Release Notes | Talkdesk Orchestration & Routing

Define your customer’s journey with Talkdesk Studio™ Orchestration and Routing. For more information, please visit our Studio documentation.

Release Notes prior to the last listed date can be found here (login required).

December 4, 2024 - Talkdesk Studio: Voice IVR Self-Enablement

On Wednesday, December 4, 2024, we will release the following enhancements in Talkdesk Studio™ Voice IVR.


  • Studio Text-to-Speech Powered by Amazon Polly: In order to have a more natural-sounding experience for Studio Text-to-Speech and greater control over speech parameters, the admin can enable Studio Text-to-Speech powered by Amazon Polly voices directly on the Admin > Channels > Voice channel settings. This way, the admin will be able to set by language the voice that better fits the business needs.
  • New languages Arabic (Gulf), Dutch (Belgium), English (Ireland), and French (Belgium) will be progressively deployed over the next few days on Studio Text-to-Speech components Play Audio, Standard IVR, Assignment & Dial, and Voice IVR, and will become available exclusively with premium Amazon Polly Neural voices.

Note: The voices have usage costs dependent on the Plan (Advanced, and Premium) of the voice. If you have any questions about these costs, please check your rate card’s details or contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) or Talkdesk point of contact.

For more information, please check our Text-to-Speech Powered by Amazon Polly documentation.



October 16, 2024 - Talkdesk Studio: Traffic Splitter

On Wednesday, October 16th, 2024, we will begin a progressive rollout of the following enhancement in Talkdesk Studio™:


  • Traffic Splitter algorithm optimization: The Traffic Splitter component has been updated from using a random method to a more consistent and deterministic approach for distributing Studio interactions. This improvement will lead to more effective and reliable management of the distribution of the interactions by ensuring that the weight ratio rules set at the component level are respected.

    The improved algorithm converts the weight ratios configured in the Traffic Splitter component using the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD).
    The cycle of distributed interactions is determined by dividing the sum of all weights by the GCD. For example, with exits weighted 55 and 45 and a GCD of 5, the cycle length is 20 interactions. Interactions are assigned alternately to each Traffic Splitter exit, respecting the weight ratios and this distribution continues until the end of the cycle.

For more information, please check our Traffic Splitter documentation.

October 14, 2024 - Talkdesk Studio: Forward to External 

On Monday, October 14th, 2024, we will release the following enhancement in Studio Voice IVR.


  • FTE Outbound Caller ID: This new capability will enable the admin to set up any account number as an outbound caller ID on the Forward to External Number Studio component. When using the "Touchpoint" option and the inbound number is designated for inbound calls only and not allowed to be used on outbound (Do-Not-Originate number), the calls will generally be blocked by carriers. With this new capability, the admin will be able to select a different outbound caller ID, preventing calls from being blocked by carriers.

For more information, please check our Forward to External Number documentation.


October 11, 2024 - Talkdesk Studio: Blind Transfer to Flow

On Friday, October 11th, 2024, we will release the following enhancement in Studio Voice IVR.


  • Blind Transfer to Flow: This new capability will simplify call handling and improve the overall efficiency of your contact center by enabling agents to transfer calls back into the flow system. Leverage orchestration and routing tools to build a custom blind transfer experience with routing rules based on time, data dips, voicemail, or callback options. Enhance flexibility to route contacts without extra costs and ensure accurate reporting.
    As part of this enhancement, and in order to improve the readability over different flow executions in the same interaction, a new Flow Execution ID field was added to the Studio Flow Execution Report.

For more information, please check our Blind Transfer to Flow documentation.

July 5, 2024 - Talkdesk Studio: Studio Flows Audit Logs in Audit Logs Report 

Starting on Friday, July 5th, 2024, we will roll out the following enhancement in Talkdesk Studio™: 


  • Studio flows audit logs in Audit Logs Report: Studio will provide the ability for our Customers to access audit logs related to Studio flows writing operations, in Explore, with information on what was the operation performed, who was the user that made that operation, and when the operation occurred. The following audit operations for Studio Flows will be available:
    • Updating the Studio flow steps (emitted on save, after adding, updating, or removing steps);
    • Publishing a Studio flow;
    • Updating a Studio flow context (emitted on save, after updating the manage context or the variables in the flow context);
    • Updating a Studio flow (update the name and/or description of a flow);
    • Deleting a Studio flow (all versions);
    • Deleting a Studio flow version;
    • Creating a Studio flow (emitted on create, duplicate, and restore actions).

These capabilities are crucial to guaranteeing compliance with regulatory requirements while ensuring the system’s availability, integrity, and overall security.

April 8, 2024 - Talkdesk Studio: Voice IVR

On Monday, April 8, 2024, we will release the following enhancement in Studio Voice IVR.


