As mentioned in the May 15, 2023 Product Notice, some of the cards in Talkdesk Home™ transformed into quick links, while the data will continue to be available in the source applications - see where below.
On November 24, 2023, we shared that we're introducing a new design in Home, beginning with new customers, to replace the remaining cards and quick links. This update aims to deliver an enhanced and unified reporting experience, boosting both performance and accuracy. We plan to roll out the new design to existing customers in the first half of 2024. To learn more about the new design and what it offers, please go here.
Before: Talkdesk Home (Legacy) |
After: Talkdesk Home (New) |
In upgrading to Talkdesk Home (New), action may be required to build out in Talkdesk Live and Talkdesk Explore the metrics you were used to seeing in Talkdesk Home (Legacy). Below, you can find a summary of the cards and quick links available in Talkdesk Home (Legacy), and where the data can be accessed once the Talkdesk Home (New) experience is rolled out. Click on the links in the columns below for more details.
If you need additional guidance on how to replicate the Talkdesk Home Legacy experience using Talkdesk Live and Talkdesk Explore, please refer to Preparing for the New Home Experience: FAQ and watch our webinar:
Before: Talkdesk Home (Legacy) |
After: Talkdesk Home (New) |
"Talkdesk Live" > "Service Level" + "Avg. Wait Time" + "Avg. Abandon Time" widgets |
Sentiment has been deprecated (End of Life Notice). Interaction Sentiment available via Talkdesk Interaction Analytics. |
Related Articles:
- Talkdesk Home (New):
- Talkdesk Live
- Talkdesk Explore:
User Status
Talkdesk Home (Legacy):
Data: All online and offline users, their queues, the status they are in, and the time spent in the status. It also allows you to change the agent status.
Data period: Real time, 24-hour lookback | Refresh: ≤ 5 seconds
Talkdesk Home (New):
Location: Available by going to Talkdesk Live > "Live Agents List" widget. If you don’t have this widget, see here how to add widgets.
Data: In the Live Agents List widget, you can quickly see the Queues (same as Ring Groups), Status, Channels (Voice, SMS, Chat, Email, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Digital Connect), Occupancy/Max Capacity (occupancy level based on maximum capacity), and Time in Status of each Agent. In addition, you can copy the details and monitor a specific agent.
Please note that, currently, Live Agents List only lists agents in status in an online status (Available, Busy, Away, After Call Work), which means that agents who are offline will not be listed here. To see these, you can add the Offline Agents List widget
Widget can be filtered by: Team, Status, Queue, and Channel.
Data period: Real-time |Refresh: ≤ 5 seconds
Logged-in Users
Talkdesk Home (Legacy):
Data: No data is displayed as of May 2023. When clicking the link, it opens a new tab in "Talkdesk Live" > "Count of Agents Logged In" widget.
Data period: N/A | Refresh: N/A
Talkdesk Home (New):
Location: Available by going to Talkdesk Live" > "Count of Agents Logged-In" widget.
Below showing example of logged-in users by Agent Status.
Configure by clicking on the "Settings" icon to view a drill-down of logged-in users by Queue or Team.
Data: Total of agents logged in, allowing a drill-down of the visualization by Queue, Team, or Agent Status.
Widget can be filtered by: Team, Status, and Queue.
Data period: N/A | Refresh: N/A
Service Levels
Talkdesk Home (Legacy):
Data: Monitors how queues are performing regarding the Service Level, the average waiting time (AWT), and the abandonment rate (ABR).
Data period: Day-to-date | Refresh: ≤ 15 seconds
Talkdesk Home (New):
Location: "Talkdesk Live" > "Service Level" + "Avg. Wait Time" + "Avg. Abandon Time" widgets
Data: To access the data that existed on the Home (Legacy) Service Level card, you need three different widgets with the totals for each metric and the drill-down by queue: Service Level, Avg. Wait Time, and Avg. Abandon Time widgets. To learn more about setting up widgets, please visit Configuring Talkdesk Live Widgets: Overview
Widgets can be filtered by: Queue
Data Period: Day-to-date | Refresh: ≤ 15 seconds
Queued Contacts
Talkdesk Home (Legacy):
Data: Queues with the longest wait time.
Data period: Real time; 24-hour lookback | Refresh: ≤ 5 seconds
Talkdesk Home (New):
Location: Available by going to "Talkdesk Live" > "Live Contacts in Queue" widget.
Data: Same as above.
Widget can be filtered by: Queue
Data Period: Real time | Refresh: ≤ 5 seconds
Missed Attempts
Talkdesk Home (Legacy):
Data: Number of missed attempts per user and the reason.
Data period: Day-to-date | Refresh: ≤ 15 seconds
Talkdesk Home (New):
Location: Available by going to "Talkdesk Live" > "Missed Attempts" widget.
Click into each user to gain insight into the Reason for Missed Attempts.
Data: Same as above.
Widget can be filtered by: Queue, Team, and Missed Type.
Data period: Day-to-date | Refresh: ≤ 15 seconds
Evaluation Results
Talkdesk Home (Legacy):
Data: No data is displayed as of May 2023. When clicking the link, it opens a new tab in "Talkdesk Quality Management" > "Evaluations". The data can be consulted in the QM Evaluation Analysis Report or dataset (see below).
Data period: N/A | Refresh: N/A
Talkdesk Home (New):
Location: "Talkdesk Explore" > "QM Evaluation Analysis" report. Requires having access to the Talkdesk Quality Management app and, if a custom report is desired, access to the Create feature in Talkdesk Explore is also needed.
Data: The QM Evaluation Analysis report is out of the box and shows only a subset of data collected during an evaluation. To show all data insights gathered, a custom report must be created using the Create feature and leveraging the QM Evaluation Analysis dataset.
Default report can be filtered by: Date, Agent Name, Evaluator Name, Form Name, Ring Group Name, and Team Name.
Data period: Custom | Refresh: N/A
CSAT Results
Talkdesk Home (Legacy):
Data: No data is displayed as of May 2023. When clicking the link, it opens a new tab in "Talkdesk Feedback" > "Feedback Flows". The data can be consulted in the "Feedback Report" or "Feedback Flow Report" (see below).
Data period: N/A | Refresh: N/A
Talkdesk Home (New):
Location: "Talkdesk Explore" > "Feedback Report". Requires having access to the Talkdesk Feedback app and, if a custom report is desired, access to the Create feature in Talkdesk Explore is also needed.
Data: The "Feedback Report" is out of the box and shows survey data collected over a certain period of time, with detailed information about the interaction and survey, such as the Channel, CSAT Question, CSAT, and CSAT Score. To show other insights, a custom report must be created using the Create feature and leveraging the"Feedback Flow Report".
Default report can be filtered by: Agent Ring Group, Call Ring Group, Date, Timezone, Agent Name, Channel, CSAT Question, CSAT Score, Interaction ID, Open Text Response, Respondent Phone Number, and Talkdesk Phone Number.
Data period: Custom | Refresh: N/A
Sentiment Monitor
Talkdesk Home (Legacy):
Data: No data is displayed as of May 2023. When clicking the link, it opens a new tab in "Talkdesk Interaction Analytics" > "Dashboards" tab.
Data period: N/A | Refresh: N/A
Talkdesk Home (New):
Location: Sentiment has been deprecated. See the End of Life Notice here. As an alternative, we suggest using the "Dashboards" tab in Talkdesk Interaction Analytics. Requires having access to the Talkdesk Interaction Analytics app.
Data: High-level overview of customer sentiment.
Data can be filtered by: Date, Ring Group, and Channel.
Data period: Custom | Refresh: N/A