Support Dashboard: Accounts

The landing page of the Support Dashboard is the Accounts tab, which list the first 50 results.

As this tab does not yet have the ability to filter, sort, nor even persist saved searches, the 50 results is a hard limit of entries on the tab, and should be able to list all your accounts inside your Organisations (For more information on Organisations, please go HERE), if the total number of those is under 50.

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If the number of accounts you own exceeds 50, you’re able to search the full list by imputing an Account Name or Account ID into the search field. The search is made across regions, meaning if the account(s) exists and belongs to an Organisation you own, the Support Dashboard will return result(s).

If the search is made using only a part of the name all matching account names will be listed regardless of the region. The list of matches will also display the account lifecycle status, namely: “Active", "Suspended", "Canceled" and "Terminated." 

If you see a "Not Available" status, it means the system couldn’t show the account status. This happens every time the account is in a different region. “Region” is shown in the combo box in the dark blue ribbon on top, right next to the Talkdesk logo, and represents a full segregation per each one of the available regions where Talkdesk holds a datacenter, namely US, EU, CA and FedRamp.

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