Talkdesk Phone Users

In the Phone Admin app of the Talkdesk Phone™ system, you’ll find the Users section. Here, you’re able to see your listed users, create new ones, and edit existing profiles.


Users List


  1. To access the Phone Admin app, select the second icon on the leftmost side panel [1].
  2. On the Users tab [2] you will find the users of your account. If there are no registered users, you can click on the Create user button [3] to get started. 

The users list displays each user’s:

  • “Name”.
  • “Email”.
  • “Role”: “Phone User” or “Phone Admin” in case of Phone only users, reflecting their access permissions to the Phone and Phone Admin apps, or their CC (Contact Center) roles (ex.: “CC Agent”; “CC Supervisor”; “CC Administrator”; or other personalized CC roles, also preceded by “CC”).
  • “Status”: “Active”, “Inactive”, or "Pending".

The search bar [4] can be used to find individual users by name or email. The more options “...” button [5] reveals a drop-down menu with other features, which will be explained in the course of this article. 


Creating New Users

To create a new user, click on the Create User button.


You will have to fill in each field and provide the following pieces of information about the user:

  • “First name” [1]
  • “Last name” [2]
  • “Email” [3]
  • “Role” [4], which you should select from the drop-down menu. 
  • At this stage, you can also change the user’s “Status” [5] from “Active” to “Inactive”.
  • Click on the Create button [6] to proceed to the new user’s profile page.


  • Phone Users can be fully managed in the Phone Admin app. However, as described above regarding the “Role” column, for users that were extended from CC, Admins will only be able to manage their Phone settings (see below). To manage or delete CC users, admins should use Talkdesk Classic/Main.
  • We can create users in bulk, by request. For that purpose, please contact Support with the list of users in accordance with the attached template (users_csv_example.csv). Please note that all fields are mandatory.


Editing User Profiles


From the "Users" list, you can click on any user’s name to be taken to the corresponding profile page. Here, you will find the same information you can find on the "Users" list. 


  1. Click on the Edit button [1] to switch to the editing page. 


In this page, you can alter most of the information provided upon user creation:

  1. The user’s “First” [2] and “Last name” [3]
  2. “Role” [4]: “Phone User” or “Phone Admin”. 
  3. “Status” [5]: “Active” and “Inactive”. 
  4. The user's email [6].
  5. Click on the blue Save button [7] to conclude your edit.


An alternative way to reach the editing page is from the main users list. Click on the more options “...” button [1]. A drop-down menu will appear. Clicking on Edit profile [2] for Phone users, will bring you to the user’s profile page, already in editing mode.


Editing Phone Settings


From the user’s profile page, by switching to the Phone settings tab [1] you can have access to that user’s extension and devices. To alter these:

  1. Click Edit [2] to access the page’s editing mode. 


  1. “Extension” [3]: Change the user’s extension.
  2. Click Assign number [4] and follow the steps to assign new DIDs to your user from the list of purchased numbers in the account.
  3. Click Assign SIP phone [5] and follow the steps to assign new devices to your user from the existing list of devices.
  4. Caller ID [6]: Define the user’s outbound Caller ID.
  5. “Call waiting” [7]: Enable/disable the user’s call waiting setting.
  6. “Call forward” [8]: Enable (/disable) and forward all the user’s call to a specific number.
  7. “Default country code”[9]: Define the user’s default country code.
  8. “Do not disturb” [10]: Enable and set/disable the user’s “Do not disturb” setting.
  9. “Reset voicemail pin and greeting” [11]: Reset the user’s voicemail pin and greeting.
  10. “Emergency information” [12]: URLto access the user’s emergency settings page.
  11. Click Done to exit the user Phone settings page in edit mode.

For more information on user settings, specifically concerning “Call waiting”, “Do not disturb”, ”Call forward”, and “Default country code”, consult the Settings article.

Note: Some extensions are reserved for emergency services and others, and as such cannot be used. These are:

911, 112, and 999

Emergency services.
933 Emergency test calls.
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.

The above extensions preceded by a digit are also barred from use.


Deleting Phone Users


To delete Phone users, access the “...” (more options) [1]  button on the main user list, and select the Delete option [2]. You will be prompted to confirm this action, which cannot be undone.



  • As with editing user profiles, you can also edit Phone settings from the users list, by clicking the more options “...” button and then selecting Phone settings from the drop-down menu.

For additional support, please consult our Talkdesk Phone documentation.

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