Talkdesk offers phone numbers in around 160 countries worldwide.
There are three main types of phone numbers:
- Local: Phone numbers tied to a particular city, region, or country. Local numbers are also called Direct Inward Dialing (DID) or Direct Dialing Inward (DDI).
- Toll-free: Phone numbers designed for inbound voice calls, domestically reachable only and not accessible from payphones. Toll-free numbers from the United States can, however, be reached from Canada. Toll-free numbers are also called Freecall, Freephone, or International Toll-Free Service (ITFS).
- Mobile: Phone numbers used for inbound or outbound calls and, depending on the country, may also be used with SMS/MMS/WhatsApp services.
Our phone number coverage is regularly updated, but sometimes new countries and number types may not be immediately added to the list below. To get the latest information on phone number coverage, we recommend running a search on Admin > Numbers (step-by-step instructions here).
You can buy phone numbers from the United States and Canada directly from Admin > Numbers without providing proof of address or identity. For all other countries, legal regulations require that you provide us with the necessary documentation before you can purchase phone numbers. You can submit a request to initiate this process directly from Admin > Numbers or on our Support portal.
When reaching out to us, please include the following details:
- Your Talkdesk account name/URL;
- Country or countries from which you need to purchase phone numbers;
- Amount of numbers required;
- Type of number;
- Number prefix (if applicable);
- Products or features, and associated use cases, for which phone numbers are needed (e.g., SMS, Talkdesk Office, PCI payments).
Regulatory requirements for phone numbers continue to increase; at Talkdesk we are committed to helping customers stay compliant. A team member will review your request and inform you which documentation is required. This may include a business registration or proof of address matching the location of the phone number. We will purchase the phone numbers on your behalf and keep the documentation in the event that we are contacted by the regulatory bodies.
Depending on the phone numbers and features, you or your company's status in the country, and the intended usage of the numbers, different laws and regulations may apply.
While some of these are new, many have been in effect for some time. Countries are increasing enforcement for many reasons – including fraud, incidents of misuse and abuse, and heightened national security concerns. These regulations are subject to change on a regular basis, as local authorities are constantly reviewing them.
All your phone numbers must stay compliant with individual country requirements, or they will be at risk of being suspended until you submit the proper documentation.
If any changes occur after you have acquired a number, the Talkdesk team will alert you and request additional documentation where applicable.
Country | Country Phone Code | Country | Country Phone Code | Country | Country Phone Code | Country | Country Phone Code | |||
Afghanistan | 93 | Dominica | 1767 | Liberia | 231 | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 1869 | |||
Åland Islands | 35818 | Dominican Republic | 1809 1829 1849 | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | 218 | Saint Lucia | 1758 | |||
Albania | 355 | Ecuador | 593 | Liechtenstein | 423 | Saint Martin | 590 | |||
Algeria | 213 | Egypt | 20 | Lithuania | 370 | Saint Martin | 590 | |||
America Samoa | 1684 | El Salvador | 503 | Luxembourg | 352 | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 508 | |||
Andorra | 376 | Equatorial Guinea | 240 | Macau | 853 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 1784 | |||
Angola | 244 | Eritrea | 291 | Macedonia | 389 | Samoa | 685 | |||
Anguilla | 1264 | Estonia | 372 | Madagascar | 261 | San Marino | 378 | |||
Antarctica | 6721 | Ethiopia | 251 | Malawi | 265 | São Tomé and Príncipe | 239 | |||
Antigua and Barbuda | 1268 | Falkland Islands | 500 | Malaysia | 60 | Saudi Arabia | 966 | |||
