IVR Surveys provide Talkdesk Feedback™ users with the ability to create post-call voice surveys to obtain reports and analyzable data.
This allows users to gain a better understanding of customer satisfaction, through the voice channel, with the ability to ask a CSAT (1-5 rating) and open comment questions in a survey. Please click the link to access our template survey script.
For more information on how to create a flow in Studio, please consult our Studio documentation here, or complete the Studio course in Talkdesk Academy.
“Assignment and Dial” component
“Get Voice Feedback” component
Creating an IVR Survey Flow
To create your Survey, you can directly create an IVR flow using survey templates. To do so, access Talkdesk Feedback, click on Feedback Flows, and then click the Create flow button.
Begin by clicking Create flow.
Now, an Admin can give the new flow a name, select between the “CSAT” or “NPS” options, and select the template’s language.
Admins can enable the DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) capability for CSAT or NPS questions by checking the DTMF mode. This allows respondents to participate in surveys by pressing the corresponding numeric keys on their phones.
Note: The DTMF mode applies to the survey question level, as follows:
- Only dial pad inputs are detected (voice will not be processed)
- Only one ending keypress is available (#).
Currently, these are the languages available for selection:
- English (US)
- English (Australia)
- English (Canada)
- English (Great Britain)
- English (India)
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Danish
- German
- Spanish
- French (Canada)
- French
- Dutch
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Portuguese
- Italian
- Malay (Malaysia)
- Indonesian
At the bottom of the menu, a description may also be added, for easier identification of the flow’s intended purpose.
Note: If you’d like additional languages, please submit a Talkdesk Support request. Enablement and setup require engagement with Talkdesk.
After clicking Create button, the IVR survey flow will be in processing status.
After successfully creating and publishing your Feedback Flow, you can activate it in Studio by clicking on the Studio Deployment icon.
“Incoming Call” component
To create your Survey, you must first set it up on Talkdesk Studio™. To do so, first access Talkdesk Main, click on Admin, and then select Studio.
Locate the "Get Feedback "component. From the component’s dropdown menu, if a template has already been created, you will see an "IVR Survey" option.
On your flow, click on the Incoming Call component and Exits [1]. In “Send to” [2], select the “Play Audio” component’s name. Save the changes to the flow and close this component.
Note: At this time, IVR Surveys are only available on “Incoming Call” flows in Studio.
Survey Invitation
To leverage the IVR Surveys feature in Talkdesk Feedback™, we recommend that you implement the “Play Audio” component at the beginning of the Studio flow or update your existing welcome message, to notify callers that there’s a survey at the end of the call, or modify a current welcome message if you have one implemented in your flow.
The main purpose of this part of the flow is to boost response rates by notifying callers of the upcoming survey.
Note: It is possible to create flows that include an opt-in option to take the survey at the end of the call, but this option has been shown to negatively impact survey response rates. A caller is always able to opt out by hanging up the call.
The Studio component should clearly describe what the purpose is. We recommend using the following description:
- “Notify caller of survey”.
On Preferences [1], the Text to speech [2] option offers the possibility to write your own message, that will be transformed from text into audio. To ensure that the audio is correct, please be sure to appropriately select the language option in “Language of audio output” [3].
When implementing the Text to speech [4] option, you can use the following script:
- “Please remain on the line after the call to leave feedback about your experience.”
Afterward, select Audio file upload [5] and choose the Upload a new file [6] option in the drop-down menu. Download and select for upload the file that is attached to this article, at the bottom of the page (English only).
“Assignment and Dial” component
In your flow’s “Assignment and Dial” component, click on Exits and go to the “Call finished” [1] drop-down. Choose IVR Survey.
For the “No answer” [2] option, on the pop-up box, choose Call End. Select Call End for both the “Maximum waiting time reached” [3] and the “No match found” [4] options.
At the bottom of the page, the default behavior for “Error handling” (unexpected failure) of this component is the “End Flow” option, thus terminating the call.
“Get Voice Feedback” component
With the Talkdesk Get Voice Feedback component, you can trigger an IVR Feedback Flow by sending an IVR survey to the contact after the call is finished.
Following the “Assignment and Dial” component, add the "Get Voice Feedback" component to the flow. Access the Preferences and Exits tabs to configure it.
On the Preferences tab, you will find the option below.
- "Choose Feedback Flow": This field allows you to select the desired IVR feedback flow that has been previously configured in “Feedback” > "Feedback Flows".
