Talkdesk Feedback: Setting up an SMS Survey


Creating and Managing an SMS Survey

Creating an SMS Survey

  • Create a survey: Build your survey from scratch or by templates, using predefined survey CSAT or NPS flow.
  • Select survey number: Select a survey number that is used to send SMS surveys.

Note: SMS BYOC numbers are not supported. SMS conversation and notification numbers are not supported for sending SMS surveys.


Managing an SMS Survey

With Feedback Flow Builder, you can seamlessly build dynamic, multichannel, automated surveys without the need for code or additional professional services. 

The Flow Builder, focused on the SMS channel initially, will help customers create mechanisms for listening to their consumers so that they can gain cross-channel insight and understanding into the customer journey.


Low Configuration Reporting Features

image2.pngAll data collected through the survey will impact reporting capabilities. Certain metrics, such as CSAT and Net Promoter Score (NPS), need to be “tagged” in the system. This is so scores tied to those specific metrics can be calculated and reported on properly.

Every supported question type must be “tagged” in the system, in order to leverage or categorize that field for reporting purposes. Here are some examples:

  • Rating questions (like CSAT and NPS) that are categorized as KPIs will be used to fuel the aggregated metrics at the top of the Live Feedback Stream.
  • An open feedback question type can later be used for Sentiment and Intent analysis in order to understand key themes in your unstructured data.
  • A CSAT question categorized as pertaining to the Agent will be routed to Talkdesk Performance Management for leaderboard reporting.


Use Cases: Feedback Flow

Simple CSAT Flow

This simple flow is intended to measure CSAT. We recommend this practice flow for those looking for a simple survey (template) to start out with.




Component Name

Message Text


Overall CSAT

“On a scale of 1 (least satisfied) to 5 (most satisfied) please rate your overall experience. To opt-out please reply STOP.”


  • Designate this question as the KPI.
  • Tick the “Agent” categorization checkbox.

Open Feedback

Additional context

Please provide more details about your experience or tell us how we can improve.”

Flow End

Thank you

“Thank you. We take your feedback seriously and appreciate your time.”

Save and Publish the Flow.


Simple CSAT + NPS Survey Flow

This flow is considered the best practice flow for customers who want to measure Net Promoter Score (NPS) and CSAT.


Component Name

Message Text or Condition


Brand NPS

“On a scale of 0 (least likely) to 10 (most likely) please tell us how likely you are to recommend us to friends and family. To opt-out please reply STOP.”


  • Designate this question as the KPI.


Overall Agent CSAT

“On a scale of 1 (least satisfied) to 5 (most satisfied) please rate how helpful and friendly the agent was.”


  • Designate this question as the KPI.
  • Tick the “Agent” categorization checkbox.

Open Feedback

Additional Context

“Please provide more details about your experience or tell us how we could improve.”

Flow End

Thank you

“Thank you. We take your feedback seriously and appreciate your time.”

Save and Publish the Flow.


Agent CSAT Flow


This simple flow focuses on understanding customer satisfaction with their interaction with Agents. 

We recommend this practice flow for those looking for a simple survey (template) to start out with.


Component Name

Message Text or Condition


Overall Agent CSAT

“On a scale of 1 (least satisfied) to 5 (most satisfied) please rate how helpful and friendly the agent was. To opt-out please reply STOP.”


  • Designate this question as the KPI.
  • Tick the “Agent” categorization checkbox.


If low CSAT, provide context

If Overall CSAT > less than > 3:

  • Connect to the next Open Feedback component.
  • Exit 2: Connect to the Flow End component.

Open Feedback

Agent context

“Please provide more details about your experience or tell us how we can improve.”

Flow End

Thank you

“Thank you. We take your feedback seriously and appreciate your time.”

Save and Publish the Flow.


Multiple Question Flow


Flow Builder allows you to create multiple questions in your surveys. 

For post-call interaction surveys, we recommend keeping them brief, i.e. asking a maximum of 2 to 6 questions, in order to receive the best possible response rates and feedback quality.


Component Name

Message Text or Condition


Overall Brand NPS

“On a scale of 0 (least likely) to 10 (most likely) please tell us how likely you are to recommend us to friends and family. To opt-out please reply STOP.”


Note: Designate this question as the NPS KPI.


Overall CSAT

"On a scale of 1 (least satisfied) to 5 (most satisfied), please rate your overall experience."

Note: Designate this question as the CSAT KPI.


If low CSAT, provide context

If Overall CSAT > less than > 3:

  • Connect to the next Open Feedback component.
  • Fallback exit: Connect to the Agent CSAT component.

Open Feedback

Additional context

“Please provide more details about your experience or tell us how we can improve.”


Agent CSAT

“On a scale of 1 (least satisfied) to 5 (most satisfied) please rate how helpful and friendly the agent was.

Note: Check the “Agent categorization” checkbox.


If low Agent CSAT, provide context

If Overall CSAT > less than > 3:

  • Exit 1: Connect to the next Open Feedback component.
  • Fallback exit: Connect to the Agent CSAT component.

Open Feedback

Agent context

“If your experience wasn't satisfactory, please tell us how we can improve.”

Flow End

Thank you

“Thank you. We take your feedback seriously and appreciate your time.”

Save and Publish the Flow.


Important Notes:

  • Please note that metric questions with an “Agent” categorization have their answers funneled to Performance Management and to relevant reporting solutions.

  • Designating questions as “Key Performance Indicators (KPI)”  will fuel Live Feedback Stream’s summary strip reporting capabilities.



Survey Number

The survey number is used to send SMS surveys to contact persons. You can edit the number to choose a different one if needed. 

Note: A survey number can be used by multiple SMS survey flows.


Frequency Cap

The Frequency Cap ensures that callers are not overwhelmed with surveys after every call they make. Instead, it allows a grace period between sending surveys, thereby reducing the likelihood of receiving duplicate surveys. 

You can configure the Frequency Cap via Settings [1] > “Frequency cap” > turning the toggle to the “On” position [2]. The grace period can be determined by “x” minutes, hours or days, via the “Don’t disturb for” dropdown menu [3].


Minimal Call Duration Threshold

The administration has the capability to establish a specific threshold for the minimum duration of a call. This threshold is set as a requirement for an interaction to become eligible for receiving an SMS survey. In simpler terms, the admin can define a minimum time limit that a call must exceed in order for the system to consider it suitable for receiving an SMS survey.

Note: The “Minimal call duration threshold” only supports the simplified deployment method. When a number is deployed using a studio flow, SMS surveys are still sent even if the call duration does not meet the minimum time requirement. 


Number Deployment

feedback new.jpg.png

Once you’ve designed your flow, from the "Feedback Flows" list page, you’ll see the option for ‘Deployment.’ Click it to open up the administration page, where you can choose the numbers that will trigger the survey to be sent after the call has finished. 

  • Admin can select numbers either for inbound calls, outbound or both to make the deployment through a simplified method. Simplified deployment offers a streamlined approach to directly deploying an SMS survey to a specific phone number. 
  • The Inbound number can also be deployed through Studio flow. Once it’s deployed in Studio, the admin can view the deployed number and studio flow name, but can’t deploy this inbound number by the simplified method
  • Admin can use the “Show selected only” toggle to show all deployed numbers

Note: When an inbound number is deployed both by the simplified and studio method. The SMS survey will be triggered by the simplified method. 

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