  • Agent Whisper Prompt: The Agent Whisper Prompt allows the admin to set an audio message that will be “whispered”(played) to the agent introducing the interaction context before the agent and the contact person begin the conversation. The admin can use the Set Whisper Message Studio component to configure the message “whispered” to the agent using Text-To-Speech capability or an audio file Prompt.

For more information, please check our Set Whisper Message documentation


March 11, 2024 - Talkdesk Studio: "Dial Agent" component

On Monday, March 11th, 2024, we will release the following feature in Talkdesk Studio™.


  • "Dial Agent" component: With the "Dial Agent" Talkdesk Studio component, you can deliver direct calls to the agent regardless of whether the agent is on green, yellow, or red status, by enabling the Call Waiting feature. This will give agents the option to manage multiple calls simultaneously and allow them to accept incoming calls while placing the current call on hold.

For more information, please check our Studio Dial Agent documentation. 

January 26, 2024 - Talkdesk Studio: Maximum Waiting Time on Callback Components

On Friday, January 26th, 2024, we will release the following feature in Talkdesk Studio™.


  • Maximum ringing time: The Callback components exclusively supported increments of hours for the maximum waiting time setting. With this enhancement, a new widget for time selection will allow to set the “Callback" Maximum Waiting time from 5 minutes to 48 hours with the granularity of hours and minutes.>>

For more information, please check our Voice IVR - Request Callback from Queue component documentation.

January 9, 2024 - Talkdesk Studio: "Make Outbound Call" component

On Tuesday, January 9th, 2024, we will begin the progressive rollout of the following feature in Talkdesk Studio™.


  • "Make Outbound Call" studio component ring time limit: We have increased the ring time limit, from 35 seconds to 600 seconds. This change helps minimize missed calls if the person on the other end takes more than 35 seconds to answer.

For more information, please visit our Studio Advanced Documentation.


December 18, 2023 - Talkdesk Studio: Recording Call Compliance, Outgoing Call and Hangup Components

On Monday, December 18th, 2023, we will release the following features in Talkdesk Studio™.


  • Manual Outbound Recording Call Compliance: This feature allows Talkdesk customers to configure the appropriate controls to be compliant on call recording of outbound calls. As a consequence, this feature removes the need for agents to remember to ask contacted parties for authorization to record the call; instead, Studio can be leveraged to automatically advise contacted parties that a call will be recorded, allowing the contact to take action if they don’t wish to be recorded (e.g., hanging up, remaining on the line, and advising the agent to not record)
  • “Outgoing call” Component: To allow for “Manual Outbound Call Recording Compliance” automated messages, Talkdesk is releasing a new Studio flow type that will start when the contact person answers a manual outbound call. The "Outgoing call" component is the initial step for this new flow type definition and allows the admin to access contact and interaction details.
  • “Hangup” Component: This component aims at disconnecting the call from both the contact person and the agent when, for example, the contact person does not consent to the recording of the call.

For more information, please visit our Studio Advanced Documentation.



November 20, 23 - Talkdesk Studio: References in Number Input Fields

On Monday, November 20th, 2023, we will release the following enhancement in Talkdesk Studio™:


  • References in number input fields: In the scope of scaling Studio Flows referencing model, the usage of variables becomes available in Studio components’ number input field types. Usage examples include the “Weight ratio” field in the “Traffic splitter” component as well as the waiting time, ringing time, and timeout fields that are present in “Assignment and dial”, “Forward to external” and “Callback” among other Studio components.

October 16, 2023 - Talkdesk Studio: Referencing Dynamic Fields across Studio Flows

On Monday, October 16th,  2023, we will begin the progressive rollout of the following enhancement in Talkdesk Studio™:


  • Referencing dynamic fields across Studio flows (number and text input fields): Studio flows’ referencing model will scale to support reference capabilities across the components’ number and text input fields, in addition to selecting a literal value.
    In runtime, Studio will now apply the necessary transformations to unexpected step property values (such as mismatching types or out-of-bounds values) to make them compliant, whenever possible. Otherwise, Studio falls back to triggering the “Error handling” behavior configured for that step.
    This way, the Studio platform is prepared for unpredictable behaviors in runtime, given that the static type and format validations performed over literal values currently do not apply when using references.


September 28, 2023 - Talkdesk Studio: UUI SIP Header

 On Thursday, September 28th, 2023, we will release the following feature in Talkdesk Studio™:


  • “Incoming Call” User to User Information (UUI) SIP Header:  The “Incoming call” component in Studio will now support the ability to retrieve a UUI SIP header, mapped into variables, that can be used in the context of a specific flow. UUI SIP headers can contain information about the caller, the call destination, and other attributes used to efficiently manage incoming calls and route them to the appropriate agents. With this feature, agents are provided with external content for the interaction.


  • UUI is only available for Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) numbers and not for Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) numbers. 

For more information, please visit our Incoming call component documentation.


