Talkdesk Interaction Analytics™ is a tool that collects, transcribes, and analyzes every customer interaction to generate insights that enable faster customer-centric decisions. For more information, please visit our Talkdesk Interaction Analytics documentation.
- January 8, 2024
- December 4, 2023
- September 19, 2023
- September 6, 2023
- May 19, 2023
- January 18, 2023
- December 13, 2022
- September 16, 2022
- January 17, 2022
- November 12, 2021
- September 16, 2021
- August 11, 2021
- July 15, 2021
- April 15, 2021
January 8, 2024
On Monday, Jan 8th, 2024, we will release the following feature in Talkdesk Interaction Analytics™:
- Digital Connect in CXA: Interactive Analytics now supports Digital Connect interactions. Users can now view and search for Digital Connect interactions using the “Search” option, visualize enriched messages in Transcription Cards, as well as extract insights using Dashboards.
For more information, please visit our documentation.
December 4, 2023
On Monday, December 4th, 2023, we will release the following enhancements in Interaction Analytics:
- Team Scope for Roles and Permissions: Through Roles and Permissions, users can apply a “Team”, “Child team” or “Team” + “Child team” scope to the Interaction Analytics product. When the “Team” scope is applied, users will only be able to see interaction data that belongs to their team (or child teams, or both, depending on the selected scope). For example, a supervisor will only be able to access transcriptions for calls or chats that were handled by agents in their team.
Note: This example displays the Permissions screen for Interaction Analytics, with the ability to apply “Team” scopes.
September 19, 2023
On Tuesday, September 19th, 2023, Talkdesk is releasing version 1.83.0 of Interaction Analytics.
- Interaction Analytics “Today” option added to “When” Filter: Now you can select a new time interval on the transcription filters. The filter “When” on Search and Dashboard has a new “Today” time frame option, allowing customers to filter interactions that occurred on that day.
For more information about Talkdesk Interaction Analytics, please read our documentation.
September 6, 2023
On Wednesday, September 6th, 2023, Talkdesk is releasing version 1.82.01 of Interaction Analytics.
- Interaction Analytics Roles & Permissions: The Roles & Permissions App now has a new Interaction Analytics tab, enabling users to use Interaction Analytics features appropriate to their role.
For more information about Talkdesk Interaction Analytics, please read our documentation.
May 19, 2023
On Friday, May 19th, 2023, we will release the following feature in Talkdesk Interaction Analytics™:
Redaction of Personal Identifiable Information in “Call Transcripts”, VA, and “Digital”: Admins can now ensure customer-sensitive data is not exposed in Talkdesk Interaction Analytics™. The “Redaction” feature protects Personal Identifiable Information (PII) data from being presented on the transcripts, helping reduce expensive compliance risks while preserving the call's full context. This feature is only applicable only to English Messages. Please contact your Technical Account Manager (TAM) to request the enablement.
For more information about the Redaction feature, please visit our documentation.
January 18, 2023
On Wednesday, January 18th, 2023, we will release Version 1.71.1 of Talkdesk Interaction Analytics™.
- "Channel" filters: Interaction Analytics users can now sort data by "SMS" and "Chat" channels, in addition to the existing "Channel" filters ("Voice calls", "Autopilot Voice" and "Autopilot Digital").
December 13, 2022
On Tuesday, December 13th, 2022, we will release Version 1.65.0 of Talkdesk Interaction Analytics™.
- Advanced Search: This feature allows users to uncover deeper insights by performing more complex search queries.
- New Filters: Users now have access to all filters available from both “Normal” and “Advanced” search on one page, in addition to the ability to filter by new dimensions, such as:
- Channels.
- Direction.
- Interaction ID.
- Language.
- Sentiment.
- Dynamic Filters: Now, the filter-picking options change based on the options chosen. For example, if “Agent A” only has “Voice” interactions, the “Digital” interactions filter option will immediately disappear.
September 16, 2022
On Friday, September 16th, 2022, Talkdesk is releasing version 1.56.0 of Interaction Analytics. This release features the following enhancements:
Enhancements :
- Increasing character count in events sent to Talkdesk Integrations: The external integrations limit has been increased to up to 130k characters so that customers can get the full transcripts.
