Invoices Tab: Invoice Details & Downloads

Accessing the “Invoices” Tab

As an administrator, you can view and download your Talkdesk account invoices by selecting Invoices [1] in the “Admin” application.

The Invoices” tab lists all the invoices that have been generated for your company. They are available for viewing and downloading in PDF format at the beginning of each billing cycle.


Managing the “Invoices” Tab

 The “Invoices” tab details the following information on your invoices:

  • “Overdue” invoices [1]: Total amount for invoices that have not been paid by their due date.
  • “Pending” invoices [2]: Total amount for invoices that are pending payment.
  • “Billing details” [3]: The information which will appear on your invoice, including the:
    •  “Bill to” contact [4], company address [5], and VAT number [6]. Clicking Edit [7] opens the “Billing details” page.

On the “Billing details” page, you can make changes to the “Bill to” contact, invoice recipients, and VAT number. Then, click Save [8] to confirm the changes.

  • “Filters” [9]: If you select the Filters option, invoices can be sorted by invoice date and due date.
  • “History” [10]: Lists the invoices which have been issued for your account. 
  • “Invoice number” [11]: Unique number identifying that invoice.
  • “Invoice date” [12]: Date on which the invoice was issued.
  • “Total amount” [13]: Total amount of the invoice.
  • “Due amount” [14]: Amount to be paid on the invoice.
  • “Due date” [15]: Date by which the invoice should be paid.
  • “Status” [16]: Status of the invoice. 
  • “Download” button [17]: Click to download a PDF of your invoice. Learn more about invoice details here. Note: If you find any discrepancies in your invoices, please reach out to us through the Talkdesk Support Portal.


Invoice Settings

By default, all Admin users with permission to access the Billing section are set to include the “Edit” and “View” role permission and have the ability to access and download invoices as well as to edit invoices settings.

To configure which of your users can access your “Invoices tab, please follow these steps:


1. Log into your Talkdesk account as an Administrator.

2. Select the Admin app.

3. Click on the Roles and Permissions tab [1].

4. Choose the role you want to change [2] and click on “Permissions” once on the role’s page, followed by “Edit” [3]. Please note that even though you are able to select the Administrator role from the list, you will not be able to make any further modifications, because the Administrator’s default permissions cannot be edited.

5. Expand the “Admin” section [4] and scroll down to “Billing” [5]. To finalize your changes, select “Save”.

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