July 18, 2023 - Talkdesk Studio: “Forward to External Number” Studio Component

On Thursday, July 18th, 2023, we will begin the progressive rollout of the following enhancements in Talkdesk Studio:

  • Increase in maximum ringing time in the “Forward to External Number” Studio component: Flow Administrators can now set the ringing time of the “Forward to External Number” Studio component up to a maximum of 600 seconds. With this enhancement, ringing times set in the “Forward to External Number” Studio component can now range from 1 to 600 seconds, with 35 seconds being the default value.
    • Notes
      • This ringing time is included in the call cost. 
      • The maximum ringing time can be limited by the callee service provider.

  • Removal of the “Beep” Tone: With this enhancement, the “beep” tone used to announce the addition of a participant to a conference call is now disabled by default in the “Forward to External Number” Studio component.


July 11, 2023 - Talkdesk Studio: Provider's Early Media

On Tuesday, July 11th, 2023, we will begin the progressive rollout of the following feature in Talkdesk Studio™: 


  • Provider’s Early Media: A manual outbound call to an external number using the Forward to External Number Studio component or the Conversations app now provides agents with Early Media of the contact person’s service provider.
    During the initial call setup, agents can now hear dialing tones or any other media, allowing them to understand the status of the call setup process (e.g., ringing, number unavailable, busy, among others). This feature provides a way to avoid situations in which the agent has to wait a long time before notification of the call not being established is heard.


June 28, 2023 - Talkdesk Studio: Dynamic Referencing Fields

On Wednesday, June 28th, 2023, we will release the following enhancement in Talkdesk Studio™: 


  • Dynamic Referencing Fields: Studio component fields that earlier allowed to reference a variable using the syntax "%{current_flow.variable_name}” have now been enhanced to automatically convert a variable being referenced into a chip. When converting, the variable’s display name will be shown, and a visual color code will indicate whether the variable is valid (green) or invalid (red) if the variable does not exist, the reference is inaccurate, or the variable type is incorrect.
    For a simpler and enriching referencing experience, a helper has been added to these fields so that the Admin can select the variables from the dynamic value dropdown instead of using the above-mentioned syntax.



June 26, 2023 - Talkdesk Studio: Text-to-Speech

On Monday, June 26th, 2023, we will release the following enhancement in Talkdesk Studio™: 



  • Text-to-Speech Upgrade: Text-to-Speech services within Studio will be upgraded, providing customers with improved voices across all countries included in Talkdesk CX Cloud Text-to-Speech services. The degree of difference noticed will depend on the locale/language. In most cases, the synthesized speech has been refined to provide a more natural and lifelike synthesized speech experience. These new voices will automatically be made available to all Talkdesk customers, and existing Studio flows will map directly to the new voices. There will be no additional charges associated with the new voice enhancements. 

April 19, 2023 - Talkdesk Studio: Functions

On Wednesday, April 19th, 2023, we will release the following features for Talkdesk Studio Functions:


  • Editing published Functions: It is now possible to edit a published function. With this enhancement, you can change a function code and add inputs and outputs. For every edition of a published function, a backup will be created.  

  • Deleting Functions: It is now possible to delete a function. With this enhancement, you can delete a function, even if it's published. It will, however, remain visible under the status deleted. 

  • Filtering Functions: With this new feature, it is possible to filter functions based on their status. By default, both deleted and backup functions are hidden from the list.  

For more information, please read our Talkdesk Studio Functions documentation.


March 31, 2023 - Talkdesk Studio: Permissions

On Monday, April 3rd, 2023, we will release the following feature  in Talkdesk Studio™: 


  • Studio “View”, “Manage”, and “Publish” permissions in “Admin” > “Roles and Permissions”: In this menu, Admins can now grant permissions as a way to guarantee that only users with these roles can perform specific actions in Studio Flows and Modules.
    Though users will see all the options available in Flows and Modules, these finer permissions will regulate users’ access to a set scope of actions. Initially, an error message will be displayed if users attempt to execute an operation for which they do not have permission. Iteratively, the actions to which the user was not granted access will be hidden, as a strategy to improve the user experience around Studio permissions.  

         The permissions enable users to perform the following actions:

  • “View”: In the Editor, users can see published, draft, and archived flows and modules, open them in read-only mode, export them, and, in the Manager, see the “Manage numbers” option on flows.
  • “Manage”: Users can edit, save, restore, and duplicate flows and modules in the Editor. This permission allows users to create, duplicate, delete, rename, and edit draft flows and modules, as well as see the flows’ limit and notices. 
  • “Publish”: In the Editor, users will be able to publish flows and modules, and in Manager, they will be able to manage numbers (assign, unassign, and reassign phone numbers to Studio flows).

Note: Please be aware that you will only be able to see the Studio app and perform "Manage" actions if you have “View” permission. In addition, you can only perform "Publish" actions if you have “View” and “Manage” permissions.