- Natural Language Processing (NLP) sentiment analysis supported languages: The service language mapping was updated to support Sentiment across all accents for a language. For example, all “es-*” accents now have Sentiment detection support, and not just the “es-ES” variant.
January 17, 2022
On Monday, January 17th, 2022, we will release Version 1.28 of Talkdesk Interaction Analytics™.
- CX Sensor category: CX Sensors can now be grouped into categories. This new feature will help our customers to achieve better readability of their configured CX Sensors. In the “Create” and “Edit” sensor drawers, it is now possible to add one “Category” to each sensor.
- Transcription download in the Transcription Card: Now you can download an interaction transcript directly from the Transcription Card. The exported file (in “.csv” format) also contains interaction enriched metadata such as “Sentiment” and “Intent” detected for any given utterance within that interaction.
Fixes and Enhancements :
- Deep-linking into the Transcription Card: When customers click on a link that takes them directly to the Transcription Card, they can now see the Agent and “Overall Sentiment” information.
- Intent filters alphabetically ordered: In order to make these filters more easily readable for our customers, we’ve now updated the ordering of the filter values, so that they are presented to the user in alphabetical order.
- “Custom” option in time-frame filters: In any time-frame filter, the “Custom” option (that allows our customers to select custom periods of analysis), is now shown in the first and before any pre-defined periods position. This way, the option is more clearly visible to our customers and easier to access.
- “Saved Search” name character limits: A limit of 70 characters have been added for “Saved Searches”. This enhancement contributes to the UI consistency and stops users from distorting the UI while creating a “Saved Search” with a name that is too long.
- CX Sensors dashboard visualization: We enhanced the CX Sensors visualization in the Dashboard, and now our customers are able to highlight their chart series by hovering over the chart legend. This improvement allows an easier identification of which chart series relates to each legend entry (and respective CX Sensor).
November 12, 2021
On Friday, November 12th, 2021, we will release Version 1.22 of Talkdesk Interaction Analytics™.
- Product rename: “Speech Analytics” is now named “Interaction Analytics”.
- CX Sensors workspace notification audience: It is now possible to define, per sensor, who should receive the workspace notifications. This feature allows having more control over who has visibility on the notifications of a given sensor, ensuring that only the right users receive them.
- Search results exports: The “Intent” and “Intent confidence score” are now available for export by clicking on the Export Search button. This allows having better visibility into what the confidence score levels are for each of the detected intents presented in a given set of results for a search. This way, users can better manage their intents’ training phrases.
- Report incorrect Intents to AIT: Now you can suggest corrections to AI Trainer without leaving Interaction Analytics. This feature improves the accuracy of the user’s intent detection models by giving suggestions whenever a wrong detection in the “Search” results section is detected. Suggestions made via this new mechanism will populate the agreement and review system in AI Trainer. Currently, it is possible to make suggestions whenever an intent has not been detected for a particular utterance or whenever the wrong intent is detected for a given utterance.
Fixes and Enhancements :
- New transcripts integration via Talkdesk Integrations:New transcripts are now being sent to “Talkdesk Integrations” for all accounts by default. The current enablement process for this feature is no longer required, so all of our customers can now leverage this integration without having to request its availability beforehand.
- Improved “Dashboards” page loading mechanism: From this release onwards, whenever a single visualization fails to load in the “Dashboard”, it will not cause the failure of the entire dashboard, but instead, only the specific visualization will not be able to load.
- Increased filtering limits in “Search”:There was a restriction in the “Search” page that was limiting our customers’ ability to select large numbers of values in any given filter. This limit has now been increased and highly improves our customer's searching and filtering capabilities.
September 16, 2021
On Thursday, September 16th, 2021, we will release Version 1.17 of Talkdesk Speech Analytics™.
- Intent Filter in Search: It is now possible to filter your searches by the intent that was matched with any of the utterances. By leveraging this new filter, you can do intent discovery more easily and have better control over your search parameters.
- Intent visualization drill-down: On the dashboard, you can now easily drill-down from the "Intent with Sentiment" visualization, directly into “Search”. Using this filter will enable you to analyze all the utterances that were tagged with a particular intent, thus gaining a broader view of the intents' visualization.
