Using and Managing Case Views

Views in Talkdesk Cases™ provide a straightforward way to organize cases based on certain criteria. By default, Talkdesk Cases features six built-in views available to both Administrators and Agents.

Depending on their roles, Administrators and Agents can create custom case views for different users.

Accessing a Case View

All case views in Talkdesk Cases are stored in a unified place so that Administrators and Agents can easily use and manage them.


  1. Click image-1.png in the upper-left corner [1].Screenshot_2023-04-06_at_17.31.35.png
  2. In the side panel that appears, click the Views tab [2], where all case views are listed, including default case views and custom case views.
  3. The following six default case views display cases to which the current logged-in user has access.
    • All cases [3]: All cases, excluding those moved to Trash.
    • My unresolved cases [4]: Cases not in the “Resolved” or “Closed” status that are assigned to the current logged-in user.
    • My group cases [5]: Cases in the “Open” status that are assigned to the groups to which the current logged-in user belongs.
    • Unassigned cases [6]: Cases that are not assigned to any Agent.
    • Unresolved cases [7]: Cases that are not in the “Resolved” or “Closed” status.
    • Trash [8]: All deleted cases. Deleted cases stay in Trash until they are restored or permanently deleted. There is no time limit for how long deleted cases can stay in Trash. You cannot open cases in Trash to see details directly. For more information, see Deleting and Restoring Cases.
  4. To search for a specific case view, you can enter the view name into the view search box [9].
  5. Click a case view to see details.

Creating a Custom View

Filters serve as an efficient way to search for cases, and can also be used to create custom views. After filters are applied, Agents can save the results as a custom case view, which allows them to quickly list cases without using the same filters again. Administrators can create custom case views using the same way, while they can define who has access to the views, such as all Agents or a group of Agents.Screenshot_2023-04-06_at_17.31.57.png

  1. Go to a case view [1].
  2. On the action bar, click Filters [2].image-4.png
  3. In the side panel that appears, specify one or multiple fields [3], and click Apply [4]. To quickly find a filter, use the search box at the top of the panel [5].image-5.png
  4. After you apply filters, all cases that meet the criteria will appear. On the action bar, click Save view as [6].
  5. In the dialog that appears, provide the required information of the view.
    • “Name” [7]: The name of the case view.
    • “Visible to” [8]: The user or group that can access the view created. This field is only available to Administrators. Agents can only create custom views for themselves. Allowed values are:
      • Only me: Creates a personal view only available to the current logged-in user.
      • All agents: Creates a shared view available to all Agents.
      • Agents in group: Creates a shared view available to all Agents in a specific group. If you select this option, a new field “Group” will appear with a drop-down list for you to select the group.
  6. Click Save [9].

Editing and Deleting a Custom View

After a custom view is created, you can edit its name or visibility, and delete it if it is not applicable, depending on your role.image-0.png

  1. Click image-1.png in the upper-left corner [1].Screenshot_2023-04-06_at_17.32.17.png
  2. In the side panel that appears, click the Views tab [2], where all case views are listed.
  3. Click a custom case view that you want to edit or delete [3]. You cannot edit or delete a default case view.
  4. The selected case view is displayed on your right side. Click the ellipsis icon image-7.png in the upper-right corner [4] of the case view.
  5. In the drop-down list, click Edit to change the case view name or visibility (only available to Administrators), or Delete to delete the custom view.

Setting Table Options in a Case View

Both Administrators and Agents can set table options to specify what case properties are displayed in a view. The order and the number of displayed cases in a view can also be changed.

  1. Go to a case view.
  2. On the action bar, click Table Options and select any of the following:
    • Items per page: Select the number of cases displayed on a single page. Allowed values are 10, 20, 50, and 100.
    • Edit columns: Check the property you want to display in the case view. Requester and Subject must be displayed. You can also check custom case fields if they are available.
    • Reorder columns: Drag the six-dot icon image-11.png to change the order of case properties in the case view.

Note: Some property values may be too long to be fully displayed in a case view. Hold the pointer over a value to see its full text.

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