Buying Phone Numbers through Support

The form will have to be filled in with all the required information. 

Bear in mind that, depending on the country chosen, you will be required to provide specific information for which different fields on the form will unfold.

You may find specific forms for the following countries:


  • Number Type: Select whether the phone number you wish to buy is toll-free, local, or national.
  • Business Name: The company’s name, which can be attested through an excerpt of the commercial register where the authorized representative's name is shown.   
  • Business Address: The address of the company. Proof of local address within France should be provided through the excerpt from the commercial register, a utility bill, a tax notice, a rent receipt, or a title deed.
  • Business Registration Number: The company’s registration number which can be validated by providing an excerpt of the commercial register. 
  • Name of Authorized Representative: The name of the authorized representative, that can be attested through a personal national identity card, passport, or residence permit.
  • Business European Economic Area Address: An address, within the European Economic Area, which will have to be attested through the excerpt from the commercial register, a utility bill, a tax notice, a rent receipt, or a title deed.
  • Add/Drop File: Use this field to attach any documents required in the fields above.


  • Number Type: Select whether the phone number you wish to buy is toll-free, local, or national.
  • Business Name: The company’s name, which can be attested through an excerpt of the commercial register where proof of identity must also be shown.
  • Business Address: The address of the company. Proof of local address should be provided through the excerpt from the commercial register or trade license, in case you wish to purchase a local or national number. If you wish to buy a mobile phone number, an excerpt from the commercial register showing a German address should be provided.
  • VAT Number: The company’s tax identification number, which should be entered in the following format: DE123456789.
  • Business Registration Number: The company’s registration number, which can be validated by providing an excerpt of the commercial register. 
  • Numbers Allocated: The number(s) previously delivered (only applies to toll-free numbers).
  • Add/Drop File: Use this field to attach any documents required in the fields above. 



  • Number Type: Select whether the phone number you wish to buy is toll-free, local, or national.
  • Business Name: The company’s name.
  • Business Address: The address of the company. Proof of local address attested through a utility bill, tax notice, rent receipt, or title deed. Should be provided through the excerpt from the commercial register or the trade license in case of local numbers.
  • VAT Number: The company’s tax identification number, or, if unavailable, the business registration number.
  • Name of Authorized Representative: The name of the authorized representative, which can be attested through a personal national identity card, passport, or residence permit.
  • Date of Birth/Place of Birth/Nationality/Fiscal Code of the Authorised Representative: The authorized representative’s data should be provided and attested with a personal national identity card, or passport.
  • Add/Drop File: Use this field to attach any documents required in the fields above.



  • Business Name: The company’s name, attested through the excerpt from the commercial register and showing proof of identity.
  • Business Address: The address of the company. Proof of local address attested through a utility bill, tax notice, rent receipt, or title deed.
  • Add/Drop File: Use this field to attach any documents required in the fields above.



  • Number Type: Select whether the phone number you wish to buy is toll-free, local, or national.
  • Business Name: The company’s name. For local and national numbers, the business name will have to be attested through an excerpt from the commercial register showing proof of identity.
  • Business Address: The address of the company. Proof of local address within the locality or region covered by the phone number’s prefix attested through a utility bill, tax notice, rent receipt, or title deed, and provided with the commercial register or trade license excerpt in case of local numbers. In the case of national numbers, the address can be global.
  • Netherlands VAT Number: The company’s tax identification number. 
  • Business Purpose for Number: Enter a general description of what the number will be used for. This could include marketing, sales, outbound appointment reminders, etc.
  • Add/Drop File: Use this field to attach any documents required in the fields above.


  • Business Name: The company’s name, attested through an excerpt from the commercial register showing proof of identity as well as an Executed Letter of Authorization.
  • Business Address: The address of the company. Proof of local address within the locality or region covered by the phone number’s prefix attested through a utility bill, tax notice, rent receipt, or title deed, and provided with the commercial register or trade license excerpt in case of local numbers. In the case of national numbers, the address can be global.
  • Business Tax Number: The company’s tax identification number. 
  • Add/Drop File: Use this field to attach any documents required in the fields above.


  • Business Name: The company’s name, attested through proof of identity.
  • Código de Identificación Fiscal: The company’s tax identification number accompanied by proof of Spanish Fiscal Identification Number.
  • Business Address: The address of the company. Proof of local address within the locality or region covered by the phone number’s prefix attested through a utility bill, tax notice, rent receipt, or title deed. The address must be in Spain in case you're buying a national, mobile, or toll-free number.
  • Add/Drop File: Use this field to attach any documents required in the fields above.


  • Number Type: Select whether the phone number you wish to buy is toll-free, local, or national.
  • Business Name: The company’s name, attested through proof of identity.
  • Other/Companies House: If the option "Other" is chosen, an excerpt from the commercial register must be provided.
  • Website Address: The company's website.
  • Business Address: The address of the company. Proof of local address within the locality or region covered by the phone number’s prefix attested through a utility bill, tax notice, rent receipt, or title deed. The address must be in Spain in case you're buying a national, mobile, or toll-free number.
  • Emergency Address: The company's alternative address, in case it exists.
  • Authorized Representative’s Name: The name of the authorized representative, that can be attested through a personal national identity card, passport, or residence permit.
  • Authorized Representative’s Phone Number/Work Email: The phone number and work email of the authorized representative. 
  • Business Classification: The company's activity sector.
  • Add/Drop File: Use this field to attach any documents required in the fields above.


Other Countries

For any individual country not listed, please select Other and fill out all fields wherever possible.  This will ensure we have accurate information for your order.  Please note that additional documentation may be required. Our Support team will be in contact if further information is needed.

  • Number Type: Select whether the phone number you wish to buy is toll-free, local, or national.
  • Business Name: The company’s name which will have to be attested through an excerpt from the commercial register showing proof of identity.
  • Business Registration Number: The company’s registration number which can be validated by providing an excerpt of the commercial register showing proof of identity.
  • Website Address: The website of the company. 
  • Business Address: The address of the company.
  • Emergency Address: The company's alternative address, in case it exists.
  • Authorized Representative’s Name: The name of the authorized representative, that can be attested through a personal national identity card, passport, or residence permit.
  • Authorized Representative’s Phone Number/Work Email: The phone number and work email of the authorized representative. 
  • Business Classification: The company's activity sector.
  • Add/Drop File: Use this field to attach any documents required in the fields above.


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