Shows, info about Classic routing values, and configurable settings related to non-ACD calls.
Auto Away
This settings is configurable in Talkdesk Workspace
Classic Inbound Routing
All new Talkdesk Instances default into the “Classic Inbound Routing” set as DISABLED, i.e a Talkdesk Studio flow needs to be assigned to a phone number to route a call. This settings is configurable in Talkdesk Workspace
Update idle time on Manual Outbound calls
All new Talkdesk Instances default into the “Update idle time on Manual Outbound calls” set as DISABLED, i.e. this Talkdesk Instance will ignore manual outbound calls when calculating the idle time, in order to evenly distribute all interactions, without the need to consider this type of non-ACD calls. When ENABLED it will be aware of these calls and reset the idle time accordingly
Update idle time on Agent to Agent calls
All new Talkdesk Instances default into the “Update idle time on Agent to Agent calls” set as DISABLED, i.e. this Talkdesk Instance will ignore agent to agent calls when calculating the idle time, in order to evenly distribute all interactions, without the need to consider this type of non-ACD calls. When ENABLED it will be aware of these calls and reset the idle time accordingly
Update idle time on Dedicated Line calls
All new Talkdesk Instances default into the “Update idle time on Dedicated Line calls” set as DISABLED, i.e. this Talkdesk Instance will ignore dedicated line calls when calculating the idle time, in order to evenly distribute all interactions, without the need to consider this type of non-ACD calls. When ENABLED it will be aware of these calls and reset the idle time accordingly
Twilio WebRTC Region(s)
This setting allows specifying, by order of preference, the Twilio edge region(s) for the account, for failover purposes. As this is a permissions protected feature, you may not have access to tit. Check The Role-Based Access Permissions HERE: Support Dashboard: Partner Role-Based Permissions