Argentina | 54 | Faroe Islands | 298 | Maldives | 960 | Senegal | 221 | |||
Armenia | 374 | Fiji | 679 | Mali | 223 | Serbia | 381 | |||
Aruba | 297 | Finland | 358 | Malta | 356 | Seychelles | 248 | |||
Australia | 61 | France | 33 | Marshall Islands | 692 | Sierra Leone | 232 | |||
Austria | 43 | French Guiana | 594 | Martinique | 596 | Singapore | 65 | |||
Azerbaijan | 994 | French Polynesia | 689 | Mauritania | 222 | Sint Maarten | 1721 | |||
Bahamas | 1242 | Gabon | 241 | Mauritius | 230 | Slovakia | ||||
Bahrain | 973 | Gambia | 220 | Mayotte | 262 | Slovenia | 386 | |||
Bangladesh | 880 | Georgia | 995 7840 9971 | Mexico | 52 | South Africa | 27 | |||
Barbados | 1246 | Germany | 49 | Micronesia | 691 | South Georgia/ South Sandwich Islands | 500 | |||
Belarus | 375 | Ghana | 233 | Moldova | 373 | South Sudan | 211 | |||
Belgium | 257 | Gibraltar | 350 | Monaco | 377 | Spain | 34 | |||
Belize | 501 | Greece | 30 | Mongolia | 976 | Sri Lanka | 94 | |||
Benin | 32 | Greenland | 299 | Montenegro | 382 | Sudan | 249 | |||
Bermuda | 1441 | Grenada | 1473 | Montserrat | 1664 | Suriname | 597 | |||
Bhutan | 975 | Guadeloupe | 590 | Morocco | 212 | Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands | 47 | |||
Bolivia | 591 | Guam | 1671 | Mozambique | 258 | Swaziland | 268 | |||
Bonaire | 229 | Guatemala | 501 | Myanmar | 95 | Sweden | 46 | |||
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 387 | Guernsey | 441481 | Namibia | 264 | Switzerland | 41 | |||
Botswana | 267 | Guinea-Bissau | 245 | Nauru | 674 | Syrian Arab Republic | 963 | |||
Brazil | 55 | Guinea | 224 | Nepal | 977 | Taiwan | 886 | |||
British Virgin Islands | 1284 | Guyana | 592 | Netherlands | 31 | Tajikistan | 992 | |||
Brunei | 673 | Haiti | 509 | Netherlands Antilles | 599 | Tanzania | 255 | |||
Bulgaria | 359 | Holy See (Vatican City) | 3906698 | New Caledonia | 687 | Thailand | 66 | |||
Burkina Faso | 226 | Honduras | 504 | New Zealand | 64 | Timor-Leste | 670 | |||
Burundi | 37447 | Hong Kong | 852 | Nicaragua | 505 | Togo | 228 | |||
Cambodia | 855 | Hungary | 36 | Niger | 227 | Tokelau | 690 | |||
Cameroon | 237 | Iceland | 354 | Nigeria | 234 | Tonga | 676 | |||
Canada | 1 | India | 91 | Niue | 683 | Trinidad and Tobago | 1868 | |||
Cape Verde | 238 | Indonesia | 62 | Norfolk Island | 6723 | Tunisia | 216 | |||
Cayman Islands | 1345 | Iran | 98 | Northern Mariana Islands | 1670 | Turkey | 90 | |||
Central African Republic | 236 | Iraq | 964 | Norway | 47 | Turkmenistan | 993 | |||
Chad | 235 | Ireland | 353 | Oman | 968 | Turks and Caicos Islands | 1649 | |||
Chile | 56 | Isle of Man | 441624 | Pakistan | 92 | Tuvalu | 688 | |||
China | 86 | Israel | 972 | Palau | 680 | Uganda | 256 | |||
Christmas Island | 6189164 | Italy | 39 | Palestine | 970 | Ukraine | 380 | |||
Cocos Islands | 6189162 | Jamaica | 1876 | Panama | 507 | United Arab Emirates | 971 | |||
Colombia | 57 | Japan | 81 | Papua New Guinea | 675 | United Kingdom | 44 | |||
Comoros | 269 | Jersey | 441534 | Paraguay | 595 | United States | 1 | |||
Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo) |
243 | Jordan | 962 | Peru | 51 | United States Virgin Islands | 1340 | |||
Congo (Republic of the Congo) |
242 | Kazakhstan | 7 | Philippines | 63 | United States Minor Outlying Islands | 246 | |||
Cook Islands | 682 | Kenya | 254 | Poland | 48 | Uruguay | 598 | |||
Costa Rica | 506 | Kiribati | 686 | Portugal | 351 | Uzbekistan | 998 | |||
Côte d'Ivoire | 225 | Korea (North) | Puerto Rico | 1787 1939 | Vanuatu | 678 | ||||
Croatia | 385 | Korea (South) | 850 | Qatar | 974 | Venezuela | 58 | |||
Cuba | 53 | Kuwait | 965 | Reunion | 262 | Vietnam | 84 | |||
Curaçao | 599 | Kyrgyz Republic | 996 | Romania | 40 | Wallis and Futuna | 681 | |||
Cyprus | 357 | Lao People's Democratic Republic | 856 | Russian Federation | 7 | Western Sahara | 212 | |||
Czechia | 420 | Latvia | 371 | Rwanda | 250 | Yemen | 967 | |||
Denmark | 45 | Lebanon | 961 | Saint Barthelemy | 590 | Zambia | 260 | |||
Djibouti | 253 | Lesotho | 266 | Saint Helena | 290 | Zimbabwe | 263 |