contact details page, select the Activity tab [2]

Here you will be able to see what type of activity was registered [3] (including call types, SMS, support tickets, cases, and others), which agent handled the issue [4], when it was handled [5], disposition information of the interaction [6] and the call’s duration [7] (if applicable).

Clicking on each specific row will open a right-side panel with “Activity Details” [8]. Here you can find more information regarding:

  • “Activity type”: The type of activity.
  • “Contact”: Click-to-Call is also actionable in this menu, by pressing the contact’s phone number or the “Telephone” icon.
  • “Via”: The number that received the call.
  • “Agent”: The agent in your organization who handled the call.
  • “Ring Groups”: The ring group(s) associated with a specific voicemail.
  • “When”: Date and time of the call.
  • “Duration”: How long the call was, in minutes or seconds.
  • “Interaction ID Number”: You can click the “Clipboard”* button to copy the interaction ID.
  • “Call Recording Player”: When applicable, you can click this player to listen to the recording of the call. The player is located at the bottom of the screen and features the following options:
          • “Play” [9].
          • “Mute” [10].
          • “Rewind 30 Seconds” [11].
          • “Fast Forward 30 Seconds” [12].
          • “Speed up the Sound” [13].

In the “Wrap-up” tab [14] you can find more information regarding:

  • “Dispositions”: The disposition selected in the wrap-up by the agent.
  • “Notes”: The note left in the wrap-up by the agent.

contacts act refresh.png

When viewing a contact’s Activity tab, if incoming activities are synced from Salesforce or other CRM (Customer Relationship Management) integrations, the tab will display a “New update available” notification. Click the Refresh button to retrieve the latest activities of the contact.


  • Data from the clipboard can be pasted/copied into a document or program using the "Paste" command.
  • Not all activities within an interaction are shown in Contact Activity as opposed to Activities. For example, an inbound call followed by a transfer will be represented just by an inbound call in Contact Activity.


Managing Notes

In every Contacts account, you can add or edit notes, allowing you to save any relevant information within a contact's profile.

To create a note for a contact, locate a contact and click the Create a note button.

Once the note is created, you can view or edit the note in the contact activity.


Refreshing Contact Activities


When viewing a contact’s Activity tab, if incoming activities are synced from Salesforce or other CRM (Customer Relationship Management) integrations, the tab will display a “New update available” notification.

Click the Refresh button to retrieve the latest activities of the contact.


Adding a New Contact

On the initial “Contacts” screen, hit the New contact button [1]. 


A new screen [2] will pop up where you can fill in the contact’s details: 

  • Name.
  • Number(s).
  • Emails(s).
  • Job title.
  • Company.
  • Industry.
  • Website.
  • Address.

In addition to these default fields, custom contact fields defined at the account level can also be available. Custom fields allow you to add relevant information to Contacts' profile page in addition to the default fields already provided. 


Note: For more information about how to configure custom contact fields at the account level, please refer to this link


After completing the profile with the information, you can save the contact to your list by clicking the Save [3] button. 


Note: Before hitting Save, you must add at least the name, phone number or email address. 


You may also press Cancel [4] to return to the Contacts List without saving the added information.

Alternatively, you can upload a CSV file with your contacts or import your contacts directly from an external system like your CRM or Helpdesk. To do this, simply integrate the system with your Talkdesk account.


Note: Actions to create new contacts will only be available for roles with Create permission for Contacts. For more information about defining and editing permissions, please check our article on Roles and Permissions.


Editing Contacts’ information

On the initial “Contacts” screen, press the “Edit” icon [1], at the far right of the contact’s row. 

Note: Edit contact action is also available in the header of the Contacts details page.

This will open a page [2] similar to the “New Contact” one, where you can change and/or eliminate any information you deem relevant, from that contact’s profile.

When you’re done, click Save[3]. You may also click on Cancel[4] to return to the Contacts List without saving the added information. Pressing the Delete [5] button will eliminate the contact.