March 22, 2023 - Talkdesk Studio: Filters

Between Tuesday and Wednesday, March 21st and March 22nd, 2023, we will be rolling out the following new feature to Talkdesk Studio™: 


  • Filter Studio Flows by Flow Type:  From now on, it is possible to filter Studio Flows by flow type in the Studio Flow Manager.


March 17, 2023 - Talkdesk Studio: Prompts

On Friday, March 17, 2023, we will release the following feature in Talkdesk Studio™: 


  • Prompts: The new “Prompts” menu in Studio is a centralized assistant platform that enables you to manage audio prompts independently from a Studio flow, so you can replace, rename and delete existing audio files without having to change multiple voice components in a Studio flow. 

What’s included

  • Creating Prompts: It is possible to create new prompts by uploading audio files that can be referenced in a Studio flow through a “play audio” widget in components such as “Play Audio”, “Assignment and Dial”, “Input IVR”, and “Standard IVR”, among others.
  • Editing Prompts: Users can rename existing audio files or replace audio files that are being used in one or more Studio flow steps.
  • Deleting Prompts: Users can delete audio files that are no longer in use.
  • Visualization of a Prompts’ list: A list of prompts is displayed to enable users to see and manage all account prompts. 
  • Prompts Usage: When a prompt is listed, users can easily see and understand where a prompt is being used. 
  • Downloading audio files: Users can download and bulk download audio files to store or regain access to them. 

How to Access

“Prompts” is installed by default for all Talkdesk accounts that use Studio. 

To start using “Prompts”, open the Studio app and click on the “Prompts” tab.


March 8, 2023 - Talkdesk Studio: Continuity Settings

On Wednesday, March 8th, 2023, we will release the following features and an enhancement in Talkdesk Studio™: 


  • Continuity Settings “Enable” and “Disable” options: You can now use the “Enable” button to activate the Continuity Settings in the event of an incident that prevents your contact center from operating correctly; when the system is restored, you can use the “Disable” button to deactivate the Continuity Settings.
  • Continuity Settings specific “View”, “Update” and “Activate/Deactivate” Permissions: Configuring the Continuity Settings now requires specific permissions that can be adjusted in the Roles and Permissions section within the “Admin” app.



  • Continuity Settings displayed within the “Admin” app: Continuity Settings has now moved from the Studio app to the Admin app.



February 22, 2023 - Talkdesk Studio: Modules

On Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023, we will release the following feature in Talkdesk Studio™:


  • Exposing Context from a Module: It is now possible to expose variables from a Module to be displayed in Conversations and used in different automations. 


December 19, 2022 - Talkdesk Studio: Modules

On Monday, December 19, 2022, we will release the following enhancement in Talkdesk Studio™:


  • The Studio components that are available for an account are now also available, by default, in Modules.


December 12, 2022 - Talkdesk Studio: Modules

On Monday, December 12, 2022, we will release the following feature in Talkdesk Studio:


  • Enablement of Studio Modules in all types of flows: In this release, Studio Modules becomes available on “API request” and “Incoming message” flows. Modules’ common functionalities are extended, with logic capable of being reused across compatible flows and for post-call actions of voice flows.

November 30, 2022 - Talkdesk Studio: Forward to Phone

On Friday, December 2nd, 2022, we will release the following new feature to Talkdesk Studio™.



  • Forward to Phone: In accounts with Talkdesk Phone, you can use this component to automatically forward calls, internally, from your Contact Center to a Phone user you can select in the Preferences tab. You can also set the maximum time the call should ring the Phone users before exiting to another component.


For more information, please check our Talkdesk Phone documentation or the Forward to Phone documentation.


November 14, 2022 - Studio: Modules

On Monday, November 14th, 2022, we will release Studio Modules. 

“Modules” are blocks of business logic that you can create, edit, and publish once, and apply to as many Talkdesk Studio Flows as needed. 

This feature allows you to transfer data between modules and flows, saving significant time and effort in developing and putting your new flows into production.


What’s included

With the new Studio “Modules” feature, you can perform the following actions: 

  • Creating a module: create a new module or import one as a JSON file.  
  • Using the “Begin module” component: use the “Begin module” to start configuring the input arguments that the module will receive, as well as map each input argument to a context variable to be used in the module. Note: You should update the component to a new version by clicking the “Update” button whenever it’s available to ensure that you can access the “Arguments” tab of the “Begin module” component.
  • Using the “Return to Flow” component: use the “Return to Flow” component to set the exits of the module that will be exposed, and that can be configured in the “Run module” step of the flow. This component also enables you to define the module outputs sent to the flow.
  • Using the “Run module” component: use it to select a published module from the list and to configure input arguments and outputs that will be sent to and received from the module. 
  • Transferring context: define the module input arguments and outputs that will allow context to be transferred between a module and a flow (bi-directionally). 
  • Saving and publishing a module: save the changes to a module and publish it to make it instantly effective.  
  • Editing published modules: update the logic contained in a module and automatically apply the changes across Studio flows using it.  


