Understanding Conditions and Targets in Service Level Agreements

Administrators need to define conditions and time targets when creating service level agreement (SLA) policies.

Understanding Conditions

In the “Configure the conditions” section, Administrators need to set conditions as filters, so that the SLA policy can be applied to cases that meet ALL the conditions or ANY of the conditions. An SLA policy condition contains:

  • Condition: A case field or tags.
  • Operator: The comparison between the value, set in the SLA policy, with the actual value in cases.
  • Value: It can be the default and predefined values of a case field, or tag keywords.


See the following table for condition details.

Condition Operator Description
Type Is

Is not

The case type helps categorize cases. The allowed values are Question, Incident, Problem, and Task. Administrators can add other values to this field. After added, they can also be selected.
Source Is

Is not

The channel the request comes from, such as Voice. The allowed values depend on the channels that Talkdesk Cases supports in your account.
About Is

Is not

Indicates what the requester has asked about in the case. Administrators need to specify the field values beforehand so that an option can be selected.
Group Is

Is not

Is empty

Is not empty

The group that is assigned to the case. You can search for a group by name.
Requester Is

Is not

The person (for example, a contact or an Agent) who makes the request.
Assignee Is

Is not

Is empty

Is not empty

The Agent that is assigned to the case. You can search for an Agent by name.
Created Is

Before and on

After and on

Select a day in the drop-down calendar. Cases created on, on and before, or on and after that day will be returned depending on the operator defined.
Tags Contain

Don’t contain

You can select multiple existing tags. Contain means cases that contain any of the defined tags will be returned. Don’t contain means cases that contain none of the defined tags will be returned.

You can also add custom fields as conditions. Available custom fields are displayed below default conditions. The operators available for them may be different depending on their field formats. For more details, see the following table.

Field format Operator Description
Checkbox Is The allowed values are Checked and Unchecked.
Date Is

Is not

Before and on

After and on

Select a day in the drop-down calendar. Cases created on, on and before, or on and after that day will be returned depending on the operator defined.
Drop-down Is

Is not

Is empty

Is not empty

Cases are returned based on the value of the drop-down field.
Multi-select Contains

Does not contain

Is empty

Is not empty

Contains means cases that contain at least one of the selected values will be returned. Does not contain means cases that contain none of the selected values will be returned.
Numeric Is

Is not

Is empty

Is not empty





Cases are returned based on the value of the numeric field.
Decimal Is

Is not

Is empty

Is not empty





Cases are returned based on the value of the decimal field.
Text Is

Is not

Is empty

Is not empty

Cases are returned based on the value of the text field.
Multi-line text Is

Is not

Is empty

Is not empty

Cases are returned based on the value of the multi-text field.

Note: You cannot create a condition based on case status or priority, as they are already part of the SLA policy logic.

Understanding Targets

In the “Configure the targets” section, Administrators can set time targets for different priority levels. Targets are the expected time period set for request response and case resolution metrics.


Note: “First response time” and “Next response time” are more commonly used for email channels. Administrators can use these two metrics to set time targets for responding to customer messages. For cases created through voice channels, such as Conversations, it is recommended that you configure “Requester wait time” or “Agent work time”. Besides, “First response time” and “Next response time” are not available in the “Case SLA” dashboard in Reporting currently. More instructions will be provided for “First response time” and “Next response time” after Talkdesk Cases (Email) is generally available.

Case Resolution Time

The countdown of case resolution time starts, pauses, and stops based on the case status throughout the entire case lifecycle. Two metrics are available as shown in the image below.


  • Requester wait time: The total combined time when a case stays in the “New”, “Open”, and “On-hold” statuses. The SLA policy countdown pauses when a case is in the “Pending” status.
  • Agent work time: The total combined time when a case stays in the “New” and “Open” statuses. The SLA policy countdown pauses when a case is in the “On-hold” and “Pending” statuses.


  • It is recommended that you either configure “Requester wait time” or “Agent work time”, but not both.
  • The minimum time target you can set for each metric is one minute.
  • All SLA time targets are measured in calendar hours instead of business hours. For example, if a case has an SLA time resolution target of 24 hours starting from 3 PM on a Friday, the SLA policy will be breached at 3 PM on Saturday, not Monday.

SLA Target Status

SLA targets have different statuses to indicate the progress against their corresponding metrics.

  • Active: The time target set for a metric has not yet been reached, and the countdown is still in effect.
  • Paused: The time target set for a metric has not yet been reached, but the countdown has paused. For example, the countdown for the “Agent work time” metric pauses when the case is on-hold or pending.
  • Closed: The time target set for a metric has been reached.
  • Active (breached), Paused (breached), and Closed (breached): Any status can be marked “breached”. This may happen when multiple metrics are defined in a single SLA policy, with each metric having a time target to be completed. If the target of one metric is active with another one already breached, the status will be “Active (breached)”.

Note: To view the SLA target status of a case, check the badge attached to the case in case views or on the case processing page.

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