Creating or Connecting Cases from Voice conversations

Cases can be based on voice conversations, allowing Agents to follow up on client requests.

To learn how to manually create a case based on a call, follow these steps:

  1. During an active call, go to the Case tab [1].
  2. Click Add Case [2].

  1. Fill in all the relevant information and click Save [3].
  1. image1.png

Alternatively, you may want to connect the conversation to an existing Case. To do so:

  1. Select the case under “Case history” in the Case tab and click Connect [4]. A pop-up will confirm that the action was successful.


Note: If you select a Resolved case, that case will be reopened. 


  1. To disconnect the conversation from the case, click Disconnect [1]. A message will confirm the action was successful. 
  2. You can click the clock symbol [2] to view a history of the contact’s cases.
  3. You can also click the navigation symbol [3] next to the case ID to open the case in Talkdesk Cases.

For more information about Talkdesk Cases, you can read our documentation.

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