Structured data can be obtained from WFM in Explore. WFM has three types of reports: Schedules, Forecast and Adherence. Keep in mind that to access WFM reports, it is necessary to have the Business Intelligence (Explore) license.
WFM Default Schedule Adherence
WFM Schedule Adherence via API
WFM Schedules
It’s possible to retrieve data regarding schedules in the WFM Schedules Report, such as events, start time, duration, and paid status. This data is synchronized at least daily and contains multiple versions of the same day.
To get started, go to Reporting [1], choose the Explore tab [2], click Create [3], and select Report [4].
From the drop-down menu that appears, select WFM Schedules [5]. To know more about the available fields in this report, see WFM Schedules in the Data Dictionary.
WFM Forecast
With the WFM Forecast report, it is possible to retrieve data regarding forecasts, such as CVO, AHT or staffing. With this data, you can create a report or dashboard, save it, and export it as a CSV file.
To know more about each field, see WFM Timeseries.
To access this option, navigate to Reporting [1] > Explore [2]. Click Create [3] and then choose Report [4].
From the drop-down menu that appears, select your desired dataset. The image shows the WFM Timelines Report, as an example.
WFM Custom Schedule Adherence
The WFM Schedule Adherence Report is a custom report which allows you to customize the chosen fields (also known as dimensions) and metrics (also known as measures) to calculate how agents are adhering to their schedules.
Data such as schedule information (event details), agent status (expected versus actual), adherence details (aligned/in adherence, deviated/out of adherence), as well as adherence percentage can be found in this report.
To know more about the available fields and measures in this report, see WFM Custom Adherence Report in the Data Dictionary.
Records of adherence data are displayed starting from December 16th, 2021. Currently, 3 months of historical data are available, which will soon be extended to a minimum period of 12 months. This data is synchronized every time an agent changes his or her status.
- Dates and hours in the report appear in UTC.
- Adherence data is calculated on the basis of the draft edition of the calendar.
- If the scheduling data in the past is updated/deleted, it will not be reflected in the report immediately (to be implemented within 3 to 6 months).
- Changes in the mapping between event types and expected agent status take 1 hour to be reflected in Adherence Reports.
To access this custom report, navigate to Reporting [1] > Explore [2]. Click Create [3] and then choose Report [4].
Select the WFM Schedule Adherence dataset [5] from the drop-down menu.
WFM Default Schedule Adherence
The WFM Schedule Adherence Report is a default report with predefined fields. It is possible to retrieve data regarding how agents are adhering to their schedules in this report.
Data such as schedule information (event details), agent status (expected versus actual), and adherence details (aligned/in adherence, deviated/out of adherence) can be found in this report.
To know more about the available fields in this report, see WFM Default Adherence Report in the data dictionary.
Records of adherence data are displayed starting from December 16th, 2021. Currently, 3 months of historical data are available, which will soon be extended to a minimum period of 12 months. This data is synchronized every time an agent changes his or her status.
- Dates and hours in the report appear in UTC.
- Adherence data is calculated on the basis of the draft edition of the calendar.
- If the scheduling data in the past is updated/deleted, it will not be reflected in the report immediately (to be implemented within 3 to 6 months).
- Changes in the mapping between event types and expected agent status take 1 hour to be reflected in the Adherence Reports.
To access this custom report, navigate to Reporting [1] > Explore [2]. In the “Default Reports” section [3], select WFM Schedule Adherence [4].
WFM Schedule Adherence via API
It is also possible to access the default schedule adherence report via API. This way, adherence data can be used by 3rd party systems.
You can access this report via Explore API, an asynchronous API that allows you to request and download historical data reports, such as WFM Schedule Adherence default report.
Creating this report provides external APIs of 3rd party systems access to WFM Adherence data, allowing them to extract it programmatically at a user-defined frequency. All the details of this API can be found in the WFM Schedule Adherence Report.
To know more about the available fields, see WFM Default Adherence Report in the Data Dictionary.