Note: Actions to edit contacts will only be available for roles with Update permission for Contacts. For more information about defining and editing permissions, please check our article on Roles and Permissions.


Editing Contacts’ Tags

On the initial Contacts screen, press the contact’s Name/Number [1], at the far left of the contact’s row. This will open the Contact’s Detail page and, in the summary section, an action to add/edit tags is available.

To add a tag or edit the current set of tags:

  1. Click on the Add/Edit tag button. This will open the tag’s edition mode.
  2. Start typing the tag. To submit the new tag press “Enter” or click in the “Add” option in the pop-up
  3. If there are tags introduced in the system that match your new tag, these will be suggested in the pop up and can be selected by the agent.


Deleting Contacts


On the initial “Contacts” screen, press the “Delete contact” button [1], at the far right of the contact. 

Note: Delete contact action is also available from the Contacts details page, by clicking on the edit contact action and opening the edit form - the delete contact action is available on the header of the edit form.



A pop-up message will then appear [2], prompting you to confirm your decision to eliminate this contact from your list. When a contact is deleted, it is moved to the Trash and undergoes a soft deletion. This means the contact is deactivated, with all existing interactions still linked to it, but new interactions can no longer be associated with this contact. 

For example, when the contact is deleted, agents can still see this contact with Deleted status in the Conversations App


Note: Actions to delete contacts will only be available for roles with Delete permission for Contacts. For more information about defining and editing permissions, please check our article on Roles and Permissions.


Right to be Forgotten

RTBF, or the Right to be Forgotten, is a legal principle stemming from data protection laws, such as the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It allows individuals to request the deletion of their personal data held by companies. RTBF is used to ensure that customer data can be securely and completely erased upon request, enhancing privacy and compliance with legal standards.

Talkdesk customers are required to comply with their end customer’s “right to be forgotten” as outlined in Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR. In order for Talkdesk to support partners in satisfying their customers’ requests, the ability to "forget contact" directly from the Contacts UI will now be provided. In doing so, Talkdesk deletes or anonymizes all data associated with a specific contact. See how to request "Forget contact" below.

Note: Please keep in mind that the Right to be Forgotten (RTBF) feature bypasses the retention policies that are in place. So, an RTBF request to delete all data associated with a specific contact overrides the standing Talkdesk Data Retention Policy and established configurations


 Forget Contact

Important Note: RTBF, or the Right to be Forgotten, is a legal principle stemming from data protection laws, such as the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It allows individuals to request the deletion of their personal data held by companies. RTBF is used to ensure that customer data can be securely and completely erased upon request, enhancing privacy and compliance with legal standards.

Contacts can be permanently deleted through the ‘Forget contact’ feature, along with all associated data. This includes call records, digital conversations, activities from your account, and more. 

To perform this action, head to the “Contacts” app, press the More Actions (three dots) button  [1],  and select Forget contact [2] from the dropdown menu. 


A pop-up message will then appear, asking you to confirm your decision. Press the Yes, forget it [3] button to confirm and proceed.  



  • Actions to forget contacts will only be available for roles with “Forget” permission for Contacts. For more information about defining and editing permissions, please check our article on Roles and Permissions.

  • An “Unable to Forget” message may appear if the selected contact had interactions closed within the last 24 hours to ensure a complete deletion of the customer records.



The Trash list [1] is where you can find deleted business contacts and manage deleted contacts to be restored or to be forgotten.

When a contact is deleted. You can click the contact name in the Trash to view it. You can choose to Restore [2] or Forget the contact [3]. The restored contact will be in active status to associate with the incoming interaction, such as a voice call or an email.

Note: Trash is only available for roles with Trash view permission for Contacts and action restore is also available for the roles that have the Restore permission. For more information about defining and editing permissions, please check our article on Roles and Permissions.


Favorites List

The “Favorites” list is where you can find your account’s favorite external numbers and start a call to any of these numbers.


