Agent Workspace Customization

Use a specific language for your workspace, choose whether to keep your workspace on the foreground (“Keep on top”) or receive a pop-up before accepting a call (“Bring to front”) by following these steps:

1. Click on the avatar icon [1] located on the Workspace toolbar.
2. Choose the "Workspace settings" option [2].


3. Select your preferred language from the language dropdown menu [3].
4. Enable/Disable the “Keep on top” toggle [4].
5. Enable/Disable the “Bring to front” toggle [5].
6. Click Save [6].

Once you have set your preferred language for the workspace, it will remain unchanged and will not be affected by any future changes made at the account level.

Currently, the following languages are available for Talkdesk Workspace users:

  • English (US) default.
  • French (CA).
  • French (FR).
  • German (DE).
  • Italian (IT).
  • Portuguese (PT).
  • Portuguese (BR).
  • Spanish (ES).

Note: The preferred language setting may not apply to all applications, as some products still do not support localization.


If you are looking for a language that is not available on the list, please get in touch with your administrator.

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