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Mensajes de Error
Mensajes de Error
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Comprender el significado de algunos mensajes de error que puede encontrar al utilizar Talkdesk
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"An error has occurred, please try again."
"Please choose a stronger password."
"Could not validate your credentials."
"Your user has Conversations installed"
"Unable to access the microphone. Please check system settings."
"We’re sorry, but there was an error while loading your phone. Reason: not a Talkdesk user"
"You need to buy a phone number before being able to make and receive phone calls."
"This call has already been answered by another agent. Goodbye." (Legacy)
"You are not permitted to dial out to this country. Please contact support."
“Your If-No-Answer number cannot be the same as your Talkdesk number.”
“You’ve entered Degraded Mode, some features may not work as expected"
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