Google Chrome will be phasing out the use of third-party cookies to protect privacy and reduce cross-site and cross-app tracking starting early 2025. Details are available here. To date, there is no need to manually grant access to third-party cookies, and Talkdesk functionality will remain unaffected.
- Throughout 2024, Chrome will deprecate third-party cookies for 1% of Chrome users globally. Talkdesk has been granted an exception to be excluded from this list of users.
- Google will not complete third-party cookie deprecation during the second half of Q4 in 2024, as previously communicated. They envision the third-party cookie phase-out to start early 2025.
This timeline reflects Chrome’s best estimates, as of June 2024, of the timing of ending support for third-party cookies. Dates are subject to change. Google will update this timeline monthly with current estimates here.
How does phasing-out third-party cookies impact Talkdesk products?
- With the phase-out now starting early 2025, there will not be an impact on functionality as previously communicated here*. Talkdesk will deploy a long-term solution that ensures no impact for Talkdesk users before Google’s mandated timelines.
- Users can continue using any CTI integrations and Talkdesk Explore as usual.
* Log-in required to access Archived content
Any updates on the third-party cookies phase-out and its impact to Talkdesk products will be communicated via Product Notice. Stay updated with important Talkdesk product alerts by subscribing to the Talkdesk Weekly Digest. See how here.