In Autopilot > Session monitor tab, supervisors can:
- Monitor the ongoing sessions in the Active section [1].
- See the session history in the History section [2].
To help supervisors monitor the live sessions, the Active tab provides the ability to perform the following actions:
- Hiding or displaying the escalated interactions [3].
- Searching by contact name or number [4].
- Filtering the interactions by date, channel, or virtual agent name [5].
- Seeing the incoming call’s phone number [6].
- Seeing the virtual agent that is handling the call [7].
- Seeing the sentiment analysis perceived throughout the conversation [8].
- Seeing the contact start time and date [9].
- Seeing the call’s duration [10].
- Seeing whether the call was escalated at some point [11]. By clicking on the icon, a side drawer will open, containing more information about the escalation.
The History tab presents a similar structure, but additionally enables supervisors to clearly identify gaps in the conversations [1] since the rows, containing conversations in which the speech was not fully understood by the virtual agent, are highlighted in red.