Connections Executions Dashboard

If you wish to analyze your metrics for Connections executions, please follow these steps:

1. Click on the Explore tab.

2. Select Connections Actions Executions [1].


3. Configure the filters you wish to apply [2].

4. Dashboard loads automatically, but if needed, press the Reload button [3].


These are the available filters in the Connections Executions Dashboard:

Date: Choose the desired period for your analysis by clicking the corresponding fields for Date.

Timezone: By default, the dashboard is using your account Timezone, but you can adjust to a Timezone that better reflects your needs in the Timezone filter.

Connection ID: By default, the dashboard will present all the Connections configured in your account, but you can filter for a specific ID.

Action ID: By default, the dashboard will present all the Actions configured in your account, but you can filter for a specific ID.

Execution ID: Similar to when filtering by Action ID, you might want to narrow your analysis to check only one particular execution.

Execution status: It is possible to display executions based on the status. You can select either to only showcase executed or failed actions.
Execution Status Code: It is possible to narrow your analysis by filtering per execution status code.

For more information, please check the article Filtering Dashboards and Reports.


In the Connections Executions, you can analyze the following metrics:

Total Actions Executions: otal number of executions processed for Connections Actions.

Total Successful Actions: Number of executions that were executed.

Total Failed Actions: Number of executions that failed to execute.

Action Failures Over Time: Number of failed executions combined with the failure's date.

Execution Status: The percentage of each execution status.
Status Code: The percentage of each status code.

Average Action Execution in Seconds: Average execution time displayed by action ID.

Executions per connection: Number of executions displayed by connection ID.


The dashboard also provides a table with the actions' execution details, presenting one execution per line and displaying all the details, including the processed Input Payload and Output Payload.

You can download the dashboard as a PDF or CSV for a more detailed analysis if you have permission. To do this, click the gear icon and choose the desired option. You can also request the report to be sent to specific e-mail addresses and set a schedule.

For more information, please check the articles Downloading and Sending Dashboards and Creating Schedules.

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