January 20-24, 2025

Check out what's new from the prior week:

Release Notes

Talkdesk Builder - SAP C4C Connector

  • Administrators can now configure a new parameter for Business Partner ID information with the “Send Data to CTI” action, accessible through the Automation Tools. Also, label updates have been made to the configuration settings within Builder, to enhance clarity.

Talkdesk Cases

  • Admins on Talkdesk Cases can now determine specific fields to be mandatory during case creation. To this end the “Required to create/update a case” checkbox has been added to the field configuration interface.

Talkdesk Digital Engagement

  • Transfer to Flow for Digital Conversations simplifies conversation management and boosts efficiency, allowing Agents and Supervisors to transfer digital conversations back to the flow system. 

Talkdesk Feedback

  • The Feedback Flow Permission Control Enhancement is a security update designed to ensure only authorized users can manage Feedback Flows. This feature restricts access to Feedback Flow management, increasing the security of data integrity and operational security.

Talkdesk Financial Services Experience Cloud for Banking

  • Interaction notes captured by Agents can now be automatically synced with core banking systems, streamlining workflows and enhancing collaboration. Also, the Banking Omnichannel Interactions Report in Talkdesk Explore features filters for Interaction ID and Contact ID and direct links to transcriptions and recordings.

Talkdesk Knowledge Management

Talkdesk Live

  • The force logout capability enables Administrators, Supervisors, and users with the appropriate permissions to force a user to log out directly from the “Offline Agents List” and “Live Agents List” widgets in Talkdesk Live.

Talkdesk Studio


This digest is a consolidated list of all Release Notes and select externally published Product Notices over the past week. To learn more, click through the links above.

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