Fixes and Enhancements :
- Search keywords are now optional: When you don’t know what you are looking for, you can now perform a search without having to define keywords as a starting point. To do so, apply any filters you may wish to use, and hit the Search button. Then, you will be given all the utterances that meet the applied filtering conditions, allowing you to uncover previously unknown patterns in your customer contacts.
August 11, 2021
On Wednesday, August 11th, 2021, we will release Version 1.14 of Talkdesk Speech Analytics™.
- Sentiment Detection: Sentiment detection is now available for the following additional languages: German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Fixes and Enhancements:
- Search results layout:
- Search results are now grouped by interaction, providing better readability, making it more clear when there are multiple results related to the same interaction.
- The intent that has been identified for a particular utterance is now displayed, providing higher-level information and leveraging AI Trainer-based intent detection.
- Search filters: The agent filter is now available, allowing you to filter your results based on the agent that participated in the call.
- Intent with sentiment in the Dashboard: In the dashboard, a tooltip is now displayed, detailing the number of results per sentiment, and presenting more detailed information without leaving the context of the dashboard.
July 15, 2021
On Thursday, July 15th, 2021, we will release Version 1.10 of Talkdesk Speech Analytics™.
- AIT synergies:
- Intent detection: By leveraging Talkdesk AI Trainer™intent models, we can now display the detected intents for a given interaction or utterance, directly in Speech Analytics. This requires the intent models to be configured in AI Trainer, but once that is done, they will start being surfaced within the Speech Analytics product itself, so you can begin gathering insights at the Intent level.
- Custom vocabulary: Allows you to make sure you never see a wrong transcription twice, by identifying a keyword that is not being transcribed correctly and inputting the correct information in AI Trainer. You can directly affect the transcription quality from that moment on, by improving the AI model vocabulary in a no-code approach. This is a very simple and cost-effective way of tackling the AI training models improvement without the need for any technical knowledge.
- CxSensors (EA): Currently in the Early Access stage, CxSensors are an alert system in the Speech Analytics application based on rules defined by users, matching real-time call transcriptions with defined rules for CxSensors to detect a hit. An alert is triggered when specific preset actions occur, so you can proactively identify risky behaviors and address negative situations before they escalate.
- Salesforce integration: By using Talkdesk Integrations, it is now possible to configure the automatic and continuous integration of Speech Analytics transcriptions into Salesforce (and other applications) as soon as they become available. This means that not only the transcription could get integrated, but also other metadata such as the overall customer sentiment of that particular interaction, as well as a deep-link that will allow you to go straight from Salesforce into Speech Analytics for further analysis of the interaction.
- Audio Download: It is now possible to download the full audio recording of an interaction by accessing the Transcription Card for a given interaction, where you can download the audio recording to your computer as an MP3 file.
- Search results export: This new feature allows you to download a specific set of utterances that correspond to the results of a search. To achieve this, after performing a search, you will be presented with an “Export” button, within the toolbar of the Search section in Speech Analytics, that allows you to select the scope of the export (which search result pages to export), as well as the metadata that should be included in the exported file.
- Link to QM (Assist): Now you can easily navigate from Speech Analytics into Talkdesk QM Assist™, for quality management analysis of a particular interaction and agent. In order to achieve this, just click the “Evaluate Interaction” link present at the bottom of the Transcription Card.
Note: The link to QM (Assist) will only be visible for accounts that have the QM product installed.
Fixes and Enhancements :
- Search results layout: We highly enhanced the layout of the Search results panel to provide better readability.
- Custom date filter: You can now filter (both on Search and in Dashboards) by custom date values, allowing you to have more flexibility in the way you conduct searches and analyze data.
April 15, 2021
On Thursday, April 15th, 2021, we will release Talkdesk Speech Analytics™.
Speech Analytics captures, transcribes, and analyzes every customer interaction using artificial intelligence to identify key conversation moments, topics and sentiment that help you understand customer intent, uncover trends, and provide actionable insights to the business.
What's Included
The product consists of one application, Speech Analytics, where you can see and explore all the data from your customer interactions.
This release includes a number of features, allowing you to:
- Access multi-language transcriptions in more than 30 languages and accents.
- Search across all your customer interactions for keywords or sentiments.
- Explore keyword trends over time.
- Save your frequent search queries for later usage or to be shared across team members.