Accessing your Favorites List

Click the “Contacts” icon [1] and then select “Favorites”.

The app indicates the number of existing contacts [2] in the top-left corner of the page. In the top-right corner is a search box [3], where you will be able to search for contacts by their name and number.


Note: The number of contacts displayed on each page is 10.


By clicking the “Click-to-Call” [4] button next to each contact, you will be able to call that number instantly.

The bottom-left corner of the screen displays the number of pages [5] in your contact list. You can go through them one by one, or choose a specific page number [6].


Managing your Favorite External Numbers

To learn more about how to manage your favorite external numbers, please check this article.


Colleagues List

The “Colleagues” tab lists all your Colleagues such as other Talkdesk Agents, Talkdesk Phone users and Microsoft Teams users

By using this tab you can search, find and click-to-call/email your colleagues, from within your Agent Workspace.

Presence status is also displayed, allowing you to understand whether your colleagues are busy or not, prior to engaging.


Accessing your Colleagues List


Click the Contacts icon [1] and then choose the Colleagues tab [2].

In this list, you can check the number of existing colleagues [3] in the top-left corner of the page. In the top-right corner is a search box [4], where you can search for colleagues by their name or email address.

By using the Click-to-Call [5] button next to each contact, you will be able to call a colleague. If the person you are calling has multiple contact options, you will be prompted to select how to place the call:


The Click-to-email [6] button allows you to send an email. The system application configured to handle emails will be opened, with the recipient’s email address filled in.

The bottom-left corner of the screen displays the number of pages [7] in your colleagues list. You can go through them one by one, or choose to jump to a specific page number [8].

Please note that showing Teams colleagues in the Colleagues tab requires the enablement of the Talkdesk Microsoft Teams Connector™. This product requires additional licensing. Enablement and setup are conducted by Talkdesk. 

Note: The number of colleagues displayed on each page is 10.


Viewing your Colleague’s Details


To view more details on each colleague’s information, on the initial Colleagues screen please follow these steps: 

1- Click the Colleague’s Name, at the left of the contact’s row. The displayed information may vary depending on the communication systems your colleague may be using:



2- After selecting the Colleague’s Name, the “Contact details” page opens containing all the information regarding the contact, which has the following organization:

  • Left panel with the main contact’s information [1]. This section is located on the left side of the screen and presents the following information:
    • Colleague’s name.
    • Colleague’s presence status in Talkdesk and/or Microsoft Teams.
    • Click-to-engage actions (Click-to-Call and Click-to-Email, when available) [2].
  • Right panel [3] containing the following additional information:
    • Contact information [4]: with the colleague’s touchpoints information. The option for Click-to-Call [5] is only available if your colleague has a phone number or extension. Internal contacts allow you to make free, on net calls to your colleagues; dialing to external numbers may have additional costs.
    • About [6]: with more specific information about your colleague such as the job title, department, preferred languages, office location.

Note: The data from the clipboard can be pasted and copied into a document or program by using the "Paste" command.


Starting a new call or email from “Colleagues” tab


If a colleague has touchpoints configured, “click-to-engage” actions may be available in the contact summary section:

  • Click-to-Call [1]: In this action, you can start a new call to your colleague. All calls are managed by the Conversations app. This action is only available if your colleague has at least one phone number;
  • Click-to-Email [2]: In this action, you can start a new email to your colleague. By default, it starts a new email in the default app defined in the device for emails.


Adding, Editing and Deleting Colleagues

The “Colleagues” list is automatically managed and populated. It is therefore not possible to create, edit or delete colleagues:

  • If a Talkdesk Agent is created, modified or removed, then the “Colleagues” tab will be automatically updated.
  • If a Talkdesk Phone user is created, modified or removed, then the “Colleagues” tab will be automatically updated.
  • If a Microsoft Teams user is created, modified or removed, then the “Colleagues” tab will be automatically updated.


Additional Resources



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