[Preferences] Device Settings (Legacy)

Note: Some of the features described below are only available for accounts using Talkdesk Classic Inbound Routing. Effective June 21, 2021, Talkdesk Classic Inbound Routing will no longer be available for sale for new customers. New accounts will only be able to configure inbound routing behavior through Studio.

Although Talkdesk is a browser-based platform, we recognize the need to have additional devices for your agents to handle calls. These can be external phones, but also SIP hardphones or softphones. To determine how your agents use call handling devices, please follow the steps below: 

Admin Preferences Device Settings ..png

1. Go to Admin.

2. Click on the Preferences tab.

3. Scroll down to Device Settings [1].

4. Select one of the modes from the drop-down list [2]: Single Device Mode or Multiple Device Mode. Note: The "Multiple Device Mode" setting has been deprecated from accounts using Talkdesk Studio™. However, this feature is still available for accounts that use Talkdesk Classic Inbound Routing.


Single Device Mode 

With "Single Device Mode", administrators can allow device selection, in order for agents to make and receive calls via a SIP device or external phone.

Once "Single Device Mode" is selected, the administrator can determine the list of available devices for all the agents within the account. They can allow an external phone (PSTN) and/or SIP device ("registered" with Talkdesk) by choosing Yes and/or No as required.


Allow External Phone

Selecting Yes will allow your agents to add an external phone number.


Allow SIP Device

Selecting Yes will allow your agents to connect a SIP phone.

If SIP is not enabled for the account, the option "Allow SIP Device" will not be visible. To enable SIP, please contact Talkdesk Support with the subject "Enable SIP".

Once SIP is enabled for your account, you will need to request SIP credentials. These are the credentials that will be used to configure the required SIP phones. For more information, please check the article Can I use SIP devices with Talkdesk?


How it works

The Single Device Mode implies that calls will be delivered to the target device, and the respective call controls will be displayed when the agent is in an Available status.

After you select which devices will be available to your agents, you must click Save to apply the changes. Your agents can now configure the available devices.

The Single Device Mode can also be activated at the agent level, which allows the admin to restrict this feature to a particular agent, or group of agents. To do this, navigate to Admin > Agents > Agent Profile, scroll down to Device Settings, and click Yes in the Override Account Settings dialog. Similar to the account-wide Preferences, you must click Save in order to save changes.


Multiple Device Mode 

Note:  “Multiple Device Mode” has been deprecated for accounts using Talkdesk Studio™. However, this feature is still available for accounts that use Talkdesk Classic Inbound Routing.

Multiple Device Mode gives you the ability to configure inbound call distribution for each device (SIP or external phone). You will be able to determine how your agents handle calls at different times of the day. Admin_Preferences_Multiple_Device_Mode.png

Receive Calls in the Browser

Here, you can determine how your agents receive calls in the browser. For a description of each setting, please check the article Multiple Device Mode Settings.


Receive Calls on SIP Phone 

Note: Talkdesk can only provide best-efforts support and is not responsible for configuring your specific SIP devices. Since there are so many permutations and models, we are unable to provide guidelines that work seamlessly with all devices. We are also unable to configure or provide details that are specific to your network. However, if you need a more detailed SIP setup, we will be happy to assist you and provide all required information to your network team. Learn more about SIP clients: Networking Details.

You will see the option 'Receive Calls on SIP Phone' if SIP is enabled for your account. To enable SIP, please contact Talkdesk Support with the subject "Enable SIP". Once SIP is enabled for your account, you will need to request SIP credentials. These are the credentials that will be used to configure the required SIP phones. For more information, please check the article Can I use SIP devices with Talkdesk?

Once the required SIP phones have been configured, you can set up how you want all your agents to receive calls on their SIP devices, by selecting an option from the drop-down list.

For a description of each setting, please check the article Multiple Device Mode Settings.

This setting will be used for all agents in your account (also, please note that some limitations apply while using SIP devices). Each agent can then override the above settings, if you give them permission. This is useful if, for example, you only want a few agents to use SIP Phones. To do this, SIP needs to be disabled here (by selecting Never), and the agents that will use SIP need to override this setting (or an admin will need to change this for each required agent, from the Agents tab).


Receive Calls on External Phone

For a description of each setting, please check the article Multiple Device Mode Settings.

If you have any questions, please contact Talkdesk Support.


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