Talkdesk Performance Management™ is an application that inspires agents to perform with data-driven goals. Performance Management (PM) focuses on employee engagement and improving individual performance, using productivity metrics and quality measures. This app intersects and interacts with other Talkdesk applications, such as Talkdesk Quality Management and Talkdesk Interaction Analytics (among others), to collect data.
Managing the Leaderboards
The Leaderboards tab is where agents can visualize performance results, in the context of group averages and goals.
To access it, select the Results menu tab [1] and choose Leaderboards [2]. From there, agents can see the following data:
- At the top of the page, you can select specific dates on the calendar [3] and/or choose these options:
- This week [4]: The current week (from Sunday to date).
- Last week [5]: From Sunday to Saturday week.
- This month [6]: Month to date.
- Last month [7]: The previous month.
Note: On the calendar, you cannot pick a range of dates, only single dates.
- Next to the dates options, if you click on “Queues” [8] a dropdown list is shown to enable you to search by the queue’s names:
- All [9]: All the queues.
- Non-queue [10]: Evaluations not associated with an inbound, ring-group associated call. This option surfaces "Non-queue Evaluation Results" from the Quality Management application.
Note: You cannot multi-select queues, only one at a time.
- Below, you have the total number of “Results” [11], and the “Measure” [12] which allows you to choose the following measures from the dropdown list:
- Average CSAT [13]: The average rating an employee obtains on returned customer satisfaction surveys. The “Volume” [15] is the number of surveys returned.
- Average Handle Time [14]: The average amount of time an agent uses to handle an inbound contact. The time starts when the agent answers until the moment the agent ends the after-call work status (including hold time). Note: This measure excludes all contacts not delivered via a ring group, including outbound telephony and multimedia (SMS, Chat, and Email). The “Volume” is the number of contacts answered.
- Inbound Contacts per Online Hour [16]: The average number of inbound contacts an agent answers while they are logged in and not in the offline status. Note: This measure excludes all contacts not delivered via a ring group (Direct dials), and next-day Callbacks. The “Volume” is the number of contacts answered.
- Quality Evaluation Score [17]: The average score an agent obtains on quality evaluated contacts. The “Volume” is the number of contacts evaluated.
- The “Average” percentage [18] and the “Goal” [19] are calculated according to the agent’s results. You can also click on the “chips” [20] to see the average percentages directly.
- “Rank” [21]: The agents’ classification, ranked from the best to the worst. Note: In case of a tie, PM uses the “Standard competition ranking”.
- “Result” [22]: The agent’s result, ranked from the best to the worst.
- More Options button [23]: By clicking on this button and then on the “Coach” option [24], it will open the “Coaching” side panel, where you can coach the agent selected. Note: Users with agent permissions do not have the More Options button available.
Coaching an Agent
In order to coach under-performing agents, increase their productivity and improve performance results, follow these steps:
1. In the “Coaching” [1] side panel, some fields are filled by default based on the data from the “Leaderboard” page, such as:
- The “Employee” (agent’s name) [2], “Coach” (Supervisor) [3], and “Measure” [4]. Note: The supervisor can change the “Measure” on which to coach, easily comparing the most recent result to the prior seven days.
- The “Recent Results” from the past seven days [5], with the employee’s activity on the selected queue(s).
- These results are personal to the employee and shown with respect to the day on which the coaching session is being viewed, whether creating the coaching or viewing it from the Development menu.
- The final day on the right [6] is not related to the result date of the leaderboard that was clicked to create the coaching, and is independent of the “Date” displayed at the bottom of the panel.
- The “Goal” [7] and “Average” [8] represent the group goal and average for the most recently calculated leaderboard. Note: The “Goal” and “Average” are independent of the result date of the leaderboard that was clicked to create the coaching and the date at the bottom of the panel.
- Supervisors can document the coaching by adding a note [9] (e.g. communicating the agent’s performance issue), and/or changing the coaching “Date” [10].
- It is advised to manually enter the date of the result in the “Notes”, along with the score that triggered the coaching.
- On “Date” it is recommended to select the coaching date.
2. Save your coaching session [11]. After clicking Save, the coaching session is automatically saved on the Development menu.
1. Go to the Development menu [12]. Note: Users with agent permissions do not see the Development menu and are not able to access it.
2. In the Sessions tab [13], you can see a list with the newest coaching session at the top, the total number of “Activities” [14], and by default, the name of the agents (“Employee”) who received a coaching session [15] as well as their “Team” [16]. The “Measure” [17], “Date” (coaching date) [18], and “Resource” (coach’s name) [19] are also pre-filled according to the “Leaderboard” data. By clicking on the More Options button [20], you can View/Edit [21] the coaching session and/or Delete it [22].
Receiving a Performance Exception Notification
When agents get an unexpected and out-of-range result, they receive a workspace notification to give them self-awareness around an unusual performance. Performance exception notifications create self-agency for individual performers to improve their results. They are triggered each time a leaderboard is calculated, and adapt to performance changes from day to day.
To access the notifications, agents are expected to:
- Click on the bell icon [1], and a side panel appears with the “Notifications” center [2].
- Select the Performance Management notification received [3], and then, click on the notification to be redirected to the “Leaderboard” where you can see the unexpected result.
Note: The time that appears in the notification refers to how long the notification was received.