In Talkdesk Identity™, when a caller enrolls in Voice Authentication, a background check is performed automatically on their phone number to minimize the threat of fraudsters gaining access to contact center operations.
To access Identity, please select the Identity icon on the leftmost side panel, and you will find the list of contacts that have authenticated with Voice authentication or whose phones had a background check.
The phone validation fraud score can be:
- “High-risk”: Fraud scores >=85% are high-risk users that are likely to engage in malicious behavior. Scores in this threshold indicate recent or excessive abuse and fit the profile of a typical risky user.
- “Suspicious”: Fraud scores >= 75% are suspicious and are likely to be involved in suspicious or dangerous activities, but not necessarily a fraudulent user.
- “Safe”: Fraud scores < 75% are considered safe.
Viewing the Phone Validation tab
Once you select Phone Validation, you’ll see the detailed insights of a particular call:
- “Status”: The phone validation status as a result of the Fraud Score.
- “Valid”: Indicates if the phone number is considered valid based on assigned phone numbers available to carriers in the caller’s country.
- “Fraud score”: The risk score, which measures how likely a phone number to be fraudulent.
- “When”: The date and time when the call took place.
- “Active”: Reveals if this phone number is a live phone number that is currently active.
- “Recent abuse”: Details whether this phone number has been associated with recent or ongoing fraud.
- “VOIP”: Illustrates if this phone number is a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) or a digital phone number.
- “Risky”: Points out if this phone number is associated with fraudulent activity, scams, fake accounts, or other suspicious behavior.
Note: Being risky is not the only important factor when determining the phone validation overall status. High-risk is a combination of the “valid”, "fraud_score", "recent_abuse", "VOIP", "prepaid", "active", and "risky" variables.
- “Prepaid”: Indicates if this phone number is associated with a prepaid service plan.
- “Country”: The two-character country code for this phone number.
- “Line type”: The type of line this phone number is associated with (Toll-Free, Mobile, Landline, Satellite, VOIP, Premium Rate, Pager, etc...) or "N/A" if unknown.
- “Carrier”: The carrier this phone number has been assigned to, or "N/A" if unknown.
Tip: Some carriers, especially among ported numbers or prepaid plans, can represent higher risk. VOIP numbers are inherently riskier than wireless/cellular and landline numbers.
For more information on Identity, please consult our documentation.