Talkdesk Conversations Mobile App Transfers: Android and iOS

Talkdesk Conversations Mobile App includes a warm transfer feature enabling users to transfer calls to other agents, ring groups, or external numbers, according to their needs. This feature is especially useful when an agent needs assistance on topics that other colleagues are specialized in, or that are related to other business areas.  

A warm transfer means that you can speak with the new agent before the call is transferred, allowing you to give background information and prepare the agent for the interaction, without the caller hearing. Then, all three parties can speak together, or the call can simply be transferred, and the initial agent leaves the call. 

The blind transfer has a different purpose and is particularly helpful in different use cases. A blind transfer is usually used when you transfer the caller to a ring group or another agent without speaking to the new agent first because either you don’t need to provide context or you can’t be waiting for the other party to pick up.

Using this option, the agent you select for transferring the call will hear their phone ring and can accept or reject the transfer. Regardless of whether the destination party accepts it or not, as soon as you click “Transfer” the call ends for you.

For transfers to agents, ring groups, or external numbers, there is always a button to cancel the transfer available. When the user clicks on this option, the agent returns to the conversation with the contact.


Transferring Calls

Agent Warm Transfers 

Ring Group Warm Transfers

External Number with Warm Transfers

Outbound Blind Transfers

Incoming Transfers

Incoming Warm Transfer

Incoming Blind Transfer

Conference Calling


Transferring Calls

To perform an outbound transfer, warm or blind, you should be already on a call, and then:


  1. Tap on Options “··· [1], followed by the type of transfer you wish to make:


  1. Select if the call should be transferred to a ring group [A], an agent [B], or an external number [C].


A. Agent Warm Transfers 

To transfer to an agent, please follow these steps:


  1. Select an agent from the list [1].
    Tip: Use the search function [2] to quickly find agents.
  2. Add the agent to the call by choosing Transfer [3].
  3. Tap Transfer [4] to pass the call directly to the second agent and put the contact on hold. Alternatively, tap Add to call [5] to add the second agent so all three are live on the call.

Note: An agent can try to perform a transfer to another agent independent of their status.


B. Ring Group Warm Transfers

To transfer to a ring group, do the following:


  1. Select a ring group from the list [1].
    Tip: Use the search function [2] to quickly find ring groups.
  2. Tap Transfer [3].
    When an agent of the ring group accepts the call, the call information is updated and the name of the agent is displayed in the header as opposed to the ring group.
  3. Tap Transfer [4] to pass the call directly to the second agent and put the contact on hold. Alternatively, tap Add to call [5] to add the second agent so all three are live on the call. 


C. External Number with Warm Transfers

To transfer to an external number, follow these steps:


  1. Tap on the dial pad icon at the top of the screen during a call. 
  2. Type or paste a number in the number field [1] and tap on Transfer [2] to add the external number to the call. 
  3. Tap Transfer [3] to pass the call directly to the second agent and put the contact on hold. Alternatively, tap Add to call [4] to add the second agent, so all three are live on the call. 


D. Outbound Blind Transfers

Outbound blind transfers have a simpler flow than warm transfers. The only difference is that right after clicking on Transfer button, the agent will see: 


  1. A message that confirms the transfer was made [1];
  2. In case of being unable to transfer, the agent will be informed [2].

Note: In this situation, the Agent and the Contact remain on the call until the transfer is performed successfully.


Incoming Transfers

Incoming Warm Transfer


Receiving a regular or a warm transfer call is a bit different when it comes to the information that is displayed on the screen and the actions you have available. In an incoming warm transfer, the receiver can be a direct agent or any agent in a particular ring group. 

The incoming transfer information is displayed on the header with the name of the agent who is making the transfer [1], the associated “Ring groups” [2], the “Contact details” card [3], and the options to accept [4] or reject [5].

When the agent accepts the transfer, they will have all the usual Mobile Conversations App in-call options in the footer.


Incoming Blind Transfer

In this case, the incoming call screen is the same as a regular call, the only difference is that, on the notifications for the incoming call, we added the information about the type of call (i.e.; “Blind transfer”).

Conference Calling

Call conferencing can be made in the context of a warm transfer, and it allows you to add a guest to a call. A guest can be another agent, a customer/prospect/lead, or a manager.

To initiate a Conference on Mobile, an agent and a contact should be already on a call and then:

  1. Tap Warm transfer.
  2. Choose the transfer destination as described above (“Ring group”, “Agents”, or “External number”). When the agent (direct, or part of a ring group) accepts the call, the option to Add to Call becomes available.
  3. Tap Add to Call [1] to add the guest.

Throughout the process, the name of the other agent and the contact on the line (name or number) are visible on the screen. 


When the guest is added to the call, it becomes a Conference call and the information displayed is updated.

During the Conference, the agent who is the owner of the call still has the option to transfer to the other agent, at any time.

If the owner ends the call, all other participants will be disconnected. This is because the creator of the conference call is the one who owns the connection between the different parties.

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