How to Access 

Studio Modules is available to all accounts. 

To access Studio Modules, click on “Modules” within the Studio tab of Talkdesk Admin.

For more information on Modules, please visit our Studio Advanced Documentation.



November 2, 2022 - Talkdesk Studio: Routing Assignment

On Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022, we will release the following enhancement to Talkdesk Routing Assignment:


  • Settings on idle time for manual outbound calls, agent-to-agent calls and dedicated line calls: With this enhancement, customers will be able to choose if the Idle Time is reset for specific types of non-ACD (Automatic Call Distribution) calls. This will allow for the customization of distribution algorithms to better match customers’ needs. Before this release, idle time was reset on manual outbound calls, agent-to-agent calls, and dedicated line calls. Existing customers will be able to choose whether they don’t want to reset manual outbound calls, agent-to-agent calls, and dedicated lines. New customers can choose the account settings related to the outbound calls, agent-to-agent calls, and dedicated lines since by default, the idle time will not be reset for these types of calls. To change your settings, please reach out to Support

Note: The “Idle Time per Hour” measure on the “Agent Activity Analysis” dataset is not related to this idle time form of calculation. 

For more information, please read our documentation here


September 2, 2022 - Talkdesk Studio: Arrays in "Execute Action" Component

On Friday, September 2nd, 2022, we will release an improvement to the Studio Execute Action Component. 


  • Arrays in Studio Execute Action Component: You can configure a Studio Execute Action Component with an action with an array in its output schema. This also applies to arrays configured as the root of the schema. To handle the array, a Run Function must be used. 

For more information, please consult this article.


August 12, 2022 - Talkdesk Studio: Variable Selection for Outbound Call 

On Friday, August 12th, 2022, we will release an enhancement to the Make Outbound Call component, currently available on Studio API flows.



  • Variable selection for outbound call number:With this enhancement, it is now possible to select a variable defined earlier in the flow as an outbound call number.  

Visit our Studio Advanced documentationto learn more about the Make Outbound Call component. 


May 24, 2022 - Talkdesk Studio: Text-to-Speech Powered by Amazon Polly

On Tuesday, May 24th, 2022, Studio will have the capacity to support Text-to-Speech powered by Amazon Polly.


  • Text-to-Speech Powered by Amazon Polly: This service allows a more natural experience regarding Text-to-speech and provides greater control over speech parameters, such as adding pauses, emphasizing words, and controlling the speaking rate, among other options.

For more information, please visit our Studio Advanced Documentation


May 2, 2022 - Talkdesk Studio: Duplicating Functions

On Monday, May 2nd, 2022, we will release the following new features to Talkdesk Studio Functions:


  • Duplicate Function:Now you can duplicate your Studio Function with just a single click, providing an easier way to:
    • Make a copy of an existing Studio function, instead of having to start from scratch.
    • Edit your duplicated Studio Function in any way you desire.

For more information, please read ourTalkdesk Studio Functions™ documentation.


April 13, 2022 - Talkdesk Studio: API Flows

On Wednesday, April 13th, 2022, we will release the following component feature and feature to Talkdesk Studio™:




  • “Make outbound call” component: The Make outbound call component allows you to make an outbound call based on an API Request.


  • Studio API Flows: This feature will be available for all Talkdesk accounts, and allows customers to create channel-agnostic flows that can be triggered from an external system via an API request. With Studio API Flows,  you will be able to:
    • Send voice notifications to your customers (triggered from a website/app).
    • Make an Outbound Call to your customers.
    • Forward that call to an external phone number, so that a call between two participants can be initiated.
    • Give the possibility for your customers to request callbacks from a website and/or app.

For more information, please visit ourStudio Advanced Documentation.


February 18, 2022 - Talkdesk Studio: Continuity Settings

On Friday, February 18th, 2022, Talkdesk will enable Continuity Settings to allow you to prepare your business to continue operating in the event of a service disruption.

While Talkdesk invests significantly in reliability and resilience, there will always be a chance for us to reduce the exposure to unexpected failures or outages out of our direct control. 

In an event where it is not possible to handle inbound calls (routed through Studio or Classic Inbound Routing), you can now configure the behavior that those calls will have in such a disruption, through Continuity Settings.

Here, you will be able to define the following behaviors:

  • Forward inbound calls, that reach Talkdesk numbers, to a specific external phone number.
  • Forward inbound calls, that reach Talkdesk numbers, to a single external phone number.
  • Play an audio message.

With this solution, you will be able to specify the experience that you will provide to your customers in an unlikely event that prevents Talkdesk from handling inbound calls. 

For more information on Continuity Settings, please visit our Studio Advanced Documentation, which is continuously being updated.


