Talkdesk for Slack - Automations Guide

Talkdesk for Slack is built with a customizable notifications engine, allowing call center supervisors and managers to configure alerts for any Slack channel or user based on call center events on Talkdesk: 

  1. Caller experience automations: set up alerts for critical events on a queue that is getting too long, or the VIP customer that is calling in, to ensure a rapid problem resolution.
  2. Call handling automations: make sure no customer is forgotten when a call is missed, abandoned or a voicemail is left.
  3. Agent workforce management automations: understand your daily agent scheduling needs and avoid missing phone calls during business hours due to agents being offline while they attend meetings, breaks or lunch.
  4. Agent coaching automations: cultivate an effective team by using Talkdesk for Slack to better coach your agents

Below is a quick guide with some examples for setting up the most commonly used Talkdesk for Slack automations:


1. Caller experience automations

Caller Experience focuses on the caller's activity before, during, and after speaking with an agent. Talkdesk is built with a customizable notification engine that can alert call center supervisors of critical events on a queue that is getting too long, or the VIP customer that is calling in, thus contributing to an overall improved customer experience. You can create the following rules (and more):


When an inbound call is ringing a VIP number in Talkdesk then send a message to #channel in Slack

Follow these steps to set up the automated task for Slack in Talkdesk “When an inbound is ringing on a VIP number in Talkdesk then send a message to #supervisors":


  • Select the trigger as: "In Talkdesk when an inbound call starts then send a message to a slack #channel".


  • Under "Filter the event" select “VIP phone number Is equal true”.

You can then customize the information sent to Slack by dragging the relevant fields into the text boxes, typing in the text, or making a selection from the dropdown list, such as:


  • #channel: supervisors (select the desired Slack channel or username)
  • Title: VIP call
  • Message: Customer {{}} is calling VIP line!
  • Once finished, click Save to activate the automation.

Talkdesk will then automatically send a notification to the #supervisors channel in Slack, when a call is received on one of your VIP numbers:



Call started and customer waited more than 5 minutes

Follow these steps to set up the automated task for Slack in Talkdesk for “When a call started and customer waited more than 5 minutes”:

  • Select the trigger as: " Talkdesk when an inbound call starts then  send a message."
  • Select the filter “Waiting time Greater than 300” (Note: time is in seconds)

Customize the information sent to Slack by dragging the relevant fields into the text boxes, typing in text, or making a selection from the dropdown list:

  • #channel: agents (select the desired Slack channel or username).
  • Title: Customer waited more than 5 minutes.
  • Message: Customer {{}} waited more than 5 minutes. 

Talkdesk will then automatically send a notification to the #sales channel in Slack, when a caller had to wait for more than 5 minutes to have a call answered.  The agent taking the call can then start the conversation with a more personal touch e.g., "Apologies for the high wait time..."


Call started and custom field (e.g you have a contact custom field in Talkdesk called Monthly Revenue, and want to receive a notification based on that)

  • Select the trigger as: "In Talkdesk when an inbound call starts then send a message to a slack #channel".
  • Add the filter “Custom:Custom Monthly Revenue Greater than 2000”.

Customize the information sent to Slack by dragging the relevant fields into the text boxes, typing in text, or making a selection from the dropdown list:

  • #channel: supervisors (select the desired Slack channel or username)
  • Title: Over $2000 monthly revenue customer calling
  • Message: {{account_id}} {{}} {{}} is calling.

Talkdesk will then automatically send a notification to the #supervisors channel in Slack, when a customer with the custom field “Monthly Revenue” has a value above 2000.

2. Call handling automations

No one likes to let a customer slip through the cracks. All it takes is one missed opportunity to lose a customer for life. Talkdesk’s customizable notification engine brings speed and improved service by making sure no customer is forgotten when a call is missed, abandoned or a voicemail is left.  

Call missed from ring group “Prospects”

Follow these steps to set up the automated task for Slack in Talkdesk “When a call is missed":

  • Select the trigger as: "In Talkdesk when a call is missed then send a message to a slack #channel".
  • Add the filter “Call ringing group is equal Prospects”.

Customize the information sent to Slack by dragging the relevant fields into the text boxes, typing in text, or making a selection from the dropdown list:

  • #channel: sales (select the desired Slack channel or username)
  • Title: Missed prospect call.
  • Message: Missed prospect call from {{}} - {{}} on  {{talkdesk_phone_number}}

Talkdesk will then automatically send a notification to the #sales channel in Slack, when a call is missed on a number with the “Prospects” ring group.


Call abandoned on phone number +1 922-700-4848

Follow these steps to set up the automated task for Slack in Talkdesk “When a call is abandoned on a specific number":

  • Select the trigger as: "In Talkdesk when a call is abandoned then send a message to a slack #channel".
  • Add the filter “Talkdesk number is equal +1 922-700-4848”.

Customize the information sent to Slack by dragging the relevant fields into the text boxes, typing in text, or making a selection from the dropdown list:

  • #channel: agents (select the desired Slack channel or username)
  • Title: Call abandoned on +1 922-700-4848:
  • Message: Call abandoned on phone number +1 922-700-4848 from: {{}} {{contact_phone_number}}

Talkdesk will then automatically send a notification to the #agents channel in Slack, when a call is abandoned on number +1 922-700-4848.


Send voicemail transcription to a Slack channel

Follow these steps to set up the automated task for Slack in Talkdesk to “Send voicemail transcription received on specific ring group to a Slack channel":

  • Select the trigger as: "In Talkdesk when a voicemail transcription is made available then send a message to a slack #channel".
  • Press the “Add filter” link and select “Call ringing groups is equal prospects”.

Customize the information sent to Slack by dragging the relevant fields into the text boxes, typing in text, or making a selection from the dropdown list:

  • #channel: sales (select the desired Slack channel or username)
  • Title: Voicemail transcription from "prospects"
  • Message: {{}} from {{}} left the following voicemail transcript:  {{transcription}}

Talkdesk will then automatically send a notification to the #sales channel in Slack with the voicemail transcript.


Send direct message to agent Amanda Lewis when a voicemail is assigned to her

Follow these steps to set up the automated task for Slack in Talkdesk to “Send voicemail transcription received on specific ring group to a Slack channel":

  • Select the trigger as: "In Talkdesk when a voicemail is assigned then send a message to a slack @user“.
  • Press the “Add filter” link and select “Agent: Agent name is equal Amanda Lewis”.

Customize the information sent to Slack by dragging the relevant fields into the text boxes, typing in text, or making a selection from the dropdown list:

  • @user: john (select the desired username).
  • Title: A voicemail has been assigned to you.
  • Message: A voicemail from {{}} - {{}} has been assigned to you.

Talkdesk will then automatically send a notification to John in Slack, when a voicemail is assigned to him.



3. Agent Workforce Management

Workforce management is the process of getting the right number of staff in place every hour to maximize service and minimize cost. Talkdesk for Slack notifications can help managers and supervisors to better understand their daily agent scheduling needs and stay on top of these metrics to avoid missing phone calls during business hours due to agents being offline while they attend meetings, breaks, lunch or are busy within the office.


An agent logs in/logs out

Follow these steps to set up the automated task for Slack in Talkdesk “When an agent logs in or logs out":

  • Select the trigger as: "In Talkdesk when an agent logs in then send a message to a slack #channel".

Customize the information sent to Slack by dragging the relevant fields into the text boxes, typing in text, or making a selection from the dropdown list:

  • Channel: supervisors (select the desired Slack channel or username)
  • Title: Agent logged in.
  • Message: {{}} just logged in.

Talkdesk will then automatically send a notification to the #supervisors channel in Slack, when an agent logs in.


Agent status changed & new status is Lunch

Follow these steps to set up the automated task for Slack in Talkdesk “When an agent changes status to lunch":

  • Select the trigger as: "In Talkdesk when an agent changes status to lunch then send a message to a slack #channel".
  • Press the “Add filter” link and select “Current status is equal lunch”.

Note: In the status filter, you must type in the status with all letters in lowercase (e.g. "lunch", "meeting") even if the status is configured in Talkdesk with a different capitalization.

Customize the information sent to Slack by dragging the relevant fields into the text boxes, typing in text, or making a selection from the dropdown list:

  • #channel: supervisors (select the desired Slack channel or username)
  • Title: Agent in Lunch
  • Message: {{}} is now on lunch

Talkdesk will then automatically send a notification to the #supervisors channel in Slack, when an agent changes status to Lunch.




4. Agent Coaching

Coaching call center agents is an essential managerial task that is crucial to cultivating an effective team. In order to be optimized, coaching requires dedicated managerial effort, consistency, and the right knowledge. Use Talkdesk for Slack to better perform this task.


Call from agent “X” started

Follow these steps to set up the automated task for Slack in Talkdesk “When an inbound call from agent John starts":

  • Select the trigger as: "In Talkdesk when an inbound call starts then send a message to a slack #channel".
  • Add the filter “Agent: Agent name is equal Amanda Lewis”.

Customize the information sent to Slack by dragging the relevant fields into the text boxes, typing in text, or making a selection from the dropdown list:

  • #channel: supervisors (select the desired Slack channel or username)
  • Title: Amanda Lewis is now on a call.
  • Message: {{}} is now on a call.

Talkdesk will then automatically send a notification to the #supervisors channel in Slack, when agent Amanda Lewis starts taking a call so you can then monitor it if necessary.


Call took more than “1200” seconds

Follow these steps to set up the automated task for Slack in Talkdesk “When an inbound call ends and duration was longer than 20 minutes":

  • Select the trigger as: "In Talkdesk when an inbound call ends then send a message to a slack #channel".
  • Add the link “Call duration Greater than 1200”.

Customize the information sent to Slack by dragging the relevant fields into the text boxes, typing in text, or making a selection from the dropdown list:

3. #channel: supervisors (select the desired Slack channel or username)

4. Title: Call duration is over 20 min.

5. Message: {{}} spent over 20 min. on call  {{call_id}}

Talkdesk will then automatically send a notification to the #supervisors channel in Slack, when an agent spend more than 20 minutes on a call.


Note: If you add more filters, these will always work in conjunction: AND and not OR conditions. This means that only when all your conditions are met, Slack will behave as requested: e.g. When a call enters the waiting queue in Talkdesk then send a message to a Slack channel, if call in queue is from ring group A and from ring group B.

You can edit, clone or delete an automation at any time by clicking the settings button next to it:




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