Agent to Agent Call Recording

Agent to Agent Call Recording allows contact centers to capture and store recordings of direct calls between agents. This provides better visibility into agent collaboration and communication workflows.

How It Works

This new capability is enabled at the account level and applies to agent-to-agent calls only. In circumstances where an agent-to-agent call is triggered as a result of a consultation, this feature does not apply. The recording capability applies equally to agents and supervisors. When enabled, any calls made directly between agents will be recorded in full, from the moment the call is established until it ends. Agents can make these calls using any method within the Conversations App including the “Contact List” and “Call an Agent” functions. 



This feature can be enabled/disabled through the Talkdesk Admin console. To switch this feature on and off, please follow the instructions below.

agent to agent 1.png

1. Within Talkdesk Workspace, continue through to Talkdesk Admin [1].

agent to agent 2.png

2. Then, select Channels [2].

agent to agent 3.png

3. On the tab bar, select Recordings [3] to administer specific recording-related features.

4. Once inside the Recording settings, select Edit  [4] to modify the available recording settings.

5. Scroll down to where you see settings for “Record Agent-Agent calls” and select whether you want to capture these recordings (Enabled) or not record these interactions (Disabled). Once enabled, agents who originate a call to another agent will have their call recorded, and the originating agent will see a notification within Conversations that the call is being recorded. There will not be a live notification passed to the called party. 

6. Click Save to commit the changes.

Viewing Recordings

Agent to Agent recordings are stored just like other call recordings, following existing retention policies. Currently, these recordings will be found within the Talkdesk Activities user interface.

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