Calibrations in QM

With the Talkdesk Quality Management™ (QM) “Calibrations” feature, Admins can ensure scoring consistency and objectivity among evaluators by assigning a call to be evaluated and, later, comparing those results.

Multiple calibration-type evaluations can be tied to a single recording. They can be compared, to easily identify possible discrepancies (e.g., which specific questions were scored differently).


Requesting a Calibration:

Accessing Calibration Requests

Editing Calibration Requests

Removing a Calibration

Removing an Evaluator from a Calibration

Comparing Calibration Results

Creating a Calibration Request: Alternative Method


Requesting a Calibration

To start a Calibration, firstly, you have to select a call, either by accessing the Activities application.


Activities Application

If you wish to learn how to start a Calibration using the Activities app, please follow the steps below:


1. Access the Activities application within Talkdesk Workspace.

2. Click on the Evaluate icon [1] available next to each call.


3. You’ll be redirected to the Quality Management app. Then, click on the Request Calibration button [2].  

Requesting a Calibration 5-12..png

4. On the “Request Calibration” pop-up window [5], choose the specifications of the calibration session you wish to create:

  • Insert a “Name” for the calibration request [6].
  • The “Agent” name (filled by default) [7].
  • Choose an “Evaluation form” template [8] from the drop-down list.
  • Search for the “Evaluators” name  [9] from the drop-down list. 
  • Pick the “Due date” for the request [10] from the calendar icon. 
  • Select the minimum percentage of evaluations accepted for the calibration to be considered complete [11].

Note: In case the value selected is not reached by the due date picked, the Calibration will be considered incomplete and the option to extend it will be available.

5. Once you’re finished filling in all the previous mandatory fields, press Continue [12]. When the request is sent, the evaluators will be able to evaluate it, and they will receive an evaluation in the “To do” status on their “Evaluations” list.


  • The completed evaluation and score generated due to the calibration will not be considered an actual score for performance metrics and reporting.
  • Calibration evaluations are not shown to agents and can be compared to identify discrepancies.  
  • The calibration evaluations will have the status “To do” in the “Evaluations” menu, even if there’s no active  “Random Sampling” feature.

Accessing Calibration Requests

As an Admin, you can follow the steps below to access the “Calibrations” page that shows the comparison between the different calibration evaluations:


1. Once you have logged in as an Administrator, go to the Calibrations menu  [1].

2. On the “Calibrations” page [2] you can view the total number of calibrations you have made, as well as the “Calibration name” [3], “Evaluators” name [4], date, and hour of creation [5], “Due Date” [6], “Score” (percentage) [7] and the “Progress” of each calibration request [8].


When you select the “Calibration name” you will be taken to the corresponding “Call recording” page where it is possible to play the recording [9] or click on the Show screen button to watch the recording video [10]. On this page, the option to open the video recording in a new tab is disabled [11] and it is not possible to add new comments during the call.


Editing Calibration Requests

After creating a calibration request, you can still update some specifications. To do so, follow these steps:


1. Go to the Calibrations menu  [1].

2. Click on the calibration name you wish to edit [2].


3. Select Edit [3].


4. On the “Edit calibration” pop-up window [4], choose the following specifications that you can still change: 

  • The “Name” [5].
  • The “Evaluators” [6].
  • The “Due date” [7].
  • The “Minimum acceptable to complete” [8]

5. Click on the Update button to save your changes [9]. After sending the update, it will be reflected in the request that the evaluator received.


Removing a Calibration

You can delete Calibrations and the corresponding “To-do's”/Evaluations: 

  • Directly on the “Calibrations” page.
  • After selecting the Calibration’s name.

If you wish to know how to delete Calibrations on the “Calibrations page” or by selecting the Calibration's name, follow the instructions below:


1. On the “Calibrations” page, select the Calibration [1] that you wish to delete.


2. Click on the Calibration’s bin icon [2].


3. Then, a pop-up window will appear for you to confirm if you want to delete the Calibration. If yes, press the Delete button [3].


You can also remove a Calibration after selecting its name on the “Calibrations” page, and then, by clicking on the Delete option [1]

Note: Please, bear in mind that deleting a Calibration is an irreversible action, and all Evaluations related to them will be deleted as well.


Removing an Evaluator from a Calibration

You can remove an Evaluator from an existing Calibration (along with the “To-do’s” evaluation that has been created). 

To know how to delete evaluators from a Calibration, please follow the steps below:


1. Select the Calibration that you wish to remove an Evaluator from [1].


2. Click on the Evaluation’s bin icon [2].


3. Then, a pop-up window will appear to confirm if you want to remove the Evaluator from the Calibration. If yes, press the Delete button [3]. After deleting, the Evaluator is no longer part of the Calibration.

Note: Only users with the “Edit” permission can remove Evaluators from Calibrations. To know more about the “Calibrations” permissions, you can read the “Defining and Editing Permissions for QM” section of this article.


Comparing Calibration Results


When there are evaluations in the “Completed” status [1], it will become possible to compare the results. Follow the instructions below to learn how to compare them:

1. Click on the Compare results button  [2].  


2. The “Call recording” section is hidden by default  [3]. However, you can select the arrow to expand and see the recording details.

3. On the “General score” [4] you have all the evaluators’ names involved in the calibration [5], the score they gave to the agents under “Points” [6], and the “Score” in percentage format [7].

4. On the “Evaluation results” [8] you have the form and all the questions within each section. The questions can have the following icons next to them:

green.png :  There are no discrepancies in the answers given to the question.

yellow.png :  There are discrepancies in one or more answers given by the evaluators to the question.

grey.png :  It is a question with an answer in free format text, and therefore it is impossible to compare (but you can view what was written).


When you request a Calibration using a form with the branching feature, the answers where it was applied will have a label next to them [9] and/or appear as “Skipped” [10].


Creating a Calibration Request: Alternative Method

To start a Calibration, you can use the Create Calibration button [1] inside the “Calibrations” section, within Quality Management (QM). Note: Alternatively, click the Create a new calibration hyperlink [2], at the center of the page. 

A pop-up will appear, requesting that you fill in the necessary information. Please keep in mind that a calibration started from this section requires the “Interaction ID” information [3] of the desired interaction.


Note: The remaining fields of the pop-up are the same as described in the above sections of this article. As an example, see the Editing Calibration Requests section.

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