The Billing Insights API is available HERE: Billing Insights API and is designed to deliver in-depth insights into billing and invoicing data associated with any Talkdesk Instance.
It encompasses five key endpoints – "accounts," "products," "subscriptions," "invoices," and "usage/month", offering a comprehensive overview.
As a Talkdesk Partner you can have access to these endpoints via oAuth Clients that Talkdesk needs to provide you with. Hence you NEED TO ask Talkdesk for the required oAuth Clients. There is no Self-service way to provision the entitlement to these endpoints.
As a Talkdesk partner, to get access to the Billing Insights API endpoints, please check here: Billing Insights API: Entitlement
You’ll receive an email with the technical details similar to the one below:
Please see below the information you need to have access to the Talkdesk Billing Insights API. As this is fairly technical documentation, the plan would be for you to forward this email to the technical folks at your organisation that would know how to best leverage these instructions, and come back to us with questions/doubts if any.
1. Documentation:
The API documentation is available HERE, including its 5 endpoints:
2. Authentication:
The endpoint uses OAuth2 for authentication. Talkdesk Instances are aggregated into a ‘parent’ “Talkdesk Organisation”. As a Talkdesk Partner you should leverage one OAuth2 Client per each “Talkdesk Organisation” you own.
Use the link(s) below to download the OAuth client(s), matched to each “Talkdesk Organisation”. The links expire in 1 week and will stop working after you download it for the first time. Thus, please make sure that once you click on the link, download the file and store the OAuth2 Client file in a safe and known location. In this file you will find the OAuth2 ID and OAuth2 Secret required to call API endpoints.
To fetch the Token please use the following EPs, according to main account and region (please see “Talkdesk Organsations” details bellow.
Talkdesk Organisations
- <reseller-Talkdesk-Organisation-#1> = <keeper one-time link>
- Org Main Account: <reseller-org-main-account>
- <reseller-Talkdesk-Organisation-#1> = <keeper one-time link>
- Org Main Account: <reseller-org-main-account>
- <reseller-Talkdesk-Organisation-#1> = <keeper one-time link>
- Org Main Account: <reseller-org-main-account>
- …..
The Billing Insights API Knowledge Base is available here.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your assigned Channel Manager or submit a support ticket by clicking on this LINK.
Thank you."