Filters and Filtering in Create

Before building your report, the Timezone and the Date filters are already set to the default Account Timezone and the Date will be set to the past 1 day.

Depending on the Dataset you’re working with, the filter structure may vary. If on Agents, Numbers, and Ring Groups Datasets you have a specific section with the dimensions, that can be used as filters on your analysis.

Ring Groups (Queues) Analysis dataset example



In this example, you can see that the default Date and Timezone filters are in use and that both Date and Timestamps have a tooltip. You can hover over these to help get a better understanding of measures and dimensions, but for this specific case we’ll have a closer look at the Timestamp tooltip.


Arranging your distribution chronologically is done by picking the Timestamp for your canvas and setting the Data Aggregation in the filtering area. Adding the Data Aggregation enables the Timestamp to partition the data into 10, 15, or 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, or 1 quarter (3 month).

The lower partitions will be available if you pick a 24-hour period. Picking larger periods not only impacts performance but for large amounts of data, the detail can be compromised.

Each time you use the search field to look for the Data Aggregation dimension, the filtered entries will also return the Timestamp. This is so that you remember your canvas should be complemented with the Timestamp.



The Calls Analysis dataset has a different way of showing which dimensions can be used in filters. This dataset returns the most complete set of information that you can have at call level, and that being so, most dimensions can be used as filters so that you can have a greater flexibility on your report customizability (as mentioned on Agents, Numbers and Ring Groups datasets there’s a specific section identifying filters).

In the Calls dataset, there's an exception for the "Call Started Date" and "Calls Finished Date" fields under "Call Identification" - these cannot be used as filters:

  • Date.
  • Day of Month.
  • Day of Week.
  • Hour.
  • Minute.
  • Minute 10.
  • Minute 15.
  • Minute 30.
  • Month.
  • Quarter.
  • Time.
  • Week.

To filter by date, you have to use the dedicated dimensions "Date for Call Started" and "Date for Call Finished" under the "Filters and Datetime Field" section. 




Custom Dashboards filtering

When creating or editing a dashboard, you have the option to apply filters that can either filter all the tiles in the dashboard, or alternatively, you can specify to which tiles the filters should apply. Let’s say you manage a team that works in a different time zone, and you want to check the Service Level of both teams, one in your Chicago timezone, and the other in the New York City timezone.

On a dashboard with a tile measuring the Service Level already set up:


  1. Start by clicking on Edit [1].


  2. Duplicate the Service Level tile on your dashboard:
    Click on More Options [2].
    Select Duplicate Tile [3] and a new tile will appear.


  3. Hover over the original Service Level tile and click on Edit (pencil icon).

  4. Edit the tile name - in this working case example, we’ll call it “Service Level CHI”:
    Put your cursor in the name field [4] and edit the tile name.
    Click Save [5].


  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for your newly duplicated tile and rename it appropriately - we’ve gone for “Service Level NYC”.
  6. Select the new, duplicated tile [6] and click on Filters [7].


  7. The "Add/Edit Dashboard Filters" window will appear. Give it a "Name" [8] and select a "Type" [9].
  8. Select the field to link to the filter, we’ve gone for “Create Area” [10] because we’re creating a dashboard.
  9. Select your dataset [11].
  10. Set the "Default Value" [12], for our example it’s New York.
  11. Next, you need to decide which of the dashboard tiles and/or filters will be updated. Here we’re simply picking the newly duplicated tile “Service Level NYC” [13].
  12. When you’re set, hit Save [14].

You now have two distinct tiles that reflect the Service Level in two separate timezones. Remember, the remaining tiles are all reflecting the default timezone in the account, which in this case is Chicago.


You can also add a filter without specifying a default value which will help you to filter on the go, tile by tile. As an example, let’s add a Ring Group filter to the dashboard without applying a default value:

  1. Go to a specific tile on your dashboard, and click on "Edit Applied Filter" [1].
    Note: This can be a tile with a previously set Ring Group.


  2. Pick a dashboard filter you want to be added to the tile, in this example, Ring Group [2].


  3. Hit Save [3] and the tile will calculate the metric unfiltered.

From here you can:

  • Apply the filter to a different Ring Group to update that Ring Group accordingly.
  • Change the Ring Group in the filter to update that filter accordingly [4].


Notes on Filters and Filtering

String dimensions are case sensitive, which means that for instance, when searching for a Ring Group (Call, Agent or Number Ring Groups) that are always lower case, if you type any upper case in the search field for Ring groups it won’t return the result you’re looking for.

The filters drop-downs have a hard limit for 100 items listed, this is to avoid performance issues when loading the lists of possible entries to filter from. In the case that you have 100+ entries you can use the search option within the filter drop-down. When you’re typing your search keyword, the matching results will be returned from the list. This also applies on filters of the default dashboards and when scheduling or sending a default report.

When using durations as filters, in the datasets Agent Activity, and Ring Groups and Numbers, please consider that the filter is working based on a 24-hour frame as the unit and so the filter will only work if you provide fractions of that unit.


In the example above, you want to have a report for all agents that were away longer than one hour. In this case, you’ll need to have the Away Duration metric as a filter and the filtering criteria will be 0.0416 (because 1h / 24h =0.0146 h).

You can find out more about filtering in Filtering Dashboards and Reports.

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