Queues Management

The Queues tab allows administrators to manage - create -  and assign agent queues.

To access the Queues tab, please follow these instructions:

  1. Click on the Admin app [1].
  2. Click on the Queues tab [2].

On the Queues tab, you will access a table containing all existing queues as well as the number of assigned users. This area includes a search and filter bar and an action button to create new queues.

On the Queues tab, a users table is available, containing all Talkdesk users along the following information:

  • Queue Name
  • Description
  • Users - Number of users assigned to the queue

Depending on the number of queues, pagination may be presented below the table rows. There are also search and sorting options. 

Create Queue

To create a queue, follow these instructions:

  1. Click on Create Queue.
  2. Add a name for the queue (mandatory field).
  3. Fill in the description field (optional field).
  4. Click on Create queue or Cancel to dismiss and close the window.

Queue Details

Each queue is composed of queue information and specific settings. To access any queue details, click on the intended queue name in the queues table. You’ll be presented with the following screen:

This area is composed of:

  • Details tab - consists of the name and description of the queue.
  • Users tab - consists of an area where you can manage the users assigned to the queue.

Users Tab

On the Users tab, it is possible to see all agents assigned to the queue. It is also possible to add or remove users.

Users can be filtered by role:



Assign Users

To assign users, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Assign.
  2. Search for the user in the newly displayed bar.
  3. Select agents to be added (up to 100 each time). This list is paginated.
  4. Click on Assign users or Cancel to dismiss and close the window.


Remove users

To remove a user, follow these instructions:

  1. Select the agents to be removed (up to 100 each time).
  2. Click on Unassign users.
  3. Click unassign or Cancel to dismiss and close the window.



The action on the queue management can also be personalized by role. Please refer to https://support.talkdesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/11114473839643-Roles-and-Permissions to manage Queues roles and p

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