November 25, 2021 - Talkdesk Studio: Error Handling Default Behaviors

On Thursday, November 25th, 2021, we will release the following update to Talkdesk Studio™: 

  • Error handling default behaviors:In this iteration of the “Error Handling” initiative, we are implementing specific default behaviors to deal with exceptional, unexpected failure scenarios in Studio components. The default behaviors will be automatically applied to new steps added to a Studio Flow and steps in pre-existing flows through a backfill process, as long as noCustom exithad already been defined for them. When the option “Use default behavior” is selected, the unexpected error will be handled according to the component’s predefined behavior (which is now being automatically applied), and a caption is displayed under the dropdown to apprise users of the component’s default behavior. 

To find out more about the Studio components’ default behaviors, please refer to our“Error Handling” documentation. 


October 25, 2021 - Talkdesk Studio: Functions

On Monday, October 25th, 2021, we will release Studio Functions.

Studio Functions offers self-service function management that can be used to map a task based on custom, preconfigured JavaScript code that will execute a specific action in your Studio flow.


The "Run Function" component will also be available on this date so that you can use the configured function within your Studio flows.


For more information, please visit ourStudio Functionsand Run Function componentdocumentation (from October 25th onwards).


September 28, 2021 - Talkdesk Studio: Error Handling

On Tuesday, September 28th, 2021, we will release the following enhancement to Talkdesk Studio™ components. 

  • Error handling:With this update, we provide flow administrators with the ability to configure the most suitable experience to contact persons, under unexpected component failure scenarios. A new "Error handling" section in the "Exits" tab of all Studio components (except the initial steps and “End Flow”) enables you to direct unforeseen technical faults during the execution of components to an appointed exit. In this first iteration, this exit can either be a default “End Flow”, or an alternative path that can be defined by choosing the "Define Custom Exit" option and adding a new step to route the call. 

To find out more about this feature, please refer to ourStudio Advanced Documentation(from September 28th onwards). 


September 15, 2021 - Talkdesk Studio: Archiving Audio Files 

On Wednesday, September 15th, 2021, we will release an enhancement to Studio’s audio components to allow customers to archive audio files. 

With this enhancement, if an audio file is in use, and you wish to file it away, open the “Audio file” dropdown, select the file, and click “Archive”.


The audio file will be archived, and unavailable for selection in newly added audio components and flows. It will be, however, still serviceable and available for prompting in other existing call flows.

This feature will be implemented in the following Studio components: 

  • Assignment and Dial
  • Input IVR
  • Play Audio
  • Standard IVR
  • Voice IVR
  • Voice Transcription

Additional feature details are accessible from ourStudio Advanced Documentation.

May 28, 2021 - Talkdesk Studio: Reporting Component

On Friday, May 28th, 2021, we will release a new component in Talkdesk® Studio™: Reporting. 

The Reporting component allows you to decide how the contacts or interactions on your Studio flow will be presented in Live and Explore

With this component, only the name of the ring group that you have decided to define and apply to the assignment process will be disclosed.Reporting_component_GA.pngFor more information on the Reporting component, visit our Studio Advanced Documentation.

May 17, 2021 - Talkdesk Studio: Importing and Exporting Flows

On Monday, May 17th, 2021, we will begin the rollout of the following new feature to Talkdesk Studio™. 

  • Importing and Exporting Flows:With this enhancement, it is possible to create a flow by importing an existing one through a JSON file, or export published, draft, and archived flows that are no longer in use and later import them, if necessary.


For more information on importing and exporting flows, please visit the “Managing Flows” section of ourStudio Advanced Documentationfrom May 17th onwards.



March 31, 2021 - Talkdesk Studio: Callback Exhaust

On Wednesday, March 31st, 2021, we are releasing an enhancement to Studio’s Callback component.

With this enhancement, a call can remain in the queue either if the maximum wait time is reached, all of the matching agents are attempted but do not answer or reject the call, or if an error occurs during the execution of a Callback.

For more information on this update, please refer to ourProduct Noticeor ourStudio Advanced Documentation.


March 29, 2021 - Talkdesk Studio: Callback Post-Call Actions

On Monday, March 29th, 2021, we will release an enhancement to the Callback component in Talkdesk® Studio™.

The Callback component now enables the configuration of post-call actions. Through the new “Call finished” exit, it is possible for a flow to continue its execution, even after a call between the contact person and the agent has finished. This enables new post-call use cases, related voice surveys, and automations.


For more information, visit our Studio Advanced Documentation.


March 3, 2021 - Talkdesk Studio: Callback  

On Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021, we will progressively start releasing an enhancement in Talkdesk® Studio™ that will be visible in theStudio Flow Execution Report.

The “Time in Step” column of this report represents the time spent in a specific component of the flow. From now on, this time will also include the time spent on the call, as theCallbackwill be executed until the call between the contact person and the agent is finished.

Previously, the component was only executed until the agent answered the callback, and the “Time in Step” would only include the time spent in the queue. From now on, the “Time in Step” of a Callback will also include the duration of the call between the agent and the contact person.

