Support Dashboard: Billing Overview


In this section, you’re able to reason with the “Plan" the account is entitled. Amongst these plans are “Free Trial", “Express", "Essentials", "Elevate", "Elite", etc...

Payment Method

You’re also able to reason with the number of seats the account is provisioned with, as well as as the Payment Method the account is set to, namely the mutually exclusive options of: “Credit Card" or "Invoice"


Shows the account lifecycle status, namely: “Active", "Suspended", "Canceled" and "Terminated" , as well as if and when a transition in status is planned. An account status could also be “Frozen” i.e. the account was place in a status that prevents the transition to happen. 

Manage the Account Subscription

This section is only available to users with the permission to manage Express subscription. To know more about it, please visit our Partner Community: Talkdesk Express: Motion

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