The Outbound Live Campaigns widget displays a list of preview and predictive running campaigns with the following information:
The Outbound Live Campaigns List isn’t a metric, rather it displays a list of campaigns with the following information for each campaign:
- Campaign name: Name of predictive and preview campaigns in running state.
- Calls ringing: Total calls ringing at customers at the moment per campaign.
- Calls in progress: Total number of ongoing calls where agents and customers are currently connected per campaign.
- Agents in preview screen: Total count of agents previewing record information before the call is launched or skipped. Note: This metric is only applicable to preview campaigns.
- Available records to dial: The total number of records eligible to be dialed within the upcoming 10-minute time window for the campaign. Note: this number is refreshed and updated every 10 minutes.
- Record progress: completed/total: This metric provides insight into the campaign's progress. Completed records encompass all records in the associated lists with completed statuses: success, exhausted, DNCL, deleted, invalid number. Total records include all records historically added to the campaign from the current associated lists.
- The Outbound Live Campaigns widget only shows running campaigns. If a campaign just started running, and there's no data in the widget, the campaign is getting ready.
- For the “available records to dial”, this metric helps to understand the number of records that could be dialed during the next ten minutes (not necessarily all of them will be dialed). The rules on this metric are the following:
- The records must fall within calling hours.
- The records should be eligible for dialing within the next ten minutes.
- The metric considers open and retries, but it will only show retries that will happen in the next ten minutes. If a record will be retried in the next hour, for example, it won’t appear in this metric.
- It has a maximum of 2,000 records every ten minutes, so if more records are available than this number, it will show only 2,000.
- For the “record progress: completed/total”: This metric is specific to lists currently associated with the campaign.
- Completed records encompass all records in the current associated lists with completed statuses: success, exhausted, DNCL, and invalid number. Related to deleted records, they are only added to this metric if the record had one of the "completed" statuses before the deletion. Records that were deleted before finishing all the attempts won’t be added to this metric.
- Total records include all records historically added to the campaign from the currently associated lists (including deleted records).
The default name for this widget is “Outbound Live Campaigns”, but you can change it to a custom name with up to 64 characters.
Because the widget is already broken down to its most granular view (each campaign), there are no additional breakdown options.
Time Span
The Outbound Live Campaigns is a real-time view and the time span cannot be modified. The widget is refreshed every 30 seconds.
The default visualization for the Outbound Live Campaign is List. There are no other visualization options for this widget.
By default, the widget sorting order is based on "Records progress" in descending order. However, it's possible to sort the widget in ascending or descending order by the following fields:
- “Campaign” [1].
- “Calls ringing” [2].
- “Calls in progress” [3].
- “Agents in preview screen” [4].
- “Available records to dial”[5].
- “Records progress: completed/total” [6].
It's also possible to define the columns you want to enable:
The Outbound Live Campaigns widget doesn’t have thresholds.
You can filter the Outbound Live Campaigns widget by campaign name and dialing mode (preview or predictive). It’s possible to choose multiple campaigns simultaneously and aggregate both filters.
Read Configuring Talkdesk Live Widgets: Overview for important information about how widget filters are applied to metrics.