As a result, a successful conversation between an agent and a contact in the scope of a Callback will now display a “call_finished” exit in the Studio flow execution report.

Additional exit names are now displayed in the report:

  • agent_rejected: when the agent rejects the callback.
  • contact_rejected: when the contact person rejects or does not answer the callback.
  • call_aborted: when the agent answers the call and hangs up while the contact person is being dialed or during a blind transfer from Agent A to Agent B, in which Agent B rejects the call (with voicemail setting enabled).

This enhancement is being implemented in preparation for the release of post-call configurations in the Callback component, which will allow the flow to be executed even after the conversation between the contact person and the agent finishes.


December 2, 2020 - Talkdesk Studio: Inbound Voice and Hangup Call Components

On Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020, we will release the following enhancements in Talkdesk® Studio™:


Hangup Call 

  • This component has been renamed End Flow.
  • The component's icon has been redesigned.
  • The step editor has been removed and replaced by theRename Step and Delete Step buttons.

Inbound Voice 

  • The component's icon has been redesigned

These changes aim to improve the appearance, readability, and overall user experience, with the components in your flow now being presented in the following manner:




October 30, 2020 - Talkdesk Studio: Post-call Actions

On Friday, October 30th, 2020, we will release an enhancement to the Assignment and Dial component in Talkdesk® Studio™.

The Assignment and Dial component will now allow for post-call actions to be configured, such as phone surveys, thus enabling real-time data collection.

For more information, visit our Studio Advanced Documentation from November 2nd onwards.


October 26, 2020 - Talkdesk Studio: Flow Execution Report

On Monday, October 26th, 2020, we will release an enhancement in Talkdesk® Studio™ which will be visible in the Studio Flow Execution Report.


The “Time in Step” column of this report represents the time spent in a specific component of the flow.  From now on, this time will also include the time spent on the call, as the Assignment and Dial component will be executed until the call between the contact person and the agent is finished. Previously, the component was only executed until the agent answered the call and, because of this, the “Time in Step” did not include the call.

The enhancement is being implemented in preparation for the release of post-call configurations in the Assignment and Dial component, which will allow the flow to be executed even after the call between the contact person and the agent is over. For more information on this component, please visit ourStudio Advanced Documentation


September 28, 2020 - Talkdesk Studio: Salesforce Data Dip

On September 28th, 2020, we will begin the rollout of an enhancement to the Salesforce Data Dip component in Talkdesk® Studio™.

A new “Timeout” exit is now available, where the maximum waiting time for a response can be configured, according to your preference. Values for this timeout can go from 1 up to 10 seconds (max.).


For more information on this enhancement, visit our Studio Advanced documentation.


September 22, 2020 - Talkdesk Studio: Auto-answer Configuration

On September 22nd, 2020, we will begin the rollout of an enhancement to the Auto-answer component in Talkdesk® Studio™.

Up until now, if the auto-answering mode was enabled, the call would be automatically answered in Callbar within a one-second default timeout. 

With this enhancement, the timeout time can be set to your preference up to a maximum of 40 seconds. 


For more information on Auto-answer timeout configuration, visit our Studio Advanced documentation.


August 31, 2020 - Talkdesk Studio: Hebrew Language Support

On August 31st, 2020, we will release an enhancement to Talkdesk® Studio™ to allow the support of an additional language: Hebrew.

With this enhancement, the speech recognition and text-to-speech functionalities will be modified to enable the selection of Hebrew for speech recognition and of a different language for the message to output.

The Studio components that will be adjusted to include this additional language are the following:

For more information on Studio’s components, voice recognition, and speech synthesis capabilities, visit our Studio Advanced Documentation.


August 19, 2020 - Talkdesk Studio: Forced Queuing

On August 19th, 2020, we will release an enhancement to Studio’s Assignment and Dial component.

With this enhancement, we are enabling Forced Queuing and providing the ability for a call to remain in the queue, until the configured maximum waiting time has been reached or until all matching agents have been attempted, regardless of their initial status.

For more information on this enhancement, please read our Product Notice.


June 18, 2020 - Talkdesk Studio: Contact Creation

On Thursday, June 18th, 2020, we are implementing changes regarding the contact creation process in Studio, aimed at automating the creation of a new contact in Talkdesk when a call reaches Studio’s “Inbound Voice” component.


When a call from an unknown phone number comes in through a Studio flow, a new contact will now be automatically created in Talkdesk under the Contacts section.

Thanks to this feature, it is now possible to have visibility on a Studio call that has been missed, abandoned, shortly abandoned, or during which a voicemail message has been left. In addition, if integrations and automated tasks have been previously configured for the account, they will also be applicable to the newly created contact.



March 20, 2020 -  Talkdesk Studio: Agent Selection

On Friday, March 20th, 2020, two new updates will be introduced to Studio’sAssignment and Dial, Callback, and Voicemailcomponents. 


