The “Advanced search” feature in the Talkdesk Interaction Analytics™ application provides the ability to uncover deeper cases, as this option allows for more complex queries to be performed.
In this article, you will find information on:
Accessing the Advanced Search feature
When accessing the “Search” page within the Interaction Analytics application, select the “Advanced search” toggle [1]
Tip: Check the query hint [2] displayed whenever the “Advanced search” toggle is enabled. This way you can double-check the Technical Name (e.g., interaction_started) of a given field, as an example of how to use it in a custom query. Note: To learn more about each filter, please check this article.
Editing Queries
Users will be able to edit queries by switching the “Advanced Search” toggle to the right [1], whenever required.
Query examples
Below, you can see several query examples that might be helpful while editing/typing a keyword or phrase in the “Query editing” search bar [1]:
Logical Operators
Filter by a conjunction (AND) operator example:
- All utterances that contain both the “hi” and the “hello” keywords:
("hello" AND "hi")
Filter by disjunction (OR) operator examples:
- All utterances where the sentiment has been labeled as “positive” or “negative”:
sentiment_label:("POSITIVE" OR "NEGATIVE")
- All utterances labeled with the intent “Order returns” or “Order information”:
intent_value:("Order returns" "Order Information")
Note: query intent_value:("Order returns" OR "Order Information") would produce the same result.
Filter by negation (NOT) operator example:
- All utterances labeled with the intent “Satisfaction” but don't contain “virtual agent” keyword
NOT message_text:(“virtual agent”) AND intent_value:("Satisfaction")
Filter by complex boolean operands' logics example:
- All utterances that either contain one of the “hi” or “hello” keywords and were matched with intent “Order Information” or were matched with the “Order returns” intent and have a positive sentiment label:
(message_text:("hi" OR "hello") AND intent_value:("Order Information")) OR (intent_value:("Order returns") AND sentiment_label:("POSITIVE"))
Comparison Operators
Filter by equal to operator example:
- All utterances where the sentiment has been labeled as “positive”:
- All utterances that contain the “hello” keyword:
Filter by greater than operator example:
- All utterances that were matched with an intent with a confidence score of at least 0.5:
intent_confidence:[0.5 TO *]
Filter by less than operator example:
- All utterances that were matched against an intent with a confidence score of up to 0.8:
intent_confidence:[* TO 0.8]
Filter by between range operator examples:
- All utterances that were matched against an intent with confidence between 0.5 and 0.8:
intent_confidence:[0.5 TO 0.8]
All utterances that were matched against an intent with a confidence between 0.5 and 0.8, not including the 0.8 value:
intent_confidence:[0.5 TO 0.8]
- All utterances that were matched against an intent with confidence between 0.5 and 0.8, not including the 0.5 value:
intent_confidence:{0.5 TO 0.8]
Proximity operators
Filter by one occurrence of any character example:
- All utterances with keywords that start with “tes” followed by one more character (e.g., return results like “test”):
Filter by any sequence of characters examples:
- All utterances with keywords that start with “tes” followed by any given number of characters (e.g., return results like “test”, “tests”, “testing”, among others):
Note: Since the search is case-sensitive, you must specify lower and/or upper cases in the query search, so that the output of the record meets the desired criteria. If you need to search for keywords or phrases of a specific agent, you must include the exact username in your search. E.g. There is an agent named “John Doe”. To retrieve the correct results, you would need to type:
message_text:* AND message_agent_name:(John Doe)
- Or, if you need more than one agent named John, you can use the search for any sequence of characters.
message_text:* AND message_agent_name:(John*)
Filter by fuzziness example:
- All utterances that contain both “hello” and “today” keywords separated by up to 5 other keywords:
("hello today"~5)
Dealing with different data types
Filter by dates examples:
- All utterances for interactions starting from 2021-11-08T00:00:00:
interaction_started:[2021-11-08T00:00:00 TO *]
- All utterances for interactions started before 2021-11-09T23:59:59:
interaction_started:[* TO 2021-11-09T23:59:59]
- All utterances for interactions started between 2021-11-08T00:00:00 and 2021-11-09T23:59:59:
interaction_started:[2021-11-08T00:00:00 TO 2021-11-09T23:59:59]
Filter by number examples:
AND intent_confidence:[0.5 TO 0.7]
AND intent_confidence:[0.88 TO 0.99]
Filter by special fields examples:
interaction_started:[2022-11-02T00:00:00 TO 2022-11-04T23:59:59]
Filter by channels queries examples:
- Voice calls
AND (source_system:STT AND message_channel:VOICE)
- Autopilot Digital
AND (source_system:VA AND message_channel:WEBCHAT)
- Autopilot Voice
AND (source_system:VA AND message_channel:VOICE)
Querying with multiple filters:
- Filtering outbound voice calls and showing only utterances spoken by the agent with the intent_id 298255eb-7f64-4ab2-b0c7-5353e5af713c in the last 3 months.
message_text:* AND interaction_started:[2022-08-09T23:00:00.000Z TO 2022-11-10T23:59:59.999Z] AND ((source_system:STT AND message_channel:VOICE)) AND message_direction:("OUT") AND message_participant:("AGENT") AND intent_id:("298255eb-7f64-4ab2-b0c7-5353e5af713c") AND (source_system:STT OR source_system:VA)
- Filtering Autopilot Voice calls and showing only Negative sentiment spoken in en-US language.
message_text:* AND stt_language_code:("en-us") AND ((source_system:VA AND message_channel:VOICE)) AND sentiment_label:("NEGATIVE") AND (source_system:STT OR source_system:VA)
Filters Mapping
To build a query, you must use the Technical Names listed below:
Filter Name |
Technical Name |
Data type |
“When” |
interaction_started |
Timestamp |
“Channels” |
source_system AND message_channel* |
Text |
“Direction” |
message_direction |
Text |
“Ring Groups” |
ring_groups |
Text |
“Speakers” |
message_participant |
Text |
“Agents” |
message_agent_name |
Text |
“Interaction ID” |
interaction_id |
Text |
“Language” |
stt_language_code |
Text |
“Intents” |
intent_value |
Text |
“Intent Threshold” |
intent_above_threshold |
number |
“Sentiment” |
sentiment_label |
Text |