This is the solution for customers that are trying to import reports from a .csv file, and the results only appear in the first column. In order to prepare the .csv (comma separated variables) files correctly in your spreadsheet application (e.g., Excel, Google Sheets) please follow the steps below. We have covered Windows and Mac operating systems.
Follow the steps and retest the import when complete. If at first it doesn't work, try rebooting the machine and try again.
Windows 8 & Windows 10
- Close the spreadsheet application.
- Windows 8 - click Start and select Control Panel. Select Regional and Language Options.
Windows 10 - click on Start, start typing “Control Panel”, select it, and go to Region. - Click Additional Settings.
- For “Decimal Symbol”, enter a full stop ( . ).
- For “List Separator”, enter a comma ( , ).
- Click on Apply, then Ok.
Windows 7
- Close the spreadsheet application.
- Click Windows/Start and select Control Panel.
- Select Region and Language and click on the Formats tab.
- Click on Additional Setting and locate the List Separator.
- Change the Decimal separator from a full stop (.) to a comma (,).
- Click on Apply, then Ok.
Follow the steps and retest the import when complete. If at first it doesn't work, try rebooting the machine and try again.
Mac OS version 10.10.1.
- Close the spreadsheet application.
- Click on the Apple button and select System Preferences.
- Select Language & Region and click Advanced.
- Change the Decimal separator from a comma ( , ) to a full stop ( . ).
- Click on Ok/Save.
Mac OS version 10.8.3.
- Close the spreadsheet application.
- Click on the Apple button and select System Preferences.
- Select Language & Text and click on Region.
- Under Numbers select Customize.
- Change the Decimal separator from a comma ( , ) to a full stop ( . ).
- Click on Ok/Save.
Mac OS version 10.7.4.
- Close the spreadsheet application.
- Click on the Apple menu button and select System Preferences.
- Select Text & Language and click on Formats.
- Under Numbers select Customize.
- Change the Decimal separator from a comma ( , ) to a full stop ( . ).
- Click on Ok/Save.