  • In the Preferences tab of the Assignment and DialCallback, and Voicemail components, when selecting Agents, the names of the agents can now be input directly in the agent search field, as opposed to being displayed in a dropdown menu as before.
  • The “Select All” option in the same dropdown menu is now omitted and all agents’ names will have to be entered individually.


For more information on each one of these components, visit our Studio Advanced Documentation.


February 28, 2020 - Talkdesk Studio: Language Support 

On Friday, February 28th, 2020, Talkdesk will update Studio’s voice recognition and speech synthesis capabilities to support additional languages.  

In addition to the languages that are currently supported in “Text to Speech” and “Speech to Text” functionalities available in certain components, Studio will now support the following languages: 

  • Catalan (Spain)
  • Danish (Denmark)
  • Dutch (Netherlands)
  • English (Australia)
  • English (Canada)
  • English (India)
  • Finnish (Finland)
  • French (Canada)
  • Japanese (Japan)
  • Korean (South Korea)
  • Norwegian Bokmål (Norway)
  • Polish (Poland)
  • Spanish (Mexico)
  • Swedish (Sweden)

The Studio components that will be adjusted to include these additional languages are the following:

  • Assignment & Dial
  • Callback
  • Standard IVR
  • Voice IVR 
  • Play Audio
  • Voice Transcription 
  • Input IVR

For more information on Studio’s components, voice recognition, and speech synthesis capabilities, visit ourStudio Advanced Documentation.


February 24, 2020 - Talkdesk Studio: Conditional Statement

On Monday, February 24th, 2020, Talkdesk will be updating Studio’s Conditional Statement



  • The Conditional Statement step now presents two new buttons - ALL and ANY - which allow you to choose whether the exit is met based on any of the conditions, or if all the conditions need to be met in order to direct the call to the proper exit.

For more information, please read this article.



January 13, 2020 - Talkdesk Studio

On Monday, January 13th, 2020, we will be making a change to the behavior of Studio’s Time Based Rules component.


  • In the Time Range section of the Exits tab, whenever an overnight time range was configured for a given daye.g., Monday from 9:00 pm to 2:00 am, calls were being routed to the “No Match” exit because Studio was considering the “To” time to be prior to the “From” time. This situation has been fixed: Studio now considers the following day of the week for the overnight time range, so the calls will be routed through the desired exit from, for example, 9:00 pm of a given day until 2:00 am of the following day.


December 6, 2019 - Talkdesk Studio

From Friday, December 6th, 2019 we will be progressively releasing Studio new features and enhancements.


  • The Flows tab has been renamed Studio, an adjustment noticeable in pre-existing user accounts.  




  • The permission to use Studio is set to Administrators by default; for all other roles, it is necessary to access the Roles tab and activate it manually by ticking the Studio option.


  • Components

    • Forward to External Number- currently, when a call is forwarded, callers are presented with waiting music. We are enhancing the callers’ experience by replacing this waiting music with a ringing tone.
    • Play Audio -up until now, it was only possible to choose from 3 audio message configuration sources - “Text to speech”, “Audio file upload” and “Link to file”. We are now enabling other message sources to choose from and Other Sourceswill be replacing “Link to file”; by clicking Other Sources, you will be able to choose the option “URL to audio file” and provide a link to your desired audio message. You can also choose “Variable in the Flow Context”, and then select a desired variable from the menu. This option can be particularly useful if you wish your audio message to be retrieved from a component that has been previously used in your flow.


Note: The Other Sources option will also gradually replace “Link to File” in other components - Assignment & Dial, Callback, Input IVR, Standard IVR, Voice IVR, and Voice Transcription.


November 18, 2019 - Talkdesk Studio

On Monday, November 18, 2019, we will release Flow Step Search- a new feature in Talkdesk Studio.

With this feature, admins can see a complete list of the steps that are part of the flow and easily find specific steps and groups of steps. This simplifies the process of checking settings or making adjustments in steps of the same type.

Flow Step Search enhances the user experience within the Flow Editor and is particularly useful when a flow contains a substantial number of steps.

What’s Included

  • Search by step name- simply type in the partial or full name of the step you are looking for;
  • Search by step type- you can also enter the name of the type of step you are interested in. For example, “Assignment and Dial”. All steps from this category will be listed;
  • Filter by step type- The search results are grouped by step type. Select one of these filters to access only the steps that belong to that specific category;
  • Easy navigation- With only a few clicks or keypresses, you can browse through the search results and open the steps you need to adjust.

For more details, please read the documentation.

Together with Flow Step Search, we have also adjusted the last-updated stamp of the flow versions, which appears inside the Flow Editor. It now allows you to track with precision when a flow was updated for the last time and which user made the update. This way, you can check who published or archived a specific flow version.

You will be able to get this information from the top bar of the Flow Editor and the drop-down list of flow versions.


Note: The last-updated stamp will not be automatically adjusted on flows that were last edited before this enhancement was made available in the accounts.



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