The Agents Dashboard allows you to analyze your agents’ call metrics:
- Click on the Explore tab [1].
- Select the [2].
- Select the Agents dashboard [3].
4. Configure the filters you wish to apply [4].
5. Press Run[5].
These are the available filters in the Agents Dashboard:
- Date: Choose the desired time period for your analysis. by clicking on the corresponding fields for Date.
- Timezone: By default, the dashboard is using your account Timezone, but you can adjust to a Timezone that better reflects your needs in the Timezone filter.
- Call Ring Group: By default, the Agent call metrics dashboard tab displays all calls received by your company, but it might be useful for you to only see calls received on specific ring groups.
- Dedicated Line: With this filter, you can opt to keep or remove from the dashboard the calls handled on dedicated lines.
- Agent Ring Group: Similarly to the Call Ring Group, by default the Agent call metrics dashboard displays all agents regardless of ring group, but it might be useful for you to only see the activity of agents of specific ring groups.
- Agent: Use this filter in case you might want to narrow the scope of agents you’re looking at.
Agents Metrics
For each listed agent, these are the available metrics:
- Total Outbound calls: Total number of outbound calls. Includes connected and not connected calls.
- Total Inbound calls: Total number of inbound calls: includes answered calls.
- Average Speed to Answer: Calculates the average time it takes an agent to answer the call as it starts ringing. This metric is available per agent, but will include the time the call spent ringing for previous agents in case of sequential dial attempts for the same call. For example, if a call rings agent A and then agent B, it will capture the ring time for both agents.
- Average Talk Time: Average time the agent takes to handle a call. In case of a call transfer, the total talk time is credited to the agent that finishes the call. Note: this metric used to be Average Duration, which was based on the entire duration of the call, i.e., from start to finish, reflecting call times that were not directly related to agent performance. By changing it to talk time, we are showing a metric that actually reflects agent performance.
You can find additional information for each agent in the Agent Details Dashboard.