Using Talkdesk Guardian

Talkdesk Guardian™ is automatically installed in your account. However, depending on the account's status, it may take some time for the app to start showing.

You can access the app by:


1. Selecting My Apps [1].

2. Clicking on Guardian [2].


Notes: All users with the default “Administrator” role will have access to Guardian.



Managing Talkdesk Guardian

Users in the Admin role have access to Guardian by default, and are able to assign users (who need access to Guardian) to custom roles, and assign them permissions to the app.

To grant Guardian-related permissions, please follow these steps:


1. Log in to your Talkdesk account and select Admin [1].

2. Click on Roles [2].

3. Select the settings icon [3] to grant permissions to a member of your team, and choose the Edit permissions option.



4. On the new window, scroll down until the “Guardian” tab [4], and open the drop-down menu [4].



5. Tick on the actions [5] you want to provide access to.



6. When you’re done, scroll up and select Save [6].








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