CSV Configuration in Excel

Importing a CSV file

If you wish to import a CSV file, in Excel, where the data for your campaign can be found, you can do so by following these steps:


1. Open an empty excel sheet (instead of clicking on the file).


2. Go to File [1].

3. Click on Import [2].


4. Verify that the type selected is “CSV File” [3].

5. Select Import [4].


6. Select the file [5] that you want to import.

7. Hit Get Data [6].


8. Check if your “Delimited” field [7] is selected.

9. Confirm that the fieldStart import at row” [8] is showing the number 1.

10. Hit Finish [9].


11. Choose and change your “Delimiters” [10].

Tip: If we keep using a “,” we just have to select the “Comma” option and leave the rest of the fields empty. But if we want to use a “;” we have to check the “other” option and insert “;”.

12. Check if the columns are well placed [11] by looking at the “Preview of selected data” section.

13. Click on Next [12].


14. Select all the columns in the “Preview of selected data” [13] window.

15. Change the columns’ data format to “Text” [14].

16. Click Finish [15].


17. Confirm that the existing sheet relates to the first cell of your excel worksheet [16].

18. Hit OK [17].


Exporting to a CSV file

To export your data to CSV, do these steps:


1. Go to File [1].

2. Choose Save As [2].


3. On the pop-up window, select the “Comma-separated VaLues (.csv)” [3] option.

4. Hit Save [4].


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