Copilot customers can leverage Knowledge Management’s content scope to filter specific content. This way the content will be contextually accessible to Copilot users or Autopilots depending on the Ring Group or Knowledge Segmentation configuration.
Ring Group filters can be configured at each Card or External source knowledge asset and will link to the live interaction ring group(s) or to all ring groups a user is assigned to (if outside interaction handling states). However, Knowledge Segments are a configuration in Studio Flows that require some additional setup effort, see below for a detailed step-by-step:
Users of Copilot can configure (for Studio voice or digital flows) a method to expose a Context variable using the exact naming:
This variable can be declared using several components, including Conditional Statements (see example below) but also Studio Functions and components that allow data to be written to a Studio context variable. Please refer to our Talkdesk Studio documentation for more details.
In order to expose a static set of values as context to be identified as VIP or Premium or Gold segments, create a conditional statement and add the new variable (knowledge_segments) as a “match” in the dropdown menu. One possible example of this action would be if you wish to have interactions flowing by a Studio flow or by the branch of a flow.
Step 1
Define context attribute in a conditional statement component part of the flow or flow branch.
Step 2
Define conditional statement to be true in any execution scenarios, and declare the exit name(s) with the values you want you as knowledge segment(s).
Note: Please keep in mind that each value of a segment needs to be delimited by a comma (",").
Step 3
Verify if the flow has no errors and is fit to be validated. Publish the latest changes.
Step 4 (Optional)
Perform a test voice call or digital interaction to verify if the newly-created context variables are present in the Context Card.
With all steps performed, all logic defined in Knowledge Management related to Knowledge Segments should be implemented and in effect. For instance, a manual search or any type of automatic recommendation will only present cards or external sources that match the input given in the knowledge_segments variable.
Note: Filtering knowledge based on the described purpose-built segments only works during live interaction handling scenarios. If you are using Copilot outside live interaction handling, this filter will be suppressed.