On the Exits tab, the two options below are presented:
- “Success”: Define an exit to direct the interaction, if it is successful. In this example, this interaction is terminated through an “End Flow” component.
- “Error handling”: This section allows you to configure the behavior of scenarios in which there is an unexpected component failure. To know more, see the Error Handling section.
Opt-in or Opt-out options
You can create a flow that allows callers to opt in to the survey, but it is not recommended, since it has been shown to negatively impact survey response rates.
Therefore, a simple message at the beginning of the call alerting the caller to the survey is advised, to obtain the best possible outcomes for feedback collection. A caller can opt out of the survey by hanging up the call.
Customizing an IVR flow
To customize an IVR flow, admins can locate the IVR survey flow from the “Feedback flows” list and choose the More Actions button (...). Choose the Manage flow option to customize the flow.
Important Note:
The IVR survey flow created before December 20th, 2023 still needs to submit a support ticket for the customization. It is advisable to create a new IVR survey flow as a replacement to customize the IVR survey flow.
Simple CSAT Flow using DTMF mode
This simple flow is intended to measure CSAT. We recommend this flow for those looking for a simple survey (template) to start with.
Component | Component Name | Message Text |
CSAT | Overall CSAT |
“We'd like to know more about your experience today. From 1-5, how would you rate your experience? 1 being bad and 5 being good. Press the number and the # key.” Settings:
Invalid response message
Open Feedback | Additional context |
“Thank you. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about your experience?” |
Flow End | Thank you | “Thank you. We take your feedback seriously and appreciate your time.” |
Save and Publish the Flow.
Product NPS Flow
This simple flow focuses on understanding customer satisfaction with the product or service.
Component | Component Name | Message Text or Condition |
NPS | Overall Product NPS |
“On a scale of 0 to 10 please tell us how likely you are to recommend us to friends and family, where ten is extremely likely to recommend and zero is not at all likely to recommend.” Settings:
Invalid response message
Conditional | If low NPS, provide context |
If NPS > is > Detractor (score 0-6):
Open Feedback | Product context | “Please provide more details about your experience or tell us how we can improve.” |
Flow End | Thank you | “Thank you. We take your feedback seriously and appreciate your time.” |
Save and Publish the Flow.
Multiple Question Flow
Flow Builder allows you to create multiple questions in your surveys.
For post-call interaction surveys, we recommend keeping them brief, i.e. asking a maximum of 2 to 6 questions, to receive the best possible response rates and feedback quality.
Component | Component Name | Message Text or Condition |
NPS | Overall Brand NPS |
“On a scale of 0 (least likely) to 10 (most likely) please tell us how likely you are to recommend us to friends and family. To opt-out please reply STOP.” Note: Designate this question as the NPS KPI. |
CSAT | Overall CSAT |
"We'd like to know more about your experience today. From 1-5, how would you rate your experience? 1 being bad and 5 being good. For example: Say 5." Note: Designate this question as the CSAT KPI. |
Conditional | If low CSAT, provide context | If Overall CSAT > less than > 3:
Open Feedback | Additional context | “Please provide more details about your experience or tell us how we can improve.” |
CSAT | Agent CSAT |
“On a scale of 1 (least satisfied) to 5 (most satisfied) please rate how helpful and friendly the agent was. Note: Check the “Agent categorization” checkbox. |
Conditional | If low Agent CSAT, provide context | If Overall CSAT > less than > 3:
Open Feedback | Agent context | “If your experience wasn't satisfactory, please tell us how we can improve.” |
Flow End | Thank you | “Thank you. We take your feedback seriously and appreciate your time.” |
Save and Publish the Flow.
Important Notes:
- Please note that metric questions with an “Agent” categorization have their answers funneled to Performance Management and to relevant reporting solutions.
- Designating questions as “Key Performance Indicators (KPI)” will fuel Live Feedback Stream’s summary strip reporting capabilities.
Renaming an IVR Survey Flow
Admins can locate the IVR survey flow from the “Feedback flows” list and choose the More Actions button (...). Choose the Rename option to rename the flow.
A pop-up will appear, prompting you to update the name. After confirming by using the Save option, the survey flow will be renamed.
Deleting an IVR Survey Flow
To eliminate a flow, admins must locate the IVR survey flow from the “Feedback flows” list and choose the More Actions button (...). Choose the Delete option to remove the flow.
A pop-up will appear, prompting a confirmation. After confirming by using the Delete option, the survey flow will be permanently deleted.
Additional Resources