Talkdesk Live™ allows you to share custom dashboards with one or more users with just one click, making access to real-time data much easier.
This feature enables you to:
- Share your custom dashboards with anyone in your account.
- Manage share permissions (add/delete viewers) for your dashboards.
- Edit your created dashboards, with all the changes automatically updated for the users with whom the dashboard has been shared.
- Easily find all the dashboards shared with you under “Shared with me” in your list of Live dashboards.
- Easily identify all the dashboards you have shared via an icon in front of the dashboard name in the list of your dashboards.
- Create a dashboard based on one that was shared with you.
Using a Dashboard that has been shared with you
Sharing a Dashboard
How can you share custom dashboards?
- The dashboard’s owner is the user that created the custom dashboard, and the only one with “share” permissions for that dashboard.
- The receiver is the user who obtains the shared custom dashboard.
To share a dashboard, please follow these steps:
1. Open the dashboard you would like to share.
2. Click on the “Share dashboard” button.
There are two available sharing options:
1. Share with “Everyone in the account”: By selecting this option, you can share the dashboard with all users in your account.
2. Share with individual users: This option allows you to select specific users with whom you want to share the dashboard.
Sharing with “Everyone in the account”
1. When you click the Share button [1], a side panel will appear on the right side of the page, so you can select the "Everyone in the account" option. You’ll see how many active and pending users are in the account.
Tip: By choosing this option, all users in the account will have access to the dashboard you are sharing, including future users created in the account in the future.
2. Once you have selected this option, click Save [2].
Selecting this option disables sharing with specific users. Previously selected users remain visible, but they cannot be modified. Deselecting the “Everyone in the account” option will allow you to add or remove specific users.
Note: When you select the "Everyone in the account" option, all users who are associated with that account will have access to the dashboard you are sharing, even those who are added to the account later.
Sharing with individual users
1. You can select specific users with whom to share your dashboard by searching for their names. The search can show up to 250 matching results, sorted alphabetically. Select the correct user [1] from the drop-down list.
2. To remove a selected user, click on the delete icon [2].
3. Once you share a dashboard, an icon will appear next to the name of the dashboard to indicate it is a shared dashboard.
4. You can identify all the dashboards you have shared with the icon that appears in front of the dashboard's name in the list of your dashboards.
Using a Dashboard that has been shared with you
You can see all the dashboards shared with you in your list of Live dashboards under the “Shared with me” section.
Note: If the only dashboard you have available is a shared dashboard, this menu will not appear, and it will not be possible to verify that it is a dashboard shared with you.
Note: Any changes made by the owner of the shared dashboard will automatically be updated in your view, unless the change is done in the timezone. The receiver will need to refresh the dashboard to see any changes the owner makes to it.
Stop sharing a Dashboard
To stop sharing with "Everyone in the account":
1. Click on the "Share dashboard" button, deselect this option [1], and Save [2].
To stop sharing the dashboard with specific users:
1. Select the delete icon next to the user’s name. When you’re done, click Save [2].
Sharing Live Dashboards FAQ
Does the user who receives the shared dashboard have “delete” permissions?
No. Only the owner of the dashboard has permission to delete it. The receiver only has View permission.
Does the receiver need to be a Live user?
Yes. To access the shared dashboards, the receiver needs to have access to Live.
What happens when the user who shared a dashboard deletes it?
If the dashboard is deleted by the owner, it is deleted for all users. Note: Only the owner of the dashboard has Delete permissions.
Is it possible to enable other ways of sharing, such as sharing with users outside my account?
At this time, users are only able to share with other users in the same account.
Can a dashboard owner share a dashboard with users based on ring group or team?
Currently, dashboard creators can only share with specific users or every user in the account.
How will the user who receives the shared Live dashboard be notified?
Receivers can see all the dashboards shared in their list of Live dashboards, under the “Shared with me” section. Note: If the only dashboard you have available is a shared dashboard, this menu will not appear and it will not be possible to verify that it is a dashboard shared with you.
What does the “Everyone in the account” sharing option include?
The “Everyone in the account” option allows you to share the Live dashboard you created with all current users and future users that are part of your account (including pending users).
How can I see all the dashboards that are shared with me?
You can see all the dashboards shared with you in your list of Live dashboards under the “Shared with me” section.
Can a receiver filter the shared dashboard, even with only view permissions?
The viewer can only change the viewing time zone using the Dashboard settings.
What happens if I make a change to a dashboard I previously shared (e.g., add a new widget or change a filter)?
If you make a change to a shared dashboard, the receiver will see the changes made. The receiver will need to refresh the page to see the updated version of the dashboard. Note: If the owner of a dashboard changes the time zone dashboard settings, it will not affect the viewing time zone selected by the receiver.
Will the receiver be alerted if changes are made to a shared dashboard?
No, the receiver will not be alerted. The receiver will need to refresh the dashboard to see any changes made by the owner. If the owner deletes a shared dashboard, the receiver will no longer find it in the "Shared with me" section of their Live dashboards.
Can I share a dashboard that wasn’t created by me?
Only the owner/creator can share that dashboard.
Is there a limit on how many Live dashboards I can share?
There is no limit to the number of dashboards you can share.
Is there a limit on how many Live dashboards I can receive?
There is no limit to the number of dashboards you can receive.
Is sharing Live dashboards similar to copying or cloning a dashboard?
Sharing Live dashboards does not create a copy or a clone of the dashboard. Instead, it gives selected users view access to the same original content, with updates included.
How can I identify the dashboards I have shared with other users?
You can identify all the dashboards you have shared through the icon that appears in front of the dashboard's name, in your dashboards’ list.
Is it possible for me to create a dashboard based on one that was shared with me?
Yes, it is possible.
Will the receiver and creator see the same data on a shared dashboard?
The widgets on a shared dashboard will be the same for both the receiver and the creator. The data within those widgets may differ based on how the scope is configured for the Live permission on the viewer’s and creator’s respective roles:
- If both the receiver and creator have the same ring group assignments, the data should match.
- If the receiver and creator have different ring group assignments, and/or the receiver’s Live permission scope does not match the creator’s Live permission scope, there may be differences in the data displayed to the viewer and the creator.
Role scopes help contact centers ensure that each user can view data appropriate to them. Shared dashboards apply the scope of each user’s role just as they are applied to dashboards that are not shared. For information about Roles and Scopes, see Roles and Permissions.
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