If you’re receiving inbound calls from strange numbers that don't look like real phone numbers, please check to see if it’s one of the numbers below. Sometimes, the originating carrier for a call will pass through one of the following words. Talkdesk converts those words to digits and uses those digits as the ‘From’ parameter.
- RESTRICTED => 737 874-2833
- BLOCKED => 256-2533
- UNKNOWN => 865-6696
- ANONYMOUS => 266696687
- UNAVAILABLE => 86282452253
- [EMPTY] =>
- 760-705-8888 is the generic Google Voice number all Google chat users are assigned as caller ID. It is the same number no matter what Google account a person is calling you from so, calls from this number might or might not, be legitimate.
These statuses are more common when the caller